Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Harbinger of the Haggling that is to come

Recall the centuries-long history of the wandering Jews who went from empire to empire trying to seize control of the one that would succumb to their machinations and become their fiefdom. Now that you've done this, consider the situation of the Jews in this day and age.

Whereas they succeeded in taking near absolute control of America's ruling class as well as its institutions and levers of power, the Jews have failed to convince the general public they represent the paragon of governance that the country will ever achieve. And so, their request to be loved and adopted as the eternal rulers of the superpower, has been dismissed as a sick joke by the public. Refusing to accept this answer, the Jews pushed back, causing the tolerance of the American people to turn into resentment. And so, the American street as well as its college campuses turned hostile.

Now that the Jews have learned they have no choice but to repeat their history and turn to someone else, they discovered there was no one new, they could turn to, having exhausted the list of potential empires that can be conquered. Fearing for the future of the artificial concoction they patched together and called Israel, the Jews decided to sell their soul to Russia, a country that was once in dire straits and they took advantage of its weakness. They beat up on it while making unreasonable demands that the Russians never met, and the Jews never retracted. But now that the Russians are rising again, the Jews want them to forget the pool of bad blood they created between them. They want Russia to be friendly to an Israel that made such a mess of its situation in the Middle East, it found itself facing an uncertain future.

Sensing that the Russians may not turn out to be the protectors of Israel they would like them to be, the Jews decided to think of the Chinese as partners of Israel and potential protectors. But the Jews are aware of the one thing to keep in mind when dealing with China: They must not play silly games with the country that does not tolerate such games for more than a minute. That is, the Jews will have to behave in accordance with the laws regulating international relations. And they must respect to the letter, the protocols that were created to facilitate all transactions between nations and other entities.

And so, the question is this: What will happen when the umbilical cord connecting America and Israel will be severed? The answer is that the Jews will forget what America has done for them before the UN created Israel, and what America has done to keep Israel afloat during the decades that came after. So now, guess how the Jews will behave. If you're having difficulty guessing, there is an article that will give you an inkling as to how the Jews will behave. The article came under the title: “No, the United Nations Didn't Create Israel,” written by Ken Cohen and published on August 15, 2019 in the Jewish publication Algemeiner.

The paragraph that follows this one, is a condensed version of the argument that Ken Cohen put together to deny that the United Nations created Israel. It is a display of the ingratitude that the Jews habitually throw at those who do them good. Reading that passage, be mindful that Israel is only legally entitled to the UN-determined 1948 border. However, the UN has shown willingness to legalize Israel's claims up to the 1967 border if the latter would accept implementing Resolution 242. But the fact is that Israel has been violating that Resolution for half a century. And with people like Ken Cohen producing insane arguments for Israel to defy the UN, Israel risks losing the right to the 1948 border, and certainly what else the UN is prepared to give it. Here is the essence of Cohen's insane argument:

“Hanan Ashrawi stated a falsehood about the creation of Israel, one that's advanced by Israel's supporters and enemies ... holding that Israel was created by the UN in 1948. The partition is of merely symbolic value in explaining Israel's creation. The UN's Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) recommended the partition of Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state. UNSCOP's proposed borders for the two states were utterly impractical, and bear little relation to the frontiers Israel achieved after its War [on the Arabs.] The UN's partition lent endorsement to the Zionist cause as did European guilt over the Holocaust. In fact, the partition plan was never implemented. So, beware of the canard that Israel should respect the UN to whom it owes its existence”.

Ken Cohen has it all over his article that the work of the United Nations regarding the partition of Palestine, and the European guilt over the Holocaust, were instrumental in the creation of Israel. But he insists that Israel should have no respect for the United Nations because the Jews grabbed more than the land allocated to them in 1948. They achieved success, says Cohen, by launching a war against the Arabs.

And that's what the Jews will do if and when they find a protector to replace the United States. They will urge people around the globe not to respect America because they alone, kept Israel afloat during the decades.