Wednesday, August 28, 2019

When the Judeo-Christian attacks the Christian

Nature's preferred order is for all things to be and to remain in balance. When something goes out of balance for whatever reason, nature conspires to bring it back into balance no matter how long it takes it.

For example, if you pour a bucket of hot water into one that contains cooler water, some of the heat will dissipate into the cooler water so as to distribute the heat evenly throughout the mix. This is one of the ways that nature restores balance. There are millions more.

Of all the species that inhabit Planet Earth, only the human species has developed the mental capacity to appreciate the necessity to inject balance into its culture. Thus, whereas nature works to impose balance on all the species and between them –– such as maintaining the right balance between the number of predators and the number of preys in all kinds of environments –– the human species has developed a culture into which it has woven the equitable delivery of balance to all its members. The mechanism by which this is accomplished, is called “justice”.

We, human beings, recognize that we are endowed with a free-will that is supposed to supervise and manage our instinct, making sure that it does not get out of hand. This gift is the trait that separates us from the other species, collectively called animals. But things can happen at times that would give someone the power to hijack our free-will. And that someone will make other human beings work on destabilizing the existing order by throwing it out of balance and nullifying the sense of justice. There are many reasons why someone would do this; one being greed … aptly described as the manifestation of the “animal spirit”.

Needless to say, that in our ascent to the level that made us human, we learned to dampen our animal instinct by articulating codes of conduct that support our free-will as it struggles to reject the animal instinct, and chooses the “civilized” way of responding to external events.

Of all the people that inhabit the Earth today and those that came before us, only a handful of individuals –– sometimes called strong men –– were able to develop the ability to diminish the sense of balance in the people that surrounded them. They used that ability to turn their followers into hollow vessels, ready to be filled with the suggestions that the strong men put into them.

The tool the strong men used to achieve their goal, was a central idea with which they started a movement. They made sure that the message of the movement appealed to those who were crushed by the existing order and resented it. Thus, the central idea of the movement was a promise that tomorrow will be better than today, whether tomorrow will come in the afterlife as promised by religion, or come very soon as promised by the revolution whose goal is to reverse the existing order.

Towering figures of the Moses stature, in control of a nation, as were Caesar of Rome and Stalin of Russia, did accomplish a great deal of what they had in mind, proceeding as they did by converting as many followers to their cause as they could. However, their reign was finite in that it had a beginning, and had an end that usually coincided with their death. But the one movement that seems to have no end, is that which started with the original Moses, whether this man was real or was an invention of the Jewish folklore. In any case, the movement, called Judaism, refused to die during the thousands of years it has lingered on the Planet, detested by all of humanity throughout space and time.

We have the opportunity to probe into the secrets of this movement's longevity by studying the article that came under the title: “Lutherans Ask US to Subsidize Terror-Supporting Palestinian Authority,” written by Dexter Van Zile and published on August 26, 2019 in Algemeiner.

That article is but one episode in the millions of such episodes that were produced verbally and in written form over the centuries. Its method rests on the use of endless haggling to advance a flawed logic for the purpose of distorting the facts and clouding the morality of the issues. Thus, the Van Zile article and the millions like it, are meant to advance the conclusion that the Jews are owed everything by everyone, yet owe nothing to anyone.

Right now, the system is set up such that America is paying billions of dollars every year to feed the Israelis, and arm them to kill Palestinians and steal their properties. To minimize the appearance of depravity that is projected by this set-up, America has been paying the Palestinians a fraction of a fraction what the Jews are receiving. To convince the Americans that the system is still tilted in favor of the Palestinians –– the Jews, who kill Palestinians by the tens of thousands –– take American civilians into a war zone so that they get killed in the crossfire. When this happens, as it does occasionally, the Jews blame the deaths on the Palestinians, and quickly ask the Americans to stop sending the little that they do to the Palestinians.

The subtle argument that the Jews are using to justify their stance, is a version of the old argument about money being fungible. That is, the billions of dollars that go to the Jews, and the pittance that goes to the Palestinians, can be used for a specific purpose, or used for one purpose so as to free money that is then used for an entirely different purpose.

For this reason, say the Jews, America must not listen to the Lutheran Church that advocates sending money to the hospitals of Palestine. It's because, in their view, such move will make it possible for the Palestinian Authority to continue feeding the people who are kept under occupation by the murderous power of American weaponry.

And when the Palestinians are fed, say the distraught Jews, they continue to resist the occupation, thus produce the crossfires that kill the American civilians whom the Jews send to the war zone to die and produce the right kind of propaganda for Israel.

Thus, alleviating the plight of the Palestinians, contradicts the sense of Jewish justice, lament the whining Jews as they justify their attack on the Christians of the Lutheran Church.

And so, I ask you: How much more haggling of this kind can you take, my friend? If you say you’re totally fed-up, the way to end your agony is to end America’s ties with Israel. Just cut the thing loose and let it find another sucker on whom to sponge.