Friday, February 12, 2021

America must stop boosting the ego of losers

 There are several variations for the saying, “Give till it hurts.” In practice, however, people give when they have a surplus of something, and they see that others have a deficit of that thing.


Those who can, usually give but then stop when they run low of what they give away. Only saints and fools feel obligated to continue giving what they need to sustain the self.


When it comes to needs, there are usually two baskets. One contains material needs, the other spiritual needs. Material needs consist mainly of food, clothing and shelter, in addition to other less vital items. They are provided to the needy by individuals, philanthropic organizations and a host of government programs, each tailor-made to fill a specific need.


As to spiritual needs, they can be rooted in the heart or the head. On one hand, the people who lost someone or something that will not be replaced, cannot help but grieve. They need emotional support, and they usually receive it from relatives, friends or a leader of the community such as a religious authority.


On the other hand, the people who dream up unrealistic expectations and find themselves on the losing side of most arguments or most human exchanges, usually develop a kind of psychosis that worsens with the passage of time. These people are the chronic losers. What they need, is something different from the norm.


In fact, an individual in that state is a confirmed loser who needs professional attention. But even when these people are so diagnosed, they resist seeking help till they fall deep into a depressive state. That's when they are forced to consult a competent therapist. But something else can also happen, and there does not seem to be a viable cure for it … or if there is one, it has been difficult to administer.


That's the case where a cult-like ideology develops and attracts followers around a single charismatic figure or a hierarchy that operates as a single-minded authority endowed with infallible wisdom and the power to deliver on great promises, sane people know will never happen. Such ideology can be of a political nature, like Nazism, Fascism, Communism or White supremacy. Or it can be of a religious nature, like Evangelism, Judaism, Branch Davidianism or political Islamism.


When the ideology is political, it forms a movement and finds itself almost instantly at odds with the existing regimes who see it as a dangerous rival, and fight it to the bitter end. When the ideology is religious, it is usually tolerated by the existing political regime even if rejected by other religions. But the moment it becomes involved in politics, it begins to gather political enemies.


This has been the case with Judaism throughout the ages. First, the Jews battled the Romans as a political movement and lost. Kicked out of Palestine, they settled in Europe and lived as a religious movement for two centuries without being bothered by anyone. The rabbis among them then foolishly decided to play the political card, and this prompted the local populations as well as the governing regimes to fight them. The Jews moved from place to place and repeated the cycle for eighteen centuries, ending in the Holocaust of the twentieth century. And the rest is history.


The current situation is such that having dreamed up unrealistic expectations and finding themselves on the losing side of most arguments and human exchanges, the Jews developed a collective kind of psychosis that kept worsening with the passage of time. They have been the chronic losers who depend on America to such an extent that the political class in that country, which kept giving them with blind generosity, lost sight of the fact that much the public felt neglected and began to seethe with anger.


The Jews demanding for more, and the American politicians giving them automatically without thinking or consulting with the public, became a routine occurrence, such that to think it could be brought to an end, was to entertain sacrilegious thoughts. But the public that was seeing the politicians sellout America's heritage to boost the ego of the local Jews and that of Israel's leaders, their pet project overseas, was not amused. Time after time, the American public demonstrated the extent of its anger, but time after time, the politicians demonstrated how tone deaf they have become.


What’s vexing the public as much as anything, is cutting off America’s connection with the rest of humanity to isolate it and turn its politicians into male and female political concubines whose sole purpose in life will be to satisfy the never-ending desires of the Jewish masters.


You can see what the Jews are doing to maintain America's politicians in this permanent state of insanity when you read two recent articles that were published as editorials. You’ll see in them the Jewish editors scream their heads off at the thought that America may stop fighting the never-ending Jewish wars and rejoin the human community by re-entering the international organizations and becoming a member in good standing once again.


One editorial came under the title: “Team Biden's foolishly rush to rejoin the UN tyrants' club,” written for the New York Post by its editor, Kelly Jane Torrance, and published on February 10, 2021.


The other editorial came under the title: “Biden shouldn't kowtow to the UN Human Rights Council and International Criminal Court,” written by the editors of the Washington Examiner and published on the same day, February 10, 2021.