Monday, July 31, 2017

We, the Jury find Israel and NYDN guilty

In a feud where deception plays a major role, the important skill a player can possess is that of setting up an invisible trap for the opponent to fall into before their encounter takes place. And the way to achieve this feat is to make sure that nothing leading to the “high noon” moment looks out of place or irrational.

Playing this kind of game is the forte of the Jews who gained four thousand years of experience rigging their way through every major culture on the planet, learning something from each, and swindling its people before leaving to go pull off similar tricks on the next victim. And that's what the Jews are trying to pull at this time both on the people of Palestine and the rest of world ... with special emphasis on their great American suckers.

You get to see an actual attempt at pulling this scam when you read the New York Daily News (NYDN) editorial which came under the title: “The fruits of hatred” and the subtitle: “The outrage over the Temple Mount in Israel perfectly encapsulates cycles of Palestinian terrorism.” It was published on July 28, 2017.

To explain what happened at the al-Aqsa mosque recently, the editors gave their version of the animosity that has existed between the two sides for half a century. They did so in the first paragraph of the article, made of two sentences. The first sentence goes like this: “Israel takes rational steps to protect its people from terrorism.” The second sentence goes like this: “The Palestinians and the Arab states, in bad-faith hysterics, misrepresent those actions and incite violence”.

Speaking of the Arabs and the Palestinians, the editors pepper the rest of the article with that same sort of characterization. Here is some of that: “The Palestinians and the Arab states play victim and foment more bloodshed … a steady stream of Palestinian lies about imminent Jewish domination of a holy site has fueled histrionics, and death … Those who represent their people gladly watch hatred aimed at Israel's very existence metastasize because they have grown addicted to tragedy”.

The point that the Jewish editors of the New York publication are making, is to the effect that the Jews of Israel are innocent of the charges leveled against them by hysterical Arabs and Palestinians who express the opinion that in their appraisal of the situation, Israel is trying to dominate the holy site. This is not true, say the Jews of New York, because the truth is in the Jewish appraisal of the situation, which goes this way: “[Arab leaders] watch hatred aimed at Israel's very existence metastasize”.

So that's what the clash is about. After a stalemate that lasted fifty years, the following situation has developed: On the one hand, the Palestinians have come to resent Israeli domination of their properties because domination of something has always presaged Israel's acquisition of same. On the other hand, the Jews of Israel and America reject the apprehension expressed by Arab and Palestinian leaders, because they are certain that the Palestinian people don't really dislike being dominated by foreigners. It is just that their leaders use the reality of domination as an excuse to try and put an end to Israel's very existence.

This leaves it up to us, human beings of Planet Earth, to act as jury and weigh the evidence so as to determine on which side it preponderates, thus pass judgment on the case. There are two things we must look at: The current situation and the history that has led to it.

Here is the current situation as reported by the editors of the Daily News: “Three Arab-Israelis entered the Temple Mount and opened fire on police, killing two. The officers happened to be of the Druze faith.” That is, the gunmen were not from the West Bank or Gaza or an Arab country, but from Israel itself. They were, therefore under the influence of no one, but were unhappy about Israeli police guarding the mosque. Yes, the police were not Jewish but Druze, but even if they were Muslim Israelis, it would not have made any difference because the security of the mosque must, by law, remain in Jordanian hands. Doing otherwise was proof enough to everyone, including non-Jewish Israelis, that Israel was implementing a stealthy program of acquisition-creep.

When we add to this the reality that in 69 years of creeping acquisition, the Jews have expanded the territory they dominate from a tiny enclave given to them by the United Nations to 80% of Palestine, it is understandable that the Palestinians and Arab countries feel apprehension about what the Jews are up to now.

Add to this the reality that the current public debate in Israel and America centers around the best way for Israel to acquire the remaining 20% of Palestine without stirring too much repugnance in the rest of the world, and you wonder what the Jews mean when they claim that they think, talk and act rationally.

Given these findings we, the jury representing humanity, find Israel and the New York Daily News guilty as charged. What's more, we find the Palestinians and the Arab countries to be fully justified warning the Jews they are playing with fire.

Furthermore, in the interest of contributing to the clarification of this situation and future ones, we make the following observations and recommendations:

First, it must be understood that the occupier of someone's property is deemed to represent the quintessential terrorist that cannot be terrorized, but must be resisted and/or fought against by any means available to the victims of his aggression.

Second, whereas the Palestinian leaders have a young constituency that does not need to be told how much it is suffering under occupation, the Jewish leaders have a young constituency they continually brainwash with stories and images of the Holocaust, turning the youngsters into foot soldiers that will do their bidding for them on command.

Third, the intent of the Palestinian leaders is the legitimate effort to end the occupation, thus liberate their country from the yoke of Jewish colonialism. In contrast, the aim of the Jewish leaders is the illegitimate effort to maintain the occupation and use it as model to creep-replicate it elsewhere in the region, thus realize the long held Jewish dream of creating a Jewish empire that will last to the end of time.

Fourth, in the same way that the Jews have come out the walled ghettos of medieval times, creating the virtual ghetto of audio-visual and cybernetic spaces, they are currently working on creating congregations in virtual cyberspace. These are presided over not by rabbis, but pundits that proselytize by purveying the gospel which comes out the Likud boiler room. Their prospective flocks are the feeble minds in high places that will convert and work to create the Jewish empire envisaged by the Jewish leaders.