Tuesday, October 9, 2018

They are opening the Gates to the Cold War Hell

Matthew RJ Brodsky the Jewish fanatic, discovered Bassam Barabandi the Syrian traitor and together, they discovered the gates that open up to the part of the Cold War which used to inflict hellish pestilence on the small and defenseless nations.

The two authors tell their readers about their discovery in an article they wrote under the title: “The New U.S. Strategy in Syria” and the subtitle: “It combines diplomacy, messaging, and a forward-leaning military posture.” It was published on October 7, 2018 in National Review Online.

So, you want to know what was the part of the Cold War that used to inflict hellish pestilence on the smaller nations. Simply put, it was the unchecked rivalry between the two superpowers, as they competed to gain influence among the smaller nations. The intent of each was to draw the smaller nations into its own orbit and away from the other. In fact, the Africans had a saying that expressed the situation in vivid terms. It went like this: When the elephants fight, they trample on the grass below.

Here is how Brodsky and Barabandi started their discussion: “As the Syrian conflict winds down, the great power struggle is intensifying.” Because the two writers are members of the syndicate whose job is to influence the policy makers of America, they made what amounts to the following argument: The Trump team's ability to solve the Syrian conflict will determine the outcome of the struggle between the great powers. So here it is, the situation leaves no room for doubt. The competition is on and you either fight or you flee.

These being the orders, issued from Head Office in occupied Jerusalem, the two authors communicated them to America's politico-journalistic establishment. Furthermore, being adept at using psychology to brainwash the already feeble minds of America's establishment, the Jews used it here with masterful skills. The trick they employed resembles that of a mother that's trying to persuade her child to eat broccoli. She doesn't tell little Johnny that the vegetable is healthy; she tells him she knows how much he likes broccoli, and this is why she cooked it especially for him.

Look how Brodsky and Barabandi formulated that same kind of message to America's elites: “The president's team is fine-tuning an approach to freeze the conflict in Syria … combining public messaging with diplomacy and a forward-leaning military posture. That's bad news for Russia and Iran.” And then, in the manner of the mother congratulating the child for eating the broccoli, the two authors congratulated the elites they just babied. And this is how they did it: “The early dividends can be seen in the province of Idlib”.

But that's only the start of the effort to get America doing what the folks in Israel want them to do. The reality is that the orders coming from Head Office in occupied Jerusalem are a lot more complicated than meets the eye. In fact, what the Netanyahu team wants from the Trump team is spelled out in some detail by Brodsky and Barabandi in their article … which is a piece that can be condensed to read as follows:

“By leveraging America's relationship with the Kurds, Washington chalked up a win. The U.S. turned to a public messaging campaign that relied on John Bolton and Nikki Haley. They favored a strong stance that considered any military campaign on behalf of Assad to be a reckless escalation. The American efforts were backed by a forward-leaning military posture and a willingness to kinetically engage one's adversaries if needed. These actions included fortifying U.S. positions in Syria and conducting live-fire exercises involving the addition of the Marine aircraft carrier USS Essex with its deck full of F-35B stealth fighter jets”.

You can see in that passage that the Jews are desperate to have America raise the profile of the Kurds, thus give them a status that will someday allow them to duplicate the Israeli experience. The two writers have themselves done all they could to raise the profiles of John Bolton and Nikki Haley; the Trump operatives they regard as being delightful hawks of the deadliest kind.

Brodsky and Barabandi have also shown how much they appreciate the continued build-up of American forces in the region. You can see how much they are fantasizing about every piece of equipment that's brought into the neighborhood … moves they believe are done to implement the plan of their masters in occupied Jerusalem.

What can be said at this point is that the fantasy has reached fevered pitch among the two authors. And it happened without them realizing they failed to take into consideration what the other side will do in response to American provocations.

The Cold War saw the start of dozens of small wars, ignited by the competition between the big powers. We must expect the same thing to happen if the Jewish plan succeeds at causing a clash between the United States and the coalition that liberated Syria.

The sad part is that Syria and Iraq, which suffered a great deal already, will continue to suffer as a result of what the Jews are advocating. This is why human voices must rise everywhere on the planet, telling the Jews they must stop inciting mentally retarded America.