Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Prankster that short-circuited the Clown

Has it ever happened that you found yourself in the awkward situation of having to deal with someone that's incessantly exhibiting a bad habit? Have you raked your brains trying to find a way to let him or her know how you felt, but could not find an appropriate way to do so – and felt even more frustrated?

Rejoice, my friend, because an expert on the subject has now written an article that should tell you how you might go about solving your problem. Be careful though because the expert and writer of the article is not the frustrated victim that found a solution; it's the annoying guy that caused the frustration in the first place. I know, I know, it sounds complicated, but bear with me and you'll be rewarded in the end.

The writer is Jackson Diehl, a columnist at the Washington Post who wrote “America gives Egypt free armored vehicles. Egypt gives America a slap in the face,” an article that was published on May 29, 2016 in the Post. What happened according to Diehl is that an Egyptian man – that must have been frustrated with the Diehls and the Posts of this world – decided to see them as the clowns they are, and pulled a prank on them. Guess what happened next. They swallowed the thing hook, line and sinker … and produced a semi-comical new situation.

The condition on the ground looks like this: Egypt – like most non-members of the mutual admiration sorority whose members call themselves liberal democrats – has been battling two kinds of terrorism. One is of the asymmetric kind, conducted by young thugs who wish to make a name for themselves doing hit-and-run operations against the civilian population and the security apparatus of the country they happen to dislike on a given day. The other kind is what's unleashed by the armies of the sorority, equipped as they are with the most modern and most lethal weapons you can imagine.

To give their aggression an aura of legitimacy, a subgroup of the sorority calling itself something like “Jews in the business of fixing the world” does what it can to foster dissent in the countries it plans to attack. When, in a country, the dissent reaches disruptive levels, the Jews call on the other members of the sorority to invade it and occupy it. Most of the time, the sorority responds positively, but then suffers the consequences.

In time, this pattern of behavior caused so much damage to the Middle East and the world, even the Americans concluded that enough was enough. They pledged they will no longer intervene in the affairs of others; a decision that caused the Jews – who never give up doing the wrong things – to mobilize all the tools and tricks at their disposal, and prepare to use them in creating situations that will be so dire, America will be forced to violate its own pledge, and interfere.

Having mastery over, and being in command of “modern communication channels, psychological warfare and media outlets,” the Jews finalized the design, and started to implement what came to be known as the “fourth generation war.” To make this thing work in practice and produce the sought after result, the Jews needed to organize the proverbial “nuts and bolts” of the machinery that will be doing the work in the field.

To that end, they took advantage of the polarization that's plaguing America these days; a situation they had themselves engineered over the decades. They mobilized the American Congress, and added to the so-called Freedom House which they already own, the services of the International Republican Institute (IRI) and that of the National Democratic Institute (NDI). These are creatures of a Congress that designed them to go around the world and teach unwary locals how to sabotage their own countries. The idea is to remake those countries in a way that will better serve Israel, always Israel and no one but Israel.

The Jews gave Freedom House and the two congressional creatures the task of openly subverting the regimes that refuse to turn the country over to them, the same way that the American Congress gave them America ... bit by bit, on a silver platter amid 29 standing ovations. The most important prize they eye these days being Egypt, they mounted a savagely demonic campaign to have America punish that country in the hope that this will break it and cause it to fall in their arms.

This being a situation akin to the irresistible force that's pushing against an immovable object, everything remained frozen in place, and frustrations piled on. To break the logjam, an Egyptian man – most probably a high school prankster – suggested to Jackson Diehl what America could do to get things moving in one direction or another. The following is how Diehl explained it all:

“An Egyptian offered a friendly suggestion. Forget about trying to stop Sissi's shuttering of [IRI and NDI] he said. But tell the generals that future U.S. [cooperation] will depend on a prime-time televised statement by Sissi, in Arabic, assuring Egyptians that the United States has nothing to do with a 'fourth-generation war'”.

The thing is that the people of Egypt already know this. They also know that America no longer belongs to the American people but to the Jews. The quarrel they are having is not with Americans; it is with their Jewish masters.

Finally, the moral of this story is that when you're forced to live with a clown that's constantly annoying you, it is legitimate to pull a prank on him or her, thus short-circuit their thinking process if only for a brief moment during which time you may catch your breath. And that should be your reward.