Sunday, February 10, 2019

Time to put the Foot down and say enough of that

Like the fish that is spawned in one spot on the globe and spends a lifetime roaming the seas and oceans of the Earth only to come back to its birthplace and spawn the next generation of the species, the Jews feel the urge to return to their designated point of departure when it is time to reiterate their fidelity to obnoxiousness.

Nearly 4,000 years into the odyssey aimed at subjugating the human race and ruling over it, renewal for present-day Jews has come to mean keeping a tight grip on the levers of power in the United States of America. They sense they are losing that grip, and are getting feverish about refueling the mechanism by which they maintain a tight grip on the power centers of America.

Like salmon which lets no barrier, no waterfall and no hungry bear stand in the way of the journey to its birthplace, the Jew becomes so fevered by the urge to impose his views on America, he lets no absurdity, no trivial talk and no sense of shame stand in the way of spewing what he thinks will work on government officials that have a hand on the levers of power. He wiggles his tail like a salmon on steroid to convince the officials that their first concern can only be how best to serve Israel, always Israel and no one but Israel.

The one development the Jews fear more than getting caught in the jaws of a hungry bear, is detecting a change in the American support for the idea that the Jews must be singled out for a treatment that's more luxurious than anyone else can ever receive. More than that, they feel that such treatment must carry with it the unmistakable message that it is exclusive to the Jews because they are special.

All of that is meant to accomplish two things. First, it affirms the Jewish belief that they were chosen by God to stand above everyone else. Second, it is the Jewish way to get back at a humanity that sought to humiliate them by forcing them to wear a yellow Star of David. Now, the Jews want the leaders of America to humiliate their own people as a way to atone for what the Nazis did to the Jews almost a century ago in a faraway place.

Bret Stephens has joined the latest Jewish battle for renewal, doing his part in a way he never did before. He wrote a two-thousand-word article in which he stated the Jewish position. In so doing, he made the fatal mistake of resting the full weight of his argument on a single absurdity that could not carry the weight of a fly. The poor thing, he spent much effort doing something, and it was gulped not by a bear, but the salmon he is promoting.

To get a better understanding of what Stephens did, we need to look at this analogy: A thief who is also a killer and a rapist, robs a bank. He is surrounded by law enforcement and questioned before he could get away. He admits he robbed the bank and committed the other offenses, but says he has a valid defense. It is that he tried to return the money to the bank twice, but the manager refused to take it both times because he felt more comfortable not having the money than taking it back. Well, everybody that hears this story feels this guy is a devious rascal and should be locked up for the rest of his life … not once, not twice but several times over.

The Bret Stephens article came under the title: “The Progressive Assault on Israel,” and published on February 9, 2019 in the New York Times. Here is the passage that drove a stake into the heart of the Stephens argument:

“The occupation of Palestine is an injustice that cannot be ignored, especially given America's financial support for Israel. Continued settlement expansion proves that Israel has no interest in making peace. The endless occupation makes Israel's rule less about Jewish self-determination than about ethnic subjugation. There's more to the indictment, but that's the nub of it. It would be damning if it were true, or even half-true. It's not. The Jewish truth is that Israeli prime ministers offered a Palestinian state in 2000 and 2008, they were refused both times”.

This is the argument that renders the two-thousand-word Bret Stephens article dead on arrival. The fact remains that the indictment against Israel is true, at least once for every day that the occupation of Palestine is maintained … and it has been maintained for close to 20,000 days. Anyone that tries to sugarcoat this transgression is a devious rascal that should never be consulted.

Members of the Jewish mob of pundits can spew all the justifications they want, to rationalize the Jewish theft, murder and rape of Palestine. But the mob must not be allowed to continue using the likes of Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton and Lindsey Graham to worsen the situation more than it is already. They are piles of rotting meat made to look like human beings, and they should be sent into a black hole outside the Galaxy.