Saturday, June 27, 2015

Jewish Misery seeks America's Company

There is an old saying: “Misery seeks company,” which applies to what the Jews have tried to do throughout their history. That is, if you can ignore the reality that, at the same time, they also tried to stand apart from the human race, and setting themselves above it.

Thus, while braying that Israel and the Jews cannot be compared to anyone, or that their actions cannot be equated with those of anyone, you see them buttress the cause of their animal savagery in Gaza by getting their pundits in the English speaking world to propagate the false notion that this is just a part of the blockade of Gaza to which Egypt is participating by the fact that it protects its borders and defends them against smugglers and human traffickers.

Also, at the height of their war of ideas against Iran, the Jews came up with the false notion that the Arab Gulf states were on the side of Israel, and would join it in an aerial assault on the Iranian nuclear installations. Other than that, they tried to make “friends” with the nations of Africa, Asia and Latin America by telling them: “We are so much alike, there is a natural affinity that bonds us together.”

One of the nations that the Jews have tried to court was the Muslim non-Arab Turkey. After a “honeymoon” that lasted a few years, the Turks developed, not a reciprocal affinity for Israel, but a repulsive tendency towards it and towards everything Jewish. Something similar happened in Latin America where the people there seem to have developed a kind of Jewish repelling spray they use to keep at arms-length every Israeli emissary that tries to whisper in their ears.

You can see the Jews continue to play this game in Benny Avni's column: “UN charges Israel with war crimes – is the US next?” It was published on June 25, 2015 in the New York Post. Here, Avni continues to do to America what has worked for the Jews during the past half century. What worked was the narrative of: “We're alike because we are the chosen and you are the exceptional. A division of labor whereby we tell you what to do, and you reciprocate by doing what we tell you, makes us good friends. You pay with lives and treasure; we collect the security and the high life that you deny your own people. It is an ideal situation.”

Look how Avni starts his presentation: “Washington must stop the United Nations' attempt to criminalize Israel's war on [the Palestinians] not only because it's the right thing to do – but because America's military may well be next in its crosshairs.” He goes on: “The UN's Human Rights Council issued a report … written by a team led by New York Supreme Court judge Mary McGowan Davis. The reality of the report is that it is a road map for the International Criminal Court's [ICC] prosecutor to indict [Israeli] officials, now that the Palestinian Authority has joined the ICC.”

His fear is that because “the report's authors accuse 'decision makers [in] Israel' of war crimes, and not just Netanyahu [but also] midlevel officers … off to The Hague we go.” And that's because the New York Supreme Court judge Mary McGowan Davis has judged that “Israel's judicial system isn't adequate.” So you want to know what's wrong with the Palestinians wanting to have their day in an impartial court that is opened to the world. And Avni tells you a long story about Africans being indicted by that Court, and one of them managing to evade being sent to The Hague for prosecution.

How does that affect the Palestinian-Israeli situation? How, you ask? Hum ... Maybe it will help you find the answer to your question if you knew that Russia, China, India and America are not members of that world organization. Does it help? No, you say? Too bad.

All of that being implied in what Avni has written, he now shoots himself in the foot. Speaking of the accusations leveled against the Israelis, he says there are “military professionals [who] beg to differ.” One being General Martin Dempsey, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, the other being a group of European and American former military commanders.”

Great, says the world, let these people go to The Hague and testify on behalf of Israel. Oh no, says Avni who knows that on cross-examination, a whole different story can emerge. And so, he commands: “America shouldn't get anywhere near the ICC … the next president must weigh this option. Otherwise, he or she risks being indicted.” Here we go again; Jewish to the last word.