Friday, November 8, 2013

Like the Man Said: Here We Go Again

If you ever doubted that the Jews have waged a two thousand year war against the Christians, and that the Christians won, almost wiping out the Jews from the face of the Earth, read the latest column by Clifford D. May and be persuaded. Published on November 7, 2013 in National Review Online, the column comes under the title: “The Jihad According to Rand Paul” and the subtitle: “Waiting for Islam to 'police itself'' is not a strategy.”

The idea of Islam policing itself (mentioned in the subtitle) is actually that of Rand Paul. Unhappy with the notion, Clifford May calls it a non-strategy; and makes it the foundation upon which he constructs his presentation. By the time you digest all of what he says, you come to the realization that: My God, this guy is advocating a total war between the religions! He wants the Christians to launch a war of extermination against the Muslims because of what he says the latter did – and he gives a list of that.

But when you compare the list with what the Jews have been saying the Christians did to them over the centuries, you cannot escape the conclusion that they must have thought of themselves as being at war against the Christians for all that time. If so, it would explain why the Jews came close to be annihilated at the hands of the Christians several times in the past.

There is no doubt that this time, Clifford May wants a war between the Christians and the Muslims, and that he professes a deep hatred towards the Muslims. But the question is this: Deep down, which side does he want to see win that war? Does he want the Muslims to avenge the Jews who were exterminated at the hands of the Christians? Or is it that he is now more hateful of Islam than he is of Christianity? Or could it be that he wants the two sides to wipe each other out so that Judaism may triumph over both?

To make his point, May deploys the full panoply of Jewish deceptive practices from the start. To appreciate how that works you need to know that Paul has a set of observations, and a set of ideas as to what they mean. The author also has a set of observations, and ideas as to what they mean. The trick that the author employs is to start quoting Paul, then mesh his own observations with those of Paul to make it sound like the latter has observed what the author has; and make it sound like he interprets the observations the way that the author does. In other words, Clifford May is putting words in the mouth of Paul, and putting ideas in his head to make the reader of the column imagine things that are not there.

There is an example of that in the first two paragraphs: “Last month … Senator Rand Paul gave a speech on what he called 'a worldwide war on Christians by a fanatical element of Islam.'” Unhappy with the mildness of this statement, Clifford May wants to inflate it. But how to do that? He does it by following it with his own observation which is to the effect that “Anti-Christian persecution, violence, and religious cleansing have become common in many Muslim-majority countries.” But wait a minute, would it not be more powerful to make the reader believe that it was Rand Paul who said all that? Yes, of course, it would be. But how to do that? He does it by putting the words “religious cleansing” between quotation marks. So deceptive and so authentically Jewish!

And now that he has done all this, he reinforces the deceptive notion by adding that: “The media, as Paul pointed out, have turned a blind eye.” Here again, it sounds very much like Paul was saying the media have turned a blind eye at the “religious cleansing.” Having come this far, why not go all the way and make a case for a total war between the religions by calling on all Christians to participate? That being the point of this exercise, he adds: “So, too, have President Obama and European leaders.” Now that he dragged everybody into his mix, he goes on to make his case.

He builds the case on a notion that began to be developed a few years go – long before Rand Paul had become a national figure. It was observed that the Muslims who engage in acts of terrorism are a small minority that does not represent the silent Muslim majority. Unable to mount an effective attack against this notion, the Jewish fanatics came up with the idea that because there are 1.5 billion Muslims, even a small minority would constitute a massive army that is poised to go to war against Christianity. Clifford May is now using this same argument even though the idea is not gaining much traction. Why is that?

Well, it happened that while the Christians of Europe were gassing and incinerating the Jews in the Twentieth century, the Jews initiated a plan to exterminate the Palestinians with the view of ethnic cleansing the land and grabbing it. Frequent skirmishes took place between the groups for a long time, and continue to this day. But the idea of a war between the groups did not take shape till Israel launched an actual war against the Arabs in 1967. The most enduring result of this war is that Israel has occupied more Palestinian lands, and continues to occupy them. That war was the time when the Palestinian resistance against the occupation began in earnest. But guess what my friend; it was the Christians of Palestine who started the movement, and shamed the reluctant Muslims into participating. Not only that, but young Christians from all over the world – places like Italy, Ireland and South America – went to the war theater and helped the Palestinians.

By that time, world Jewry had taken effective control of the United States, and the Jews had managed to get America involved in all sorts of adventures whereby it bribed or overthrew Muslim governments; bombed or cruise-missiled others; incited, armed and financed still other groups to fight each other or fight against America's enemies such as the old Soviet Union. And while the Americans did not think that this constituted a war against Islam, young Muslim kids began to think otherwise, and they decided to become the militia that will brave the American juggernaut and defeat it to save their homelands and save their religion.

That's what the Jews always wanted so as to spark the war of the religions, mobilize all of Christianity and get it to fight the Muslims everywhere, the way that they managed to mobilize America and got it to plant the seeds for such a war.

Having this historical background under your belt, and knowing all the deceptive techniques that the Jews use to brainwash those who fall prey to their propaganda, you can now read the rest of the Clifford may article, and marvel at the degree of sophistication that these people have attained; the result of which is that they make initial gains but always end up being gassed or incinerated – usually by Christians.