Saturday, August 3, 2019

All about the Benjamins from the Horse's Mouth

Right after the Jewish leaders had secured a degree of control, they felt comfortable with, over America's media, they pursued a stubborn policy to tighten their grip on the strategic institutions of the superpower.

They had already determined that the three most important sort of institutions they needed for their purpose, were those affiliated with the political, financial and military services. The Jewish leaders wanted to work on these institutions without being detected doing something suspicious.

What those Jews were doing, was implement an elaborate scheme designed to use American money to bribe American politicians so as to have them establish an umbilical cord that would serve as conduit to supply Israel with the finances and all the weapons it wants. The trick was to get those things to Israel without the latter being asked to fulfill any kind of reciprocal obligation.

This being an elaborate operation, the Jews could not hide the reality that they treated American money as if it was their own, and that they used it to bribe America's politicians, as well as other honchos connected to the institutions that were designated as important for the success of their scheme. Because the portrait of Benjamin Franklin adorns the hundred-dollar bill, the word “Benjamins” came to represent the bribes with which the Jews bought America's politicians.

In addition, because running an operation of this size and sophistication required a deep sense of dedication, the Jews who were in charge of implementing it, could not hide the reality that at best, they were as loyal to Israel as they were to America; at worst they were loyal to Israel but not to America. Thus, the matter of so-called Jewish money –– actually American money disguised as Jewish –– as well as the matter of Jewish loyalties, came to represent the relationship that most Jews had established with America.

The gentiles who saw what was unfolding in that relationship, began to understand the goals of the Jewish game. They did not like what they were seeing and drew attention to it. What they learned which they didn't know before, was that the Jews were playing a very serious game –– and playing it for keeps. It involved the total, absolute and permanent annihilation of those who would dare to expose the long-term goals of the Jewish scheme. Many of the people that were caught in the Jewish crossfires vanished by character assassination whereas a handful of others made a hundred and eight degrees turn-around.

These gentiles took on an appearance that makes them look more fanatic for the Jewish causes than any Jew could ever be. They are characters of the kind that join organizations known for their adherence to moral prostitution. They are organizations that modeled themselves after the infamous Christians United For Israel (CUFI). Some belong to instantly created churches they say are affiliated with the Evangelical movement. Others operate under more obscure names, and follow darker religious tenets.

And then, the inevitable happened. The various factions inside the Jewish movement had a falling out with each other. Believe it or not, the contentious subject most responsible for causing the rift was the Jewish use of the Benjamins to bribe America's politicians. And here is the astonishing twist. It turned out that the Jews on Left side of the political spectrum started to accuse Jews on the Right side of the political spectrum of raiding their members and soliciting them for their money. The Leftists complain that the Right-wing raiders use the Benjamins of the Left to bribe America's politicians and have them serve the political agenda on the Right side of the spectrum. Imagine the extent of the disarray.

You can see an example of that in the article that came under the title: “Rep. Slotkin accuses GOP of opposing anti-Semitism only for 'our donors,'” and the subtitle: “They are looking for our donors, and they are trying to sway us.” The article was written by Jackson Richman and published on July 31, 2019 in the Jewish News Syndicate.

Here, in condensed form, is how Jackson Richman has reported the saying of House Representative Elissa Slotkin:

“There has been a lot of discussion for the past eight months about anti-Semitism. We have a full-on attempt by the [Right-wing] Republican Party to grab a different community and bring them into the fold. And I will just be very honest, they are not looking for our votes because we are a small community; they are looking for our donors [and our Benjamins] and they are trying to sway us”.

So, here it is from the horse's mouth. It is now formally established that the Jewish leaders of the Rightist Republican Party, place a higher value on the Jewish Benjamins than they do on the Jewish votes. That's because they can buy America's politicians with money and have them work for Israel, more readily than they can buy them with promises of Jewish votes.

But because the Jews need to avoid the appearance of using cold cash to pay for American laws that favor Israel, they continue to argue that their interaction with America's politicians is done, not with money, but through the democratic process of the ballot box. But nobody is fooled.

The truth is that people everywhere, including America, are increasingly becoming aware that democracy in America used to look like an upscale massage parlor. The Jews took it over and turned it into a debauched whorehouse that continues to pretend it is an upscale massage parlor.