Saturday, November 16, 2013

Super Adjectives for a Self-Induced Psychosis

Charles Krauthammer used to be a psychiatrist who still knows a thing or two about psychiatry except that he only knows how to work them on himself and his kind. What he does in this regard is use adjectives of the superlative to induce paranoia in himself and people like him. This is evident in the Article he wrote under the title: “Why Liberals Are Panicking” and the subtitle: “The future of entitlement-state progressivism hinges on Obamacare.” It was published on November 14, 2014 in National Review Online.

The author heads the article with a quote that was no more than an observation made by former President Bill Clinton in response to a question posed to him by an interviewer. He had said that President Obama should honor the commitment made by the federal government to the effect that people whose insurance policies were canceled should be able to have them reinstated if they so wish – as is, and without upgrading done on them.

With this as ammunition to work with in the hands of a former psychiatrist, the man begins the article with fireworks as if he were celebrating the Chinese New Year. Look at this: The former president “asserts,” that's Pow! And look at this: The current president continues to “dishonor,” Pow! And this: Despite “furious” White House... Pow! And this: “Resistance to the very idea” that's Pow! Pow! All together, we have here 5 Pows in an opening paragraph that is made of 43 words.

He goes on: “this one line marked the breaching of the dam.” That's more than Pow; it's horrifying. But the question is: What image went through his mind as he visualized these words? Maybe he was thinking of the Aswan dam that the foreign minister of Israel said he wished he could bomb with the consequence that such event will inflict on Egypt the holocaust that the Jews have been praying would befall Egypt since ancient times.

Perhaps it happened that while subjecting himself to word association without realizing what he was doing, the former psychiatrist went on to say: “the brewing rebellion of panicked Democrats.” There is no doubt this has to do with him knowing that the brewing of beer was invented in ancient Egypt. And he must have associated the brewing of a current Democratic rebellion with being full of beer by people panicked at the bursting of the dam. Only a former psychiatrist can do that to himself.

By now a state of war exists in his imagination, a situation that necessitates the taking of a defensive action to guaranty the survival of the clan from what is surely an existential threat. Thus: “President Obama had been forced into a rearguard holding action.” Alas, however, the attempt to save something seems to have been futile because: “The damage to the Obama presidency is already done.” But there is worse to come because: “At stake is more than the fate of one presidency or of the current Democratic majority in the Senate. It is the new social-democratic brand of American liberalism introduced by Obama.”

And now comes the time to perform a ritual that Jews are masters at performing. Thus, Krauthammer pretends to mourn that which he has been trying to kill for a long time, and has convinced himself is now dying for sure. He mourns the dying while celebrating his own triumph and gloating about it under his breath. Look at this passage: “Obamacare is wholly owned by the Democrats. Its unraveling would catastrophically undermine their ideology of providing cradle-to-grave care for an ever-grateful citizenry,” and this passage: “For years, this debate has been theoretical. Now it's real. And for the Democrats, it's a disaster.” The words “catastrophic” and “disaster” are two more of those Pows. How many more powing superlatives can a reader take?

Convinced that he has triumphed by what can only be regarded as a performance of self-hypnosis, he cannot wait to bury his opponent: “This is the signature achievement of the Obama presidency. If Obamacare goes down, there will be little left of its underlying ideology.” Rest In Peace.

But there is still a small doubt that this may turn out to be not a pleasant dream but a horrible nightmare. And that's because: “Perhaps it won't go down. Perhaps they'll find a way to restore the policies without wrecking the underpinning of the exchanges.” No, don't rest in peace yet. Go to hell instead.

Krauthammer and those like him should stop injecting the culture of the Holocaust in an America that is by nature a hopeful and optimistic culture. They are at odds with it, and if they find themselves combining a sense of exhilaration and extreme fear at the same time, it has to do with the way that their leaders manipulate them to maintain their own power and accumulate more wealth at the expense of the foot soldiers that follow them.