Thursday, August 11, 2022

Musings that could predict the implausible

 The one thing about the human mind, which differentiates us from the rest of the primates, is that it renders our imagination infinitely more agile than the others. To be sure, this is a double-edged sword in the sense that we can imagine life-destructive measures and implement them as easily as we can imagine life-preserving measures and implement them.


The mind, which is wired to be in a constant state of activity, begins the process of imagination by musing over ideas that relieve the individual of the boredom of idleness. Depending on what happened in the recent past, and still occupies the attention of the individual, he/she will pursue a line of thinking that stretches deep into the labyrinth of vengeance, or pursue a line of thinking that stretches deep into the temple of blissful reconciliation.


Because this discussion was prompted by the publication of an article that was written by Clifford D. May, who is as dark and labyrinthine as they come, we let his soul take our imagination on a tour of the most terrifying hideouts inside the scariest of his instincts. We do so in the hope of encountering and assessing the destructive tendencies that make Clifford May the fantasy generator of so much wished-for horror he wishes to see descend on the human race.


His latest attempt came in the form of a column he wrote under the tile: “The ‘forever war’ against the West, and the subtitle: “America wins a battle against al Qaeda, Israel against Islamic Jihad,” published on August 9, 2022 in The Washington Times.


The article lets us imagine that following the peace pact forged between the 1970s street gangs of Los Angeles, known as the Bloods and the Crips the leaders of the two outfits met and put together a scheme that will allow them to break the monotony of peaceful coexistence, thus rekindle the grand old time they were having when fighting each other and enjoying every minute of the gruesome games they used to play. Here is the new plan they stitched together:


They’ll move out of Los Angeles and go to another city where they’ll start fresh and hope to avoid the pitfalls that brought an end to their reign of terror in LA. They’ll go to Chicago where they’ll operate as no-name street thugs and try to remain as anonymous as they can. They’ll deliberately commit acts that project a horrifying level of cowardice — such as shooting to death mothers who stroll baby carriages — so as to force the local police getting involved, thus add spice to their adventure.


Is there anything in the Clifford May article that hints at a scenario unfolding in that manner, thus serve as a metaphor that will help us predict what else the two gangs of organized thugs might want to do next? The answer is yes, there are such hints, and the following is the condensed version of excerpts that point to them:


“Two missiles targeted the 71-year-old emir of Qaeda who was taking his morning tea on the balcony of a well-appointed home in an exclusive Kabul neighborhood. Eliminating terrorist leaders is useful. But those waging jihad tend to be tenacious. The phrase ‘forever war’ doesn’t daunt them. It inspires them. The rulers of China and Russia also are waging a kind of war against the West. To survive in the jungle, you must defend yourself, not just against lions. The crocodiles can eat you, too. Against these and other enemies, Israelis fight wars and ‘wars between wars.’ On Friday, the IDF launched an airstrike in Gaza, killing PIJ Northern Gaza Division commander. On Saturday, the IDF killed PIJ Southern Gaza Division commander and several other PIJ officials. PIJ fired more than a thousand missiles at Israeli. On Monday, with Egypt acting as broker, a ceasefire was announced. The PIJ leader spent the weekend in Tehran meeting with the president of the Islamic Republic. What are they planning to do next? Al Qaeda and PIJ have been hit hard. But neither organization will be ‘gone’ anytime soon”.


Unable to speak of the Bloods and the Crips without dragging into the conversation the Iranians, the Israelis, the Russians and the Chinese — Clifford May has exposed the crucial nexus that connects every ounce of horror that has plagued Planet Earth since the time when the Jews started to fantasize about the destruction of Egypt — the planet’s first superpower — with a series of imagined plagues that never materialized in real life. But what might that nexus be? Well, the only thing which is common to all these gut wrenching reveries, is none other than the existence of the Jews themselves. It makes them, if not the ingredient, at least the catalyst that produces the pain and suffering, we never seem capable of getting rid of on our home planet.


This leads us to the logical and final question: What does that foretell about the future of the human race? Well, the safest thing to conjecture is to assert that because this is the way it always was, it is the way it’ll always be. But some people will deviate from that position because they’ll want to allow for a steady, if small changes to pile up and ultimately reverse the current condition of inertness, thus cause the necessary changes that will transform human life on Earth.


Other people — generally disposed to view life from a pessimistic viewpoint — will see the trend as leading us to a catastrophic end which the Jews will celebrate at first, but then see themselves consumed by it. And as usual, they will blame the human race, not themselves, for what they wrought.