Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Iran has the Houthis, America has the Israelis

If you go by the information that was advanced on February 24, 2019, you must conclude that the world has two major problems. One problem is America whose terror arm is Israel; the other problem is Iran whose terror arm are the Houthis.

The editors of the New York Daily News wrote and published a piece about the America/Israel problem in an editorial that came under the title: “Bibi goes low,” and the subtitle: “Netanyahu effectively allies Likud with the worst element in Israeli politics.” As to the Iran/Houthi problem, it was Peter Vincent Pry that took charge of telling the story. And so, he wrote an article under the title: “The next 9/11,” and had it published in The Washington Times.

The editors of the New York Daily News start their piece with this paragraph: “We, who consider ourselves proudly Zionists … [explanatory sentence deleted temporarily] ... who have admired Netanyahu's grit, are sickened by his decision to bring into the fold his nation's most hateful right-wing extremists”.

Let me ask you something, my friend. Was there something in that passage that jumped out of the monitor and hit you in the face like the punch of a boxing champion? Look again and you'll see this: “most hateful extremists.” Yes, there is that word “hate.” It is about Jews hating Jews. But you ask: why would a Jewish faction hate another Jewish faction? And you get the answer that one faction is left leaning whereas the other faction is right leaning.

And that causes you to scream: Is that it? You mean to say that Jews are allowed to hate each other when they are of different leanings? How can it be okay for Jews to hate over such a small consideration when they whine bitterly and ask the legislatures of America to pass laws that destroy the lives of gentiles for hating the Jewish acts of mass murder in Gaza and Lebanon? How can hate be good and bad to the same people at the same time?

I know how you feel, my friend. But let me tell you this: Don't blame the Jews for this situation. They are only exploiting the spineless chihuahuas who are elected to make laws in America. These are the ones who go to the Jews and ask to be trained at making the laws that turn America into a private washroom. When done, the chihuahuas wait patiently for their masters to reward them with a piece of red meat. If you must blame someone, blame those who spend their time on all fours, begging for money and votes.

We now turn to the explanatory sentence that was temporarily deleted from the above quotation. It reads like this: “We, who believe Palestinians' stubborn refusal to accept the Jewish state is the central problem in their conflict with Israel.” You ask: What's wrong with that? What's wrong is that the Palestinians are in no position to accept or reject the existence of a Jewish state. When you accept this premise, you conclude that accusing them of a sentiment they cannot have, could only be done by the satanic mentality of Jews.

As to those who accept the accusation and act on it; they can only be chihuahuas such as those who populate the Federal and State legislatures of America. And when you realize that it is the Jews who deny the establishment of a Palestinian state — not the other way around — you understand to what level of spiritual depravity the Jews have debased America. And that's something you can blame the Jews for.

And there is plenty more because the Jews are no longer hiding their abuse of America's system of values. They admit to what they do, as you'll discover in the rest of the editorial. So, let's look at what's there before we try to decipher what it means. Here is a condensed version of the editorial:

“The Likud Party that Netanyahu heads must line up partners to form a coalition government. Running separately, two right-wing parties may have fallen short of the threshold needed to enter the Knesset, scuttling Netanyahu's chances to form the government. So he brokered a unity pact between the two, sealing the deal by offering the joint entity seats in a future cabinet. The move empowers Jews who stand for the violent ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians from pre-1967 Israel as well as Gaza and the West Bank. These Jews carry the flag of a Party whose supporter, Baruch Goldstein, shot and killed 29 Muslim worshipers at a West Bank mosque. One of its current leaders attends tributes at Goldstein's grave. Another, calls him his teacher and rabbi”.

What does that say? It says a great deal about the reality of life under Jewish occupation. It is one of savagery; a kind never seen before under any occupation. Moreover, you can almost see stamped all over it the Jewish intent to keep intensifying the savagery — a notch at a time — till the ethnic cleansing of Palestine is complete.

In fact, this is what the world has been saying was happening in occupied Palestine. It is also what Jews such as the editors of the Daily News were denying was happening. But irony of ironies, it is what the editors of the publication are now admitting is happening.

But those editors are not calling on America — that enabled the horror in the first place — to do what's necessary to end the Netanyahu genocide, and bury it once and for all.

As to the Peter Vincent Pry article, the gist of it is that America has enemies who wish to hurt it. In fact, it was the people who denied that Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestine that also took pain to explain to the chihuahuas of America's lawmaking establishment, why some Middle Eastern groups “hate” America. They said that these groups hated freedom whereas America loves freedom. The two are opposites, and hate each other in the way that the Left leaning Jews and Right leaning Jews are opposites, and hate each other.

Making up that group, says Peter Pry, are the Iranians, their Houthi terrorist arm, and a number of non-state actors. He gives all sorts of reasons as to why they want to hurt America without once mentioning Israel, effectively denying something crucial. It is that Israel is at the root of the mutual hatred which now exists between America and all the people Israel has been hurting using American help.

Someday America will acknowledge that it had its nose rubbed in the mud because of its blind support for Israel. When it comes, that acknowledgment will be as refreshing as the editorial of the Daily News that just admitted to the reality that all along, the Jewish plan had been to ethnic cleanse Palestine of its Palestinian population. And that’s a premeditated crime against humanity.