Wednesday, October 9, 2013

They Still Have War on Their Wish List

They have a religion that is written in a book which is a compilation of wars, horror and blood. They are the ones who today call themselves Jews, and their mission in life is to continue the tradition they started 4000 years ago or thereabout. It is to provoke wars, inflict horror and soak the world in blood. Unable to do it alone or call on the God they say was the general that led them into war, they now call on the United States of America to send its boys and girls into harm's way, far away from home, to fight the Jewish wars for them no matter the consequences.

They have been calling for several decades; America has responded readily enough to their calls and has lost enough of its soldiers, treasure and standing in the world that its people said they have had enough of this. They demanded that their elected leaders put a halt to the country's involvement in the business of other nations, and called for a time out that will allow them to rebuild a country they neglected to the point where its infrastructure is crumbling, its educational system is lagging behind the world and its political system is gridlocked.

The way that the Jews called on America to get involved was for the self-appointed leaders to organize the letter writing campaigns that gave the Congress of the United States the impression there was consent among the American public to get involved where the Jews were sending them. At the same time, the Jewish leaders mobilized their followers inside cultural institutions such as the printed press and the audio-visuals to construct a philosophical structure demonstrating the soundness of America's involvement in the Jewish wars. These constructs being anything but sound, were easily demolished on this website and other websites.

Hundreds of such constructs were published but shown to have been built on faulty logic, internal contradictions and the mutilation of history. You would think, therefore, that these people would end their campaign here, and try to join the human race in the quest to build a better world. But no, that's not what they chose to do. What they are doing instead is continue the same old campaign. It must be said, however, that they are keeping the struggle at a lower level the way that a pilot light is kept burning during moments of lull, waiting for the time when it will be made to burst again into a tall flame.

You can see an example of this in the article that was written by Reuel Marc Gerecht and published in the Wall Street Journal on October 9, 2013. It has the title: “The Next Breeding Ground for Global Jihad” and the subtitle: “Washington may have already helped create the deadliest Islamic movement since the Taliban merged with al Qaeda,” You can already see in the title that the author says the war is ongoing and will continue indefinitely. And you can see in the subtitle that he is saying if America believes it has no business getting involved in the rest of the world, it should think again because it has “helped create the deadliest Islamic movement.” That's called playing on someone's guilt even when the guilt is not there.

You can sense the desperation that these people are feeling by the fact that they are beginning to lose even the Congress of the United States, an institution that has been in their pocket for a long time, and has proven to be as reliable as the key to a private washroom. Look at the force of this lamentation: “America ignores the rebels at its peril … Perhaps what the anti-interventionists don't realize is that the president and Congress may have already done their part to create the most deadly Islamic movement.” No, Reuel, no. The only deadly things on this planet are the Jews. That's what they have been since the beginning of time, that's what they are now and that's what they will be till they are made to change.

To strengthen his argument, he throws into the pot a whole bunch of poppycock about the Muslim social order being no different from other orders – at least in the sense that older men keep younger men in check. But older men were obliterated by the communists, the Soviets and the civil war in Afghanistan which is how the young Taliban came to power and messed up everything there. The same scenario will repeat itself in Syria, he predicts, which is why America should get involved now. And he promises that “It's not too late for the U.S. to influence the war in favor of the rebels who are not bent on establishing an Islamist state.”

And as usual he gives the necessary assurances to the effect that things will go smoothly because “it won't take a lot of men to monitor supply lines and figure out who is using U.S. weaponry.” Notice that the two most dreaded words “mission creep” were not mentioned in this statement despite the fact that every American involvement in something big started with something small that was predicted to go smoothly but escalated to become a huge American fiasco.

But then, the author of the article betrays himself by stating that: “Western air power will be required to neutralize the regime's advantage in artillery...” and that's not all because he also throws in the chemical weapons which he says Assad will keep in reserve, despite any pledges he makes to the United Nations. This is the old trick of telling America to get involved because someone out there is bad and cannot be trusted when in fact; the bad ones who cannot be trusted are in America rotting it from the inside. They are the self-appointed Jewish leaders and their followers.
He goes on to warn that the Muslim “hard-core holy warriors won't leave Americans alone because America has declined to fight.” No, Reuel, no. It is people like you who won't leave Americans alone. Get out of the way and the peoples of the world will find a way to get along just fine. They did so in every place where they kicked you out, after doing just that.