Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Paralysis and civil War by Jewish Haggling

The haggling disease that the Jews have introduced into the American domestic scene – as can be observed in the paralyzed state of a Congress that does nothing for America, but more than enough for Israel, always Israel and no one but Israel – has metastasized to infest the international scene where America operates.

The Jewish marching orders to America for 'out there in the world' have been the following: (1) Give us weapons and make sure our chosen enemy of the day gets none from anywhere. (2) Go around the world and pimp for us in every diplomatic venue while badmouthing those who do not profess loving us whether they mean it or not. (3) Give us the money, money, money we never earned as you rob those we envy, and make sure they have a hard time earning any even if they work hard to feed their people.

This being the performance that the Jews expect from America, it should not surprise us to see them take a free ride on the country's democratic system of open discussion. They come wearing their haggling suits like terrorists wear explosive vests, ready to blow up the ride and everyone in it if it doesn't go their way. That's what you discover upon reading the article that came under the title: “Kerry Drums Up Business for Iran While Treasury Warns Against It,” written by Elliott Abrams and published on November 3, 2016 on the website of Council on Foreign Relations.

As far as I can tell, Abrams is the last to write about this matter, having seen the discussions that preceded his piece in the Wall Street Journal and the Weekly Standard before that. In fact, Abrams mentions those two publications and quotes from them in his article.

The subject matter this time is the deal that America and five other countries negotiated with Iran on behalf of the world. It concerns the regulation of Iran's nuclear development in exchange for normalizing relations between that country and the countries that imposed sanctions on it in an effort to convince it to keep its nuclear program peaceful, and not adapt it to building nuclear weapons.

A comprehensive program of inspection and verification was negotiated to make sure that Iran fulfills its end of the bargain. When this was ascertained, John Kerry, who is head of the State Department in charge of America's foreign policy, started to notify the world powers how they can and must now fulfill the world's commitment to Iran. His message was simple: deal with that country the way you did before the sanctions were imposed.

This is where the Jews showed up wearing their haggling vests. They tried to do to the State/Treasury relationship what they did to the Democratic/Republican relationship in the Congress. They took advantage of the fact that the Jewish influence at Treasury was greater than that at State, and started a civil war between John Kerry and Adam Szubin who is now in charge of enforcing the sanctions. Seeing that this will not be enough to arm the belt and prepare it to explode, they enlisted the services of Stuart Levey, a former enforcer of the sanctions at Treasury, and got him to make hay of a problem that does not exist.

Here is how Abrams put it: “Treasury is trying to enforce U.S. law, and Kerry is telling foreign banks to ignore it – or to do only 'due diligence.' In fact, that is an insufficient standard when it comes to Iran, as was explained by the man who used to be in charge of U.S. sanctions – Stuart Levey.” And this, my friend, is the point at which the vest explodes in America's face.

What the Jews did here is what they always do in such circumstances. They created a new interpretation for the existing rules. With that, they hoped to initiate the endless haggling that will paralyze the country. This should keep everyone busy trying to answer the question: What is a sufficient standard when it comes to Iran? And while this is dragged out, they hope to use the machinery of government to serve the interests of Israel; something they will do at the expense of America, always America and no one but America.

Guess what Elliott Abrams did after that. He, who is usually pessimistic about the way that things are going for the Jews, caught the bug that Jenna Lifhits brought to the Weekly Standard. He declared victory where there was none. He did so by updating his own article to quote a passage from the Weekly Standard. It is one that says nothing, but Abrams interpreted it to say this: “The State Department has now agreed with Levey and Szubin, not with Kerry – a remarkable development, given that he is the Department's top officer”.

Do you know what that is, my friend? Let me tell you what it is. The sad reality is that nothing explodes a bomb of joy in the hearts and bellies of Jews like the thought they helped start a fratricidal war in a family. It does not matter what the family meant to them – whether friend or foe – the sight of their blood running like a river on the floor is what lifts the Jewish spirit. They say they are the favorite children of God. No, they are not. They are the bastard children of Satan.