Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Lie Machine cracks under its Weight

Suppose someone new moves into the neighborhood and you want to be nice to him, so you go knock at his door, and tell him you want to organize a house warming party to welcome him into the neighborhood. You say you'll do it for him if he'll tell you when it will be convenient to have it.

He says he appreciates the gesture, and invites you into the house to talk about it while sipping on a drink. You go into the living room where you pour yourselves a drink each, and start talking. It does not take him long before he starts telling you about the difficult moments he has gone through in life. There were many, he says, but the three biggest ones were the following:

First, it was the superintendent who kicked him out of the building because the other tenants could not stand him for one reason or another – each tenant having a reason of his own. Second, it was the manager who kicked him out of the company because his colleagues could not stand him for one reason or another – each colleague having a reason of his own. Third, it was the nightclub bouncer who threw him out of the joint because the other patrons could not stand him for one reason or another – each patron having a reason of his own.

Having decided on a date for the house warming party, you quickly finish your drink and get up to go home. On your way there, you think about what has just transpired, and wonder if you should go head with the party. If the man is a pain in the ass the way that he described himself, you do not like the idea of having someone like him in the neighborhood. And you can tell that when the other neighbors will find out what he is like, they'll let you know how they feel about what you have done.

Well, that was a metaphor which can be used to explain what comes in Dennis Prager's article: “The Genocide Libel” which also came under the subtitle: “In Europe and Latin America, Israel is now accused of genocide.” It was published in National Review Online on July 29, 2014. And then, it happened that in the early hours of the next day, a series of events began to unfold … demonstrating how close to reality that metaphor has been, and how badly out of touch with reality Dennis Prager is.

Here is that story. Dawn was breaking on what had been a quiet night where stood a school used by the United Nations to house 3,300 internally displaced refugees in Gaza. People began to wake up, and while preparing for the morning prayer, the quiet of the night was shattered by three shells fired on the school by the Israeli army in a deliberate genocidal act to kill as many innocent Palestinians as possible. Something similar happened several times before, and the Jewish machine of lies and distortion got away with murder by producing tons of lies, and getting its echo repeaters to repeat them.

Encouraged by the success of that machine to win the backing of the depraved American politicians who welcome the extermination of the Palestinians under the guise of fighting terrorism, the commanders of the Israeli army initiated a policy of murdering Palestinians anywhere they found them, whether or not the Israelis had an alibi behind which to hide and deny responsibility for what happened. And the shelling of that school was their first foray on the path to committing wholesale war crimes, and crimes against humanity under the policy they just formulated.

And so, when you go over the article, you see that Prager begins it by lamenting: “In order to justify killing Jews, Jew-haters throughout history made up libels about the Jews that were so awful that they justified the mass murder of Jews.” Well, this sounds like the neighbor that moved in, and brought with him a history which is not all that savory. It makes you wander if the author of the article is trying to solicit your pity, or trying to warn you that he, as a Jew, is a very unsavory character.

In any case, true or false, what is happening now is nothing like the history he is telling. On the contrary, it is the Jews who are in control of the megaphones, and they have been libeling everyone, especially the Palestinians whom they slaughter whenever they can. But that's not all because the Jews also attack and crucify every American peacemaker who tries to bring peace to them – from Jimmy Carter to John Kerry and everyone in-between.

In fact, they are so confident that they can now get away with anything, they do not try to explain why it is that they claim there was shooting around the school at the time they fired the murderous shells, when the truth is that the people in the school woke up to the sounds of the shells exploding around them. The Israelis as well as the Jews and gentiles who lie and distort reality for them, thumb their noses at the world while the Jewish murder machine goes on with the business of murdering innocent people.

Thus, no one should be surprised to see Dennis Prager write: “we are living through as enormous a libel – directed against the Jewish state: Israel is committing genocide of Palestinians and is morally identical to the Nazi regime.”

It is simply that he does not realize how false that statement is because he is an integral part of the machine that lies and distorts.