Thursday, January 9, 2020

Neither the Price of Watermelon nor of Cheese

Clifford D. May is at it again showing his readers how excited he gets when those who stand on his side of the political spectrum score small winnings and pocket petty gains. As well, you see him lionize those who go after small potato, and never see him praise those who go after bigger fish to catch and fry.

This is why Clifford May is making a big thing about Iran's Ruhollah Khomenei noting that “The revolution is not about the price of watermelons,” while constantly neglecting to mention that the Jews of Israel are running out of dairy products because something serious is happening in that hapless place. It is that the people are running out of food and getting skinny like in a concentration camp. To hide their misery, they eat as much dairy products as they can –– especially cheeses –– to fatten up. This causes a run on the cheese, and before you know it, the commodity is in short supply.

So, while the Ayatollah of Iran was honest enough to admit that the revolution designed to build a modern country, was not about the price of watermelon, Clifford May cannot bring himself to admit that the Zionist dream to establish a Jewish empire was not about the price of cheese. And the reason why these two gentlemen behaved the way they did, is easy to understand. It is that building a republic capable of defending itself in a world that's made of superpowers armed with arsenals of nuclear weapons, as well as smaller powers that aspire to acquire nuclear weapons –– requires a first-rate system of defense. To finance such a project, the populations are asked to go without watermelons or cheeses once in a while.

So, while the ayatollahs of Iran are busy shoring up the country's defenses, people like Clifford May are misinterpreting their moves, having assumed at the beginning that every mullah is an evil person engaged in the business of attacking the West. In fact, the Jews begin life being indoctrinated with this kind of propaganda, thus grow up to infest America with it by their very presence. And that's what causes America to behave, not as a big-league superpower, but a junior.

In fact, whereas America used to accept that when you're locked in a war with an opponent, he has as much right to attack you and defend himself as you have to attack him and defend yourself. It is why you consider him to be a soldier as much as you consider yourself to be a soldier. But all this has changed in America when the Jews injected into that culture the idea that when you kill your opponent, you're a hero. When your opponent tries to kill you, he is a terrorist.

That is why Clifford May is calling Qassem Soleimani a terrorist when the real terrorists are the Jews of America and those of Israel, as well as the people who train them, arm them and bankroll them. In fact, that confusion is what prompted Clifford May to make the following erroneous point: “The charismatic Gen. Soleimani was responsible for the killing and maiming of hundreds of Americans in Iraq following the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003”.

But the truth is that the fall of Saddam Hussein was brought about by the incessant Jewish advocacy that Saddam Hussein deserved to be “taken out” because he was producing and hiding weapons of mass destruction, an accusation that turned out to be false. And the consequence of that falsehood is that the Americans were sent to destroy and occupy Iraq; a country that shares a long border with Iran.

And so, in the same way that the Americans did not like the Soviets being in Cuba (90 miles away from Florida,) the Iranians did not like to see the Americans –– that had engineered a regime change in their country once before –– so close to them again. They considered themselves at war with America, and behaved as anyone would when protecting their sovereignty. Thus, it can be seen that the terrorist is not Soleimani but every Jew that instigated America to start the Iraq War. And bear in mind this was the war that triggered the chain of events which spilled into Syria, and caused Europe a massive refugee problem.

Clifford May scored another irony when, speaking of Qassem Soleimani, he wrote the following: “His presence there [Baghdad] was illegal under a UN Security Council Resolution. He didn't take that seriously.”

So here you have a guy that made a career justifying every breach of international law committed by America to protect Israel, and justifying every crime against humanity committed by Israel –– now complaining that Soleimani traveled to a city he was not supposed to. And we must presume this breaking of the law is the reason why Clifford May believes Soleimani deserved to be bombed into kingdom come.

If that's the case, does Clifford May believe that Soleimani's fate should be that of everyone who disobeys a ruling by the UN Security Council? If so, what does he recommend should be done with Israel?