Friday, July 11, 2014

The definitive Word on Jewish Friendship

It is normal in the battle between good and evil that the public (which each side tries to win over) will, for a while, be confused as to which is the good side, and which is the evil one. This happens because each side will claim to be good while portraying the other as being evil. And while the battle rages between the two sides, members of the general public will do what comes naturally to human beings, and that is to try and pick the good side by determining instinctively which would make a better friend.

But as the battle gets to be played at a more sophisticated level, the two players will eventually catch on to the method used by the public to make a decision. And in response, the players will incorporate into the portrayal of the self, the sense that they would make the better friend. And, of course, this will complicate the choice making process of the public as it tries to pick one friend from among the two rivals.

This is a social game that has been playing out since the beginning of time in the daily lives of individuals wherever they were on this planet, and whatever may have been their social status. As to those who must decide who to befriend and who to avoid – without making mistakes and having to learn from them – the task has been a complicated one because the factors entering into the equation are numerous, and the possibilities prohibitive. Just imagine that in the lottery game where the choices we must make are 6 from among 49, the permutation of possible results rises to 14 million. In fact, in all such cases, to make a choice by using some kind of logic, almost always ends in failure. Only the instinct has a chance at making the correct choice.

And when the game is played at the higher level of politics – and played among cultures which are defined by the stereotypical traits associated with religion and/or ethnicity, the correct choice becomes literally impossible to make. Even an instinct that is honed by years of experience cannot be certain which group will make the better friend, and which will not. But something unexpected can come out of the blue, and help in this respect. It can happen that someone rises from one of the groups and shows the world why his/her group cannot be trusted therefore can never be a friend, let alone a good friend.

This is what Lee Smith, the big honcho at the Jewish Tablet Magazine, has done with an article titled: “America Is the Arsonist of the Middle East,” and subtitled: “John Kerry's failed peace negotiations set off the spiral of violence between Israel and the Palestinians.” It was published in the Tablet Magazine on July 8, 2014 and reprinted on the same day in the Weekly Standard … of which he is senior editor. You may consider this article to be the definitive word with regard to what Jewish friendship boils down to in the final analysis.

Considering that America has been (1) instrumental in the establishment of the State of Israel; (2) indispensable to maintaining it as a viable concern and (3) has done all this for no reason except for what is called the friendship which binds the two peoples together, how strong do you expect the bond to be between the Jews and the Americans? Well, we already encountered the title of the article written by Lee Smith the Jew. It reads: “America Is the Arsonist of the Middle East”. Some thank you, that is! Some friendship it reflects!

In fact, this is the definitive word as to the worth of the friendship that a Jew can extend to someone. It is clear that by religious temperament, the Jews are incapable of forging an honest friendship with a non-Jew, or even maintaining a fake one for too long before exposing themselves. Those among them, who discover they can forge a true friendship, and do become friends with someone, end up changing identity because they realize they can no longer call themselves Jews.

And in the same way that the collective “Jews” have been fooling America into believing they want a peace agreement with the Palestinians when in reality they never wanted one but played the game to milk America as it tried to mediate between the two – those same Jews are now paving the way to play the same game with regard to America's relationship with Iran.

But in reality, the Jews will never have a cordial relation with the Iranians. They will make the Americans believe they can forge one to get the superpower embroiled in another war, milk it and then spit it out when there will be nothing left to milk.

In the final analysis, Jewish friendship boils down to a stab in the back. It is their religion; it is their prayer.