Monday, June 27, 2016

It's organized Crime Syndication not HR Advocacy

What would you say if 750,000 people were shot dead in the world year after year? You would say there is an epidemic in the world, would you not? Okay. What would you say if 10,000 people were shot dead in Egypt year after year? You would say there is an epidemic in Egypt, would you not?

Well, my friend, when those numbers are applied to America's population, they translate into 33,000 people shot dead year after year. Whereas no such thing happens in Egypt or the rest of the world, it is what happens in America. This being a real epidemic and not a hypothetical one, the question to ask is this: Who is responsible for all that horror?

Of course, you can point to a thousand places and say, “some blame goes here,” and you may be right because fixing any of these places could in theory spare a life or two, here or there. But in the end, there is only one place where a comprehensive solution can be worked out for the epidemic. It'll be a solution that will bring America's murder rate in line with the rest of the world. The place where this can and must be done is the Congress of the United States of America.

But that's not happening. Why not? Because the Congress has been re-engineered to serve not the people of the United States as envisaged by the Founding Fathers of the Republic – but to serve a heretofore secret agenda whose secrets are nevertheless being revealed, albeit at a snail's pace one painful chapter after another coming to light over one long decade following another.

The most obvious manifestation as to what the agenda may contain is the fact that the Congress is paralyzed. Thus, it passes no laws that would serve the people of America; especially not the laws that might help curb the killing epidemic that's plaguing the country. This fact alone would justify calling the Congress a crime syndicate. But that would only be a partial truth because in reality, the Congress has been reduced to serve as a tool in the hands of the mother of all crime syndicates – one whose reach extends around the globe.

To get an inkling as to who or what might be the worldwide wizard of crime syndicates, we look at the open letter which came under the title “Egypt: Civil society faces existential threat” and the subtitle: “IFEX joins CIVICUS and other concerned NGOs to call on Egyptian authorities to address severe violations against human rights defenders that could 'completely crush' civil society in the country.” Signed by eleven so-called Human Rights (HR) organizations, the letter was published on the IFEX website on June 24, 2016.

Reading it, we notice an important omission. Despite the fact that throughout the letter, the authors whine about Egypt's drive to rid itself of foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the authors were smart enough this time to avoid mentioning the most infamous names among those NGOs. In fact, they are the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI); revolting creatures that were spawned by none other than the American Congress of the brain dead zombies. And this is how the Congress is being used to spread the paralysis around the world.

That knowledge should now help us identify the culprit behind America's paralysis, and the attempt to paralyze the rest of the world. So we ask: Who was it that trampled on the intent of the founding fathers to serve the American people, by re-engineering the machinery of government so as to serve someone else instead. And there is only one answer to that question. It is the Jews whose command to get up and serve Israel brings to life the dead cells in the skulls of the zombies. They stay up long enough to pass the laws that serve the foreign entity, and quickly fall back into their inanimate status when done.

This is what the eleven signatories to the infamous letter are after. They wish to turn Egypt and any country that would listen to them into replicas of the treasonous senators and House members who would not lift a finger to save the thousands who get shot dead in America every year, but would kill their own mothers if this would serve the cause of Israel, always Israel and no one but Israel.

You can't have a more organized crime syndicate than that. You can't charge it with a more macabre task than that. And you can't give it a more worldwide reach than that. World Jewry, whose agenda is to paralyze the world in order to monopolize it the way it did America, is at the roots of all evil and has been since time immemorial.