Tuesday, November 22, 2016

There is no Delusion like self-Delusion

What is the difference between the real world and the fiction world of say, the movies or the theater? The difference is that the real world is governed by the laws of nature, foremost among these being the law of causality. That is, something happens because something else made it happen. For an event to take place, first comes the cause and then the effect. As to the world of fiction, it is governed by the imagination of its author.

What then is the difference between the world of fiction and the world of delusion? In fiction, the author tells the audience how to classify what he created. He says he did it to entertain them, to use the tools of the medium to clarify a difficult to understand concept, or to do both. By contrast, in the world of delusion, the author tries to make the audience believe that the fiction is reality even where it violates the laws of nature.

Finally, self-delusion refers to the mind that has grown so deranged; it continuously creates a world of fiction in which the laws of nature are violated at every turn. Furthermore, the author ends up believing in his own fantasy and tries to convince his audience that this world is the real world whereas what they perceive as reality is a fiction by which to be entertained and nothing more.

When it comes to writing editorials that concern the Middle East, what you'll find in the Wall Street Journal is a mixture of delusion and self-delusion. The editors have created a fantasy world, some of which they believe, and some of which they may not believe but want the audience to believe. One such episode came under the title: “The Syrian Charnel House,” an editorial that also came under the subtitle: “This is what the world looks like under the Putin-Iran axis.” It was published on November 22, 2016 in the Journal.

One plank in the set of beliefs upon which the Journal's fantasy is constructed (as told in this editorial and many past ones) is that Israel has the right to kill 2,100 unarmed Palestinians living in their homes in Gaza, the land on which they have lived since the beginning of time. It is okay for Israel to kill this many Palestinians in 30 days – an average of 70 a day – say the editors of the Journal because Israel is full of good guys whereas Gaza is full of bad guys.

By contrast, what is not okay, the editors go on to say, is for the government of Syria to defend its territory against a ragtag army of terrorist fighters who came to join local rebels supported by the United States precisely because they are dissidents who rose against their own government. This makes them the good guys because they are opposed to a regime that must be toppled, something that Israel wants to see happen in furtherance of its agenda ... which automatically becomes America's agenda as well.

For this to cohere with everything else pertaining to the Middle East, America condemns the Russians and the Chinese who use the veto at the Security Council perhaps once a decade, but uses the veto herself to defend Israel as often as a diabetic visits the loo on the day he participates in a drinking contest.

If that does not shock you, dear reader, the editors of the Journal want you to believe their hearts bleed because “the United Nations says a million Syrians are under siege across that country.” But where were they when 1.6 million Gazans were under siege and under bombardment in a place that is 520 times smaller than Syria? Did their hearts bleed then? Or did they celebrate the effectiveness of America's weapon systems when they are used against defenseless mothers nursing their babies at home?

The editors go on to lament: “The axis of Assad more or less has a free hand given that the rest of the world lacks the will to help or protect the rebels.” But what do they say about the New-York/Tel-Aviv axis that also has a free hand to murder the innocent by the thousands?

It does so, not because someone lacks the will to protect armed rebels and terrorists, but because the self-appointed policeman is arming, financing and protecting the 4,000-year old criminals who never ceased to spread bloodshed everywhere they went since the day they murdered the babies of Egypt, looted the country and ran to set up a place out of which they continued to practice their satanic activities.

The editors of the Journal end their piece like this: “The point to understand is that Syria is what the world looks like when the U.S. abandons world leadership.” What they forgot to say is that Gaza is what the world looks like when the U.S implements the Jewish agenda.