Saturday, October 12, 2013

A Blessing that's not so Much in Disguise

Even before the start of the political transformation through which Egypt is still passing, there was a movement demanding that the relationship which the country was having with the rest of the world be altered. More specifically, the people wanted to see the relationship that the late President Sadat had forged with America to be discarded in favor of something else; something that was more normal and more sane if such thing could be worked out with an America they saw had transformed into an oddity they could no longer understand or trust.

Even before the popular movement to transform the political landscape of Egypt had started, the people could detect something fishy in what America was doing in Egypt and the greater Middle East. They saw that what was done was conceived and implemented as if the orders had come from Tel Aviv not Washington. The people of Egypt could see that America's activities always aimed to benefit not America or the American people but Israel and the Jewish people. The Egyptians saw this happen even when the cost to America in blood, treasure and respect around the world was deemed to be massive.

Meanwhile, the group of people in Egypt who had a more expanded understanding of the situation in America was beginning to see how hopeless that situation was becoming. They could see that the Jewish lobby was no longer a lobby but a de facto shadow government that had completely overshadowed the elected government of the nation. America was no longer run from the paralyzed White House or the gridlocked Congress but run by a mob of Jewish journalists, of so-called think tank pundits and an assortment of me-too characters who got on every bandwagon of barking dogs where they joined the chorus in the praising of everything Jewish or Israeli, and the damning of everything Muslim or Arab.

As to the more distrustful and more skeptical elements in that group of Egyptians, they could see how useful the Mubarak regime had become to Jewish and Israeli interests. Yet they saw how Israel – working in concert with the Jewish shadow government in America – was undermining that regime for no apparent reason than it was an expression of the Jewish culture. The situation so disgusted those Egyptians, it was like someone was scraping the bottom of the Jewish barrel of filthy behavior to fetch the worst kind of residue and throw it at Egypt. Nothing in their eyes could be more Jewish and more toxic than that.

Aware of Egypt's relationship with America since the time when the Jewish influence was beginning to make itself felt in that country at the end of the 1950s, the skeptics in Egypt have known of America's acquired tendency to organize what amounts to the Jewish style gang rape of any country that refused to play the role ordered for it by the Jews. They knew that this continued to happen even after it was proven that the role so ordered would be meaningless and useless to the interests of the Jews or Israel. The effective saying as they have come to know it boiled down to this: It was ordered by the Jews therefore it must be done no matter the consequences, and America will pay any price in blood or in treasure to see to it that when the Jews command something, the thing is done. Period; end of discussion.

And so, it happened that to prevent Egypt from developing its economy, America organized the world financial institutions and its allies to basically throw a gang rape party, and assault the Egyptian economy at a time when the country was looking for a way to finance the construction of the Aswan dam and hydroelectric station. Nasser was the President of Egypt at the time, and he called on the Arab nations to use their oil wealth as leverage to push back against America's accomplices in their effort to commit a Jewish style gang rape of his country.

While Nasser's call was still sinking in, the Jewish American scheme was failing because the Egyptians had found a way to finance and construct their cherished project. But this did not deter the descendants of the would-be rapists of yesteryear. In fact, everyone of them during the Mubarak era and shortly after it – be they eunuchs, mentally challenged or emotionally disturbed – they, their cousins and their neighbors jumped on the bandwagon and called on America to attempt once again to organize the gang rape of Egypt even though the Mubarak regime was already serving the interests of Israel, and his legacy was maintained after his departure. Those sick Americans did what they did because it served them like a therapeutic exercise through which they alleviated the deficiencies that plagued them.

Allow me now to digress for a moment and relay a story I was told long ago but never mentioned because I did not see a need for that. I see the need now in the context of what I am discussing. The story is this: Even after obtaining his American citizenship, Fareed Zakaria still could not refer to himself as being American. The way he mustered the courage to do so the first time was the moment when he said: look at the size of the aid “we” give to Egypt. Apparently, he made that vocal outburst knowing full well that Egypt was getting no aid from America but was getting the short end of a deal that was almost criminal in its lopsided bent in favor of Israel and America at the expense of Egypt. Still, Zakaria got his therapeutic moment and felt American which may be a good thing. But he also contributed to the screwy process of decision making in that pathetic nation.

And while all that was going on in America – in the time between the Nasser era and the current era – the Arab nations which are blessed with an abundance of oil reserves began to understand that they were in the driver's seat. They took Nasser's advice and benefited from it by developing the courage to stand up to their clients and demand a higher payment for their commodity. They succeeded as can be seen from the following figures: In the 1970s, an average popular car was purchased for the price of 2000 barrels of oil. Nowadays, an average popular car is purchased for the price of 200 barrels of oil. That's a ten fold improvement.

The oil wealthy Arab nations have not forgotten that history. They know that Egypt has paid a high price to uphold the honor and the wealth of all Arabs. This is why they are returning the favor now by lending money to Egypt in its time of need, and thus alleviate the pain that Jewish America is inflicting on the country.

For America to come now and say that the demonic deal it has with Egypt will be curtailed is a blessing in disguise that is not really a disguise. It is a relief that will please many people in Egypt.