Sunday, September 1, 2019

You're selective if you reject my Selection

In the neighborhood you might call Southeast Africa, there are two places worth talking about on this day. There is Somalia and there is the Serengeti Desert. We'll come to Somalia in a moment.

As to the Serengeti, an amazing spectacle to behold is that of elephants walking leisurely around and foraging for what edible substance they can find. Walking or hopping behind them are birds waiting for the elephants to defecate so that they may pick what's edible in the poop.

As to the story of Somalia, it has gifted the Western World with two amazing women. One woman got into European politics, took the world by storm, and then moved to America. The other woman came to America as a young girl, got into politics and took the world by storm. The two women showed a keen interest in women's issues but remain poles apart in the way they view this and many other subject matters.

Because they are still young and far from completing the legacy they are destined to build and leave behind, we'll have to wait a while before we can assess what contribution they are making to the betterment of the world. What we can do now, however, is concentrate on the sniping that's coming from certain quarters in America, directed at Ilhan Omar, the Somali girl that grew up to become a formidable force in American politics.

The best way to understand what's happening to Omar, is to develop the image of her as an elephant that's pursued by birds waiting for her to leave behind something they can feed on. One such pursuer is Ida Lichter who is so demanding, she thought she could command Omar what to leave behind that will suit the Jewish beak. To that end, Lichter wrote: “Ilhan Omar's selective attention to women's rights around the world,” published on August 30, 2019 in the New York Daily News.

Ida Lichter has already made her selection. More about that later. But dissatisfied with the one that Ilhan Omar has made, Lichter is telling her to make another selection or be viewed as selective. Of course, Lichter is the Jewish woman that disregarded the plight of women in Judaism from the time when Jewish men had instituted the penalty of stoning women to death, to the banning of women from praying at the Wailing Wall. Instead of writing about these women, Lichter wrote, “Muslim Women Reformers,” and now spends time harassing the likes of Ilhan Omar for not embracing her selection of women or topics.

It’s not too difficult to understand what Ida Lichter is trying to do. It is that we're at the cycle where the Republic of Iran finds itself at the top of the Jewish list for being slandered and subjected to blind hatred. This is happening because every Jew of the Ida Lichter kind, has been directed to follow instructions coming out the Jewish hate machine, asking them to do their part at smearing the Muslim Republic.

Instead of getting to the keyboard of her computer and dishing out an article about the Israeli law which criminalizes non-Jewish foreign female workers and other visitors getting pregnant while in Israel, Ida Lichter wrote her latest article to send a specific message to Ilhan Omar. Here’s how the message reads:

“To her credit, Omar has introduced the Brunei Human Rights Act, which would prevent travel or business in the US for Brunei government officials who implement the country's strict Sharia penal code. But she has failed to similarly sanction leaders of Iran's theocracy”.

As expected, the dumb-dumb Jewish-Australian psycho-musician has failed to cite any natural or artificial law which says that before sanctioning Brunei, you must first sanction Iran. In addition to this shortcoming, the dumb-dumb has disregarded the activities of all the Epsteins and Weinsteins that get into position of power in America and “spare no hole without getting into it.” They do it by consent that’s given under duress or deal with it by forcible entry when consent is denied. Instead of directing her attention to these matters, Ida Lichter wrote the following:

“Somali women are often casualties of female circumcision … Many are also victims of rape by men in their neighborhood, government forces and paramilitaries. The new Somali Sexual Offenses Bill that criminalizes sexual violence against women and children is groundbreaking legislation that Omar could endorse”.

Ida Lichter says there are dozens of women reformers in the Muslim world doing a good job, and she is delighted to write about them. Good for her. But if the cause of women is moving ahead in the Muslim world, should Lichter not turn her attention to the darkness that oversexed Jewish men have brought to America and took to other places in the World? Or is this logic too complicated for the dame to grasp?

It is time for the Australian dumb-dumb to wake up and smell the Somali coffee.