Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Rumbling from the deep warning of imminent Doom

America should know by now that nothing the Jews do or ask for, can be an isolated undertaking.

Even when one of them says or does something on a whim, a pundit of the mob will come up with a way to tie that whim to the ongoing debate. And he'll make the utterance sound like it was an expression of someone's stream of consciousness that just decided to burst out at the time that it did.

For this reason, it is important for the rest of us to read every article that's written by a Jew or a lackey thereof, as being indicative of the mosaic that the Jews are putting together with the aim of achieving whatever goal they happen to work on at the time. Their goal at this moment, being to take control of the American system of education from kindergarten to college, an article that was written by Chrissy Clark should sound the alarm among those who will read it.

The article came under the title: “Rashida Tlaib Poses For Pictures With Anti-Israel Group That Endorses Terrorism,” and was published on September 7, 2019 in The Federalist. Let it be known that Rashida Tlaib is an American of Palestinian descent that was elected to represent a district of some three quarter of a million Americans in their federal House of Representatives. And let it be known that the group which Chrissy Clark accuses of endorsing terrorism, is none other than the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM).

But the thing is that when you go over the Clark article looking for an explanation as to why she accuses PYM of endorsing terrorism, you find no more than a single regurgitation that's so disgusting, it would sicken even the stray dogs and alley cats of the neighborhood. See for yourself. This is how the Clark regurgitation went: “PYM, a group that has voiced support for terrorism, reported the Washington Free Beacon earlier today.” That's it, my friend. This is all that's needed in Jewish circles to convince the primitive mob of pundits and editors of rag-like yellow journalism, that something is true and fit to print.

But checking your sources and ascertaining the veracity of what you're saying, especially when it comes to accusing someone of terrorism, is such a fundamental requirement of journalism in civilized societies, you wonder how it happened that American journalism sank to that level of mediocrity. In fact, the situation is so bad now, a new term must be added to the English language: criminal mediocrity.

What happened to American journalism is so drastic a development, the baffling question is this: how did it happen to America? Well, it was the Jews who brought the tendency to America at a time when the country was so naive, it did not realize what the Jews were doing to it. And you don't have to be a historian to ponder that question. The dirty tricks of the trade are all there, in Chrissy Clark's article, and you can go over them yourself. It is that Clark seems to believe the American public continues to be as naive as it was half a century ago. And so, she dumped her verbal manure into the lap of that public the same way that the rabbis used to do things half a century ago.

You'll find that Clark has revived the dirty tricks which served the rabbis well in times past. She did so by duplicating their method of insidiously permeating the marketplace of ideas with concepts that have the effect of sneaking into the vault where the advanced concepts of Civilization are preserved, and setting the place on fire. Here are a couple of examples:

When two groups are fighting –– be they two armies, two militias or one army and one militia –– the worst that can happen is the killing of a soldier that has surrendered. By contrast, the highest form of civilized conduct is to advocate taking enemy soldiers as prisoners rather than killing them. But instead of citing this article of Civilization to praise members of the PYM, Chrissy Clark chided the Palestinian youngsters for advocating what she called “kidnapping” Israeli soldiers rather than killing them. This woman is so backward, she qualifies being categorized as criminally mediocre.

Look what else she wrote: “A pole of Palestinians found that half believe the goal of intifada is to end the existence of Israel, publicly recognized as the homeland of the Jews.” The truth is that no such pole exists. But you'll find poles that say the racist regime calling itself Zionist is unsustainable. It will be a good thing if the intifada defeated it and replaced it with a more civilized form of government.

And look what else she did. She said that Israel was publicly recognized as the homeland of the Jews. If you're puzzled as to how a homeland can be recognized publicly, don't be hard on yourself believing that you're missing something. You're not. It is the Jews who are missing something. These people don't just bite the hand that feeds them, they chomp the head that saves them. But guess what. In so doing, they chomp their own heads as well.

Here is what's behind that satanic form of Jewish communication. The United Nations (UN) is the only world body that has the power to legally give the Jews a homeland, and it did. But the moment that the Jews got there, they armed themselves and went after the disarmed indigenous Palestinians, and robbed them of their lands.

Now the Jews occupy more than ten times what the UN had given them, and no one at the UN likes it. So the Jews developed the habit of attacking the UN, denying that it gave them a homeland. Imagine the people that blow their entrails out of their bellies crying “holocaust denier,” when someone questions a story about the Holocaust, turning around and denying that the UN gave them a homeland in Palestine. Whose head will they chomp next?

The Jews believe they are the smartest thing in the Universe for being the “only” ones capable of pulling a stunt like that. But you know what, my friend? They have proven themselves to be the dumbest thing in the Universe. And here is why:

The Jewish homeland that's confined within the 1948 border is owned by the Jews legally. Thus, no matter what happens, they can always count on the world to stand with them if someone tried to push them out of it. But now that the Jews are denying that the UN gave them that piece of property, they are forfeiting their legal right to it. This being the case, the next time that Israel gets into a serious fight with a neighbor, and America does not come to the rescue, the enemy will have the right to end not only the Zionist regime, but the entire Jewish experiment in Arab Palestine.

Now that America knows how and why its journalism became debased to the extent that it did, it should be able to work out a way to get it back in shape. Not only that, but neglecting to oppose the rabbis “educating” the American public about Jewish sensitivities having led to mediocrity, America will never want to hand the Jews control of its educational system where they plan to “educate” America’s children all about the Holocaust so as to produce backward primitives of the Chrissy Clark variety.