Monday, February 25, 2019

In playing self-Deceit the deceiver gets played

In their continued effort to reassure the rank-and-file that normally supports Israel, members of the mob of Jewish pundits who contribute to the propaganda machine, find themselves compelled to use the proverbial chewing gum and masking tape to stick together fake stories that do not rise to a level good enough for juveniles.

Conscious of that reality, Benny Avni began to sense that the readers have grown tired of reading column after column he wrote that did nothing but slander the Palestinians who are not here to defend themselves. Worse, Avni slandered the people for refusing to profess their undying love for the Jews who killed their folks and robbed them of their possessions. Failing to get deluged with fan mail for this kind of performance, Avni decided to take a different tack as he started his latest column, but then lapsed into the same old pattern.

He first attacked the leader of Venezuela. He went on to mention that the South American had a few supporters backing him — one of these being the group of Palestinians at the UN headquarters. Avni then mounted an old-style attack on the Palestinians. It reminds you of the saying that used to be popular in the old days: The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Benny Avni did all this in a column that came under the title: “Meet the new axis of oppression,” published on February 20, 2019 in the New York Post. According to him, the axis comprises the leaders of Venezuela, Palestine, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Syria and Cuba. He attacked them with what you might call small arms fire, but reserved his big guns for the Palestinians. After all, this is the group that's most victimized by the Jews, who are themselves pressured by several world players to give back some of what they looted.

But while in Jewish eyes, the Palestinians are only an incidental threat to them, and a minor one at that; they see the Iranians as a more immediate threat to them and to Israel, and a major one at that. This is why you see Benny Avny intertwine his attacks on the Palestinians with a repeated reference to the role that Iran is playing in the Middle East.

To emphasize that point, Benny Avni mentioned the notorious Dennis Ross who had an article of his own, written on the same subject, and published one day earlier, February 19, 2019. The article came under the title: “What Washington—and Iran Should—Take Away from the Warsaw Conference,” and was published on the website of the Washington Institute.

Dennis Ross who was exposed as an Israeli asset that managed for several decades to have America finance his exploitation of America to enrich Israel, receiving a high salary doing it, is back serving Israel as faithfully as ever. He was brought back by Jewish organizations that keep inviting him to make public appearances in an effort to rehabilitate his image, having suffered a bruising descent into disgrace.

Masters at sponging the unguarded by stealth, the Jewish organizations have been inviting high-profile personalities to participate in panels on a given subject. Before you know it, the name of Dennis Ross would be added to the panel to help polish his image by this kind of artificially produced association.

In fact, this is how Dennis Ross was invited to moderate a panel on the Middle East at the same time that the Warsaw Conference was taking place. But to the chagrin of thinking Jews, Netanyahu of Israel attended the Conference and behaved like the scumbag that he is. He torpedoed both the Conference and the Dennis Ross sideshow in the blink of an eye.

But the one thing that will not be erased from what Ross was trying to achieve and failed, is that he left behind yet another proof that the Jews will never give up on the idea that they and those who side with them, are always correct. And that everybody else is wrong even if they do exactly the same thing as the Jews and their friends. In fact, Ross has alluded to that tendency in his article.

To understand the significance of what happened, it must be said that the world is so complicated, and people have become so sophisticated, only a fool would commit an obvious mistake nowadays, get caught and made to pay dearly for it. Most other people, especially the politicians, wait for things to happen, and when they do, exploit them to advance their own causes. Thus, the new Jewish rule as to who can exploit others and be regarded as smart, and who cannot exploit others, lest he be regarded as villain. You'll find examples of these two instances in the Dennis Ross article.

First, speaking of Iran, you'll find Ross saying this: “Iran's efforts to destabilize the region and exploit conflicts.” What he means is that Iran is bad because it has no right to exploit, but does it anyway.

Second, speaking of what America's friends could do with regard to the differences that exist between Russia and Iran, you'll find Ross saying this: “Those differences can be exploited to limit Iran's presence”.

What Ross means, is that America's allies are good to exploit those differences, thus frustrate the Russia/Iran coalition that's trying to stabilize the region on its terms.

The right to exploit that’s given to one but not the other, is the Jewish double-standard that America is made to embrace not knowing what it is getting into. But the world is watching, and making no allowance for America’s ignorance.

In the end, however, it was the self-deceiving hallucination of Benjamin Netanyahu that became the last word. And the entire Warsaw exercise went up in smoke like the stuff he must have been inhaling when no one was watching.