Monday, August 26, 2019

Jewish Logic: Choose A over B, and B over A

When it comes to choosing between politicizing American support for Israel, the rank-and-file Jews are told to simultaneously choose YES rather than NO, and choose NO rather than YES.

If you've read yesterday's article, posted just below this one under the title: “They muddy the Issues but claim to clarify them,” you'd have seen how David Marcus was urging even the “enemy” that is the Democratic Party, to get back at being pro-Israel by doing nothing that's not politicizing their support for Israel during the ongoing election campaign.

In contrast, what you have today is a new article written by Dennis Ross and Stuart Eizenstat in which they make the point that, “Israel should resist Trump's efforts to politicize support,” which is the title of an article they published on August 22, 2019 in The Hill. In other words, they are advocating this: do anything you want but do not politicize your support for Israel during the ongoing election campaign.

So the question is this: what is it that these people want from others? Is it politicizing their support for Israel, or refraining from politicizing their support for Israel? The truth is that, like everything else, the Jews want to receive it from both sides. They want to see a gusher of political support for Israel from one extreme end of the political spectrum to the other extreme end. But they want such support to be expressed as love for Israel that is so pure, it is not tainted by any other message, however minuscule the tainting may be. This is what the Jews call, having a balanced view of the issues pertaining to the Middle East.

Unaware of the fatal flaw that's inherent to this logic, the Jewish propaganda machine, which is orchestrated by AIPAC, designed and executed a scheme for dealing with Jewish and Israeli matters that paralyzes the system of checks and balances conceived by the Fathers of the American Confederation. The scheme worked for a while but then started to crack in two places: internally and externally.

Internally, the two-party system that used to operate on the principle of standing in opposition to each other, morphed into being mortal enemies of each other. This happened when a faction of the Jewish Left embraced the neoconservative movement and defected to the opposition. Like any divorce, there proved to be no hatred in hell like former lovers feeling betrayed by the other significant half. In time, the loathing between the two Jewish factions spilled over to the rest of society and became blind hatred between the two main political parties in America and their respective followers.

This added to America's woes by causing a paralysis to its external standing and business dealings. Everyone around the globe; most especially the superpower's allies, were stung by this new trend. It was a development that happened because something fundamental was altered. You see, my friend, the normal course of action in any project, is to start with a vision of what you want to accomplish and design a plan to get there. America used to be a good team player, participating in the planning and the execution of these actions.

But then, it happened that instead of moving in the correct direction in concert with the allies, America started to move in a different direction while proclaiming it was doing what's good for America. But the truth was not lost on anyone. Everyone could see that America was trying to pull the allies into working for Israel and not for the American people or those of the allies. It is that America had been taken over by the Jews.

And this is when the Jewish plan of having it both ways was unmasked and allowed to go down. It left behind a wounded America both on the domestic and foreign stages. Instead of rethinking their approach, and working to save America, Ross and Eizenstat wrote an article –– addressed specifically to members of the Congress –– in an effort to save, not America, but save the scheme that ruined America. Imagine!

Look how Ross and Eizenstat started their article: “The two of us have long been committed to the US-Israeli relationship. Israel stands as a bulwark against radical Islamist threats, whether coming from Iran or ISIS. From this standpoint, it is both our values and our interests that have underpinned the US-Israeli relationship over the years”.

In the same way that they and other Jewish leaders, have been able to maintain a tight grip on the rank-and-file by scaring them about an evil world that's intent on harming them for no reason except that they are who they are, Ross and Eizenstat are trying to scare members of the Congress about an evil world that's intent on harming Americans for no reason except that they love freedom, and the bad guys hate freedom.

And in the same way that their recommendation to the Jewish rank-and-file has been that to survive, they must come under the protection of the Jewish leaders, their recommendation to the American political class has been that to survive, America must come under the protection of Israel. Imagine the gall of the Jews and the degree to which the Americans have been lightened.

There was a time when members of the Congress would buy that sort garbage and act on it. It took a little time for the American public to see what was happening but when it did, reacted by demanding change.

Members of the Congress got the message, but they are slow at digesting it and changing their ways. However, they did make a start at moving in the correct direction, and that's a welcome change.

This is causing the Jewish leaders to panic, and do what they can to keep the gravy train deliver for Israel and for themselves. But no matter what they do, they still remain on the losing side of history. What a pity!