Monday, July 24, 2017

A short Argument and a long tedious Haggle

Noah Daponte-Smith wrote an article in two parts. The first is about the Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement that's mounted across the globe, including America, in an effort to discipline Israel and make it a normal country … if that's at all possible.

The second part is about what he calls the hypocrisy and barren public sphere in America. In fact, the title of the article is just that: “BDS, Hypocrisy, and Our Barren Public Sphere.” It was published on July 21, 2017 in National Review Online.

Having articulated a short argument on BDS in the first part of the article, Noah Smith started the second part by expressing his hope that his “condemnation of the Senate bill that would ban boycotts of Israeli products, will suffice for those who ask when the right-wing defenders of free speech would profess their opposition to the bill.” He then carried on with a long and tedious haggle … which is a continuation of the usual debate he's been having with his left-wing opposites.

My interest in this discussion is what he says about BDS, and only that. What he says, in fact, is very little, all the more so because he only repeats what the ACLU said in a letter to the senators backing the bill. To that, he simply adds the obvious remark that the “proposed legislation is unconstitutional and unconscionable. The senators supporting it should be ashamed of themselves.” Big deal.

To explain my point of view regarding the BDS movement, I start by recalling an incident I experienced two decades ago of which I had the opportunity to tell the story nine years ago; just a few months after I started this blog. I did so in an article I wrote under the title: “Charity Begins At Home Not Israel.” It can be accessed in the archives at the right side of this page by clicking the year 2008, and then clicking the month of June. It is worth reading the entire article.

For those who will not do so, I here repeat its most salient parts. When Egypt got interested in relaunching its mining industry after a long hiatus, I approached a number of mining executives in Ontario, Canada where I live, and asked why they were not bidding for the opportunities that were opening up. They said they were worried, and one of them explained the reasons why. Here is a condensed version of that:

“The government of Ontario passed legislation that prohibits business from complying with the Arab boycott of Israel. Now, every time a company does business with an Arab country, the executives can be dragged to court and forced under the threat of ruin and doing time in jail to explain why they are not doing business with Israel. They would be considered guilty of anti-Semitism, forced to apologize publicly and made to promise they will do business with Israel as soon as possible. They will be placed on a watch list, and expected to jump on every occasion to pour money into Israel whether or not it made business sense. Meanwhile, every document in their filing cabinets could be subpoenaed and examined by the Jews to ascertain that no one in the company harbors now, or has ever harbored ill feelings toward Israel or the Jews”.

This is how McCarthyism in reverse looks like.

Things have changed, and several Canadian companies – including some from Ontario – have gone to Egypt and are operating in the country, or have applied to operate there. What is unlikely to happen now, is that another Canadian province will contemplate looking at this kind of legislation any time soon.

As to the United States of America, what is flabbergasting in that country about the already weird federal congress as well as the State governors and their legislatures, is that they embraced the Jewish argument that was responsible for the worldwide popular uprisings repeated across time and space. They all demanded that the Jewish question be resolved in any fashion and without delay.

Are these politicians so dumb they have difficulty grasping the truth? Or are they so devilish, they know the truth but pretend not to because their goal is to make the violent outcome happen as soon as possible to get rid of the Jews in their midst while pretending to be friends with Israel?

Think about it … knowing the history of the Holocaust, the lieutenants of the American ship of state are well aware they cannot impose the will of the Jews on their people, forcing them to buy products they don't want to consume. And yet, here they are doing it. In fact, they seem to feel so proud of what they are doing, they pin their evil act on the chest to display their unbounded pride.

What they may not know, however, is that in the eyes of others, this performance looks like a parent that has gone berserk, has raped or murdered everyone in the family, and now asks the world to congratulate him or her for a job done well. Just follow what the American ambassador to the UN is telling the world and be disgusted.

It is a horrible position to have adopted even for an autocrat, let alone one that pretends to be a liberal democrat.