Friday, February 19, 2021

Playing the game of cannibalistic revanchism

 Do you remember the old story about the prostitute who lives in a gated, upscale suburban neighborhood while earning a good living working as a prostitute in the red-light district of the big city?


She does not want the neighbors to know she is a prostitute, and to make sure they never will, she regularly points the finger at a stranger that happens to walk by, and accuses her of not being a virgin. With this trick, the prostitute cements in the minds of her neighbors, the idea that she is herself a virgin. And because they believe she is a virgin the neighbors never guess she may be a prostitute.


That would be the kind of social game that a physical prostitute would want to play. But let it be known that something similar happens among the moral prostitutes of the world. There happens to be plenty of them within the mob of Jewish American pundits who fill the editorial rooms of the nation's media outlets. You'll find a few of the quintessential kind at the New York Post, who once again have proven how solidly they occupy the highest designation of the oldest trade.


Their latest display of the prowess with which they were endowed when it comes to misrepresenting the reality of a situation –– has come in the form of a piece that was written under the title: “New hate-mongering scandals at the UN agency that Biden means to send millions.” It was penned by none other than the editors themselves, and published on February 17, 2021 in the miserable rag they call New York Post.


Well, my friend, let that simmer in your head for a moment, and recall the fact that when the Germans occupied France, an ordeal that lasted only two years, the French men who were caught collaborating with the Germans, faced the firing squad, whereas the women had their heads shaved. Also, bear in mind that when there was a vocal peace movement in Israel, the male members of the group were called Fascists and Nazis, whereas the female members were called, Arafat's prostitutes.


Why is this important to recall at this time, you ask? It's important because the editors of the New York Post begin their discussion with a paragraph that goes like this: “President Biden means to reinstate funding to UNRWA, an agency that teaches Palestinian children to hate the enemy Israel and that Jihad [Arabic for striving to improve the self] is the road to glory”.


First of all, we note that in a war situation, nobody loves their enemy. The French did not like the Germans during the Second World War, and the Israelis do not like the Palestinians to this day. It must therefore be that when the editors of the Post accuse the Palestinians of hating the Jews, they are acting like the red-light prostitute who lives in an upscale neighborhood and wants to be thought of as a virgin.


Still, you want to be fair to the editors of the Post, and so you decide to read the rest of their piece so as to assess how virulent the teaching they refer to has been, and perhaps see justification in their apparent outrage. But guess what, my friend. You won't believe what you'll see with your eyes for, here is what the editorial crackpots consider to be Palestinian teaching of hate:


“A math problem asks the number of martyrs from the first intifada. An exercise includes the sentences, 'the occupier commits torture' and 'we are an occupied people.' A lesson has kids write a text saying, our Arab relatives have sadly recognized our enemies and began interacting with them. Also, one day our enemies will be banished, God willing, as failing losers. A history lesson asks students to name a Palestinian village destroyed by the Israeli occupation. Israel is referred to as the enemy, the Israeli occupation or the Zionist occupation. No maps in the materials even show the Jewish state”.


And this is what the Jewish pundits of America have been blowing their entrails out of their bellies, hollering into the ears of the Beltway zombies, the phony cry that the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA are teaching the children of Palestine how to grow up and become terrorists.


And this is the mentality that has prompted the savage mob to conclude their editorial with these words of infamy: “Donald Trump was right to cut off funding to UNRWA, which devotes most of its budget to education. Biden ought to rethink his plan to reverse that: These hatemongers don't deserve a dime”.


Now think about something that is extremely serious, but before you do that, I recommend that you fill the bathtub with warm water in case your spine chills to near the absolute zero temperature, and turns frail like the wings of a butterfly.


Here comes the chilling part: Some States in the American Union were persuaded by the mob to hand the children of the state to the horrible creatures for the purpose of teaching them subjects that relate to the Holocaust.


Do you know what this is about, my friend? It's about the Jewish cultural requirement to always seek cannibalistic revanchism when they lose a round.


The best example of that, is when they lost the battle trying to convince Bush 41 that he should invade Iraq. When he didn't, they waited till they could get his feeble-minded son––known as the W––elected president, and had him invade Iraq.


Well, the Jews of the mob feel they are losing the America they thought they had conquered for good. And so, they now seek to have a revanchist round by raising America's children to a feeble-minded state, and have them do to the world what the W did to Iraq and the Middle East.


And there are plenty of feeble-minded Ws in the corridors of American political power, who will say: Yes, master Jew. We hear and we obey.