Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Serial killer decries neighborhood security

 A space as large as the infinite universe – maybe even larger, separates the two adjectives: “whopping,” and “measly.” In fact, you will understand my disappointment if I said I played the lottery and won a measly ten dollars. That’s because ten dollars do not get you far these days.


On the other hand, you will understand my elation if I told you I won a billion dollars playing the lottery. That’s because a billion dollars can make anyone’s dream come true.


Those two adjectives, and others like them, are tools kept in the toolbox of the spin doctors who use them to stretch or to compress the meaning of a third party’s argument. They help the spin doctors stretch or compress or mutilate an argument, thus make you believe in something that’s vastly different from what the argument intended to convey in the first place.


Some people have embraced the culture of distortion so thoroughly, however, distorting the reality of a situation comes naturally to them without them using the adjectives that would risk giving them away. One of these people is Clifford D. May who wrote a piece clearly showing how adept he is at inflating the work of some people, and deflating that of others, thus create a gap between them that’s as large as the infinite universe – maybe even larger.


Clifford May’s article came under the title: “Reporters in Gaza have never been free,” published on August 16, 2022 in The Washington Times. As can be seen, a substitute adjective: “never” is used here to begin the process of deflating one side of the argument (the Palestinian,) and in so doing, making the other side (the Israeli) look larger than it is.


Here, in condensed form, is what Clifford May says the Palestinian group Hamas has done, which he finds objectionable and wants the whole world to condemn:


“To show it still rules the roost, Hamas issued restrictions on foreign journalists working in Gaza, following the conflict that erupted between Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Among the restrictions: a prohibition against reporting on Gazans killed by misfired Palestinian rockets and a requirement that Israel be blamed for the battle. In addition, Hamas ordered foreign correspondents to employ Palestinian ‘sponsors’ who must submit reports on where those correspondents go, what they do and any ‘illogical questions’ they ask. The new rules warned that sponsors must ‘demonstrate national spirit, defend the Palestinian narrative and reject the foreigner’s bias to the Israeli narrative.’ The Foreign Press Association protested these restrictions.’ Discussions ensued and, the FPA happily announced that Hamas officials had come around. Director of the government media office in Gaza, agreed. A happy ending, right? Not exactly. The Associated Press pointed out: ‘Even if the rules are officially withdrawn, Hamas has still signaled its expectations, which could have a chilling effect on critical coverage.’ That, too, fails to reflect a reality which is this: Reporters in Gaza have never been free and are not now”.


All you need to do to gauge the horrific mutilation that’s packed in that passage, is be a resident of Planet Earth to see that what Clifford May propagates here, is a bunch of hooey disguised as sumptuous meals offered to news junkies who would dig-in before bothering to inspect what they are about to stuff into their bodies. It is that the truth is out there for all to see.


For example, when a war erupts between Hamas or a Palestinian group, Gaza opens itself to foreign correspondents who see all that happens there, and they report on it. By contrast, Israel does nothing more imaginative than broadcast all about the Gaza rockets that miss Jews in Israel, and pinpoint instead the Palestinian or Druze children who live there – and kill them. Clifford May and all those like him expect you to consume this garbage like a child takes in fairytales.


In fact, when you go over each sentence in the Clifford May narrative, you will realize that to produce it, the writer did nothing better than reprint the general directives issued by Jewish Central, and accused Hamas of issuing them without acknowledging where they originated.


Worse of all, is the reality that when the Jews of Israel proved they can get away with distortions of this magnitude, their confidence buoyed so massively, they dared to transfer their mentality to other jurisdictions, most notably America, which is one of the many English speaking victims to succumb to the fascist censorship that the Jews have spread around the globe by accusing those who resist them of being antisemitic and working to bring about Holocaust II.


Now that Hamas woke up to the reality that Israel and its worldwide cohorts have been making gains playing the game that they do – has decided not to play the game itself – but to shine light on it so as to show the foreign press the need to be even-handed in their coverage of what happens in Gaza. What Hamas did was rule that the foreign press must treat Palestinians the same way they treat Jews, but then rescinded the rules to let the foreign correspondents formulate them by themselves.


Using mouthpieces like Clifford May, Israel objected to that Hamas effort, and this goes to prove that Hamas is the civilized side of the equation whereas Israel and its worldwide cohorts are the serial killers who wish to continue ravaging the quiet neighborhoods of the world. Savages to the end.