Saturday, February 13, 2021

It was, try to embarrass; it is now politicizing

 In a culture where haggling is the form of communication everyone uses despite hating it, an antidote was invented to silence your opponent or at least mitigate the effect of his arguments.


The antidote is a single word or a one-liner kind of silver bullet you shoot at your opponent and watch him shut up almost instantly. The Jews have a bagful of these bullets, and they have been using them to dazzle, impress and silence the politico-journalistic crowd of America … for several decades now.


The one-liner they used extensively at the start, went like this: “They are saying this to embarrass Israel.” Guess what happened when a Jew said those words to a politician or a journalist? They all became paralyzed. It was like a snake staring a rat in the eyes and paralyzing it to then move in and swallow the thing. There was no chance for the poor things to ask any of the following questions: Was Israel embarrassed? Did it deserve to be embarrassed? Embarrassed or not, will Israel move to address the issues that were raised by the plaintiffs?


In time the silver bullet began to bore the general public and so, the Jews came up with a new bullet. They accused their accusers of politicizing the issues. One such moment happened recently when the acting consul of Israel in New York tried to respond to a decision taken by the International Criminal Court (ICC). Israel Nitzan wrote an article that contained his response.


The article came under the title: “The International Criminal Court's dangerous decision,” and the subtitle: “Israel is under threat from the world body.” The article was written by Israel Nitzan, and published on February 11, 2021. It is in the first paragraph of the article that Nitzan fired the new silver bullet. Speaking of the ICC's decision to assert it has jurisdiction in this matter, he leveled this accusation: “The decision confirms Israel's long-standing concerns that the court is susceptible to politicization.” This was the new bullet that went on to paralyze the politico-journalistic crowd for decades, doing an effective job.


Surely, anyone that's familiar with the way these people operate, would have decided by now that hearing the Jewish consul of Israel complain about the politicization of an issue, is like hearing a skunk complain about the smell of his own farts. Aside from that, look how the Israeli consul formulated his complaint:


“The ICC only has authority over cases where states choose to delegate their own criminal jurisdiction to the court. It does not possess universal jurisdiction. In fact, the court wholly lacks jurisdiction over the so-called 'situation in Palestine.' The Rome Statute clearly stipulates that the court only has jurisdiction in cases brought before it by sovereign states; a sovereign Palestinian State does not exist, and never has”.


Compare that with what happened in real life. Here is that story:


In 2009 the Palestinian government informed the ICC of its intent to prosecute Israel for its crimes in Palestine. Luis Moreno Ocampo, who was the prosecutor at the time, looked at the Palestinian request and suspended action on it till the UN resolves the status of Palestinian territory. In November 2012 the UN General Assembly passed a resolution according Palestine the status of observer. This gave it the right to obtain ICC jurisdiction. Palestine joined the Rome Statute and became a full member of the ICC in 2015. Three years later, in 2018, Palestine asked the ICC to reopen the file that was suspended by Ocampo. Israel objected on the grounds that it had annexed East Jerusalem, which made it Israeli territory and not even “disputed territory” subject to ICC jurisdiction. But the Court shrugged off that insane argument.


Indeed, it was insane, and what made it even more so is what it tells about the mentality behind it. What we have here is the case of a savage brut beating almost unconscious a weaker party. When someone comes to help the victim, the savage tells him that the victim does not deserve being helped because he could not defend against the attack on him by none other than the shameless savage himself.


And this, my friend, reminds me of what happened when I sued the leading Canadian newspaper that had teamed up with others to cancel me. Representing myself, I had with me a copy of a novel I had written a long time ago and paid to have it published. This happened because my blacklisting did not allow a regular publisher to consider it. And so, I gave the copy to the judge.


We had a recess, and when we returned, the judge spoke to me about it off the record. He said he leafed through the novel and wanted to ask something about a character in the novel. The lawyer representing the newspaper immediately interjected to inform the judge it wasn't worth it because no regular publisher considered publishing the book.


The case before the judge being about the newspaper staff robbing me of my right to be treated like everyone else, the lawyer's interjection hit a raw nerve in the judge. If you were there, you’d have seen what a nauseated judge looks like, suppressing his stomach’s pressure as it tried to throw up.


The mentality of hurting others and demeaning them for not being able to defend themselves, is such a Jewish characteristic, they involve others in their cowardly schemes. A notorious example is them robbing the Palestinians of all they have, then paying an American running to be President to tell the world, this proves the Jews are superior to the Palestinians.


Now you know why it is imperative that we stop the Jewish leaders from playing this game again, thus prevent them from turning the gas chamber and the incinerator into natural habitats for the rank-and-file. Enough is enough.