Saturday, January 13, 2018

Cultural Paraplegic says he lifts America up

If you're a student going to school or a blue collar industrial worker or a white collar office worker, you must have met the kind of guy or gal that runs around and gives unsolicited advice to everyone.

Annoyed enough to shed tears, you feel like telling this character to get the hell out of your space, but you endure lest you upset the harmony that's prevailing among the other people occupying the same space – and yet keep quiet.

But that doesn't mean you don't talk about it among yourselves. In fact, the subject almost always comes up for discussion when a group of you gets together without the annoying character being there. You tell each other what happened lately when the “pest” came to tell you how to do the things you've been doing for many years, and doing them well enough to know that the free advice you're getting isn't worth a dog's poop.

Well, you know something, my friend? This kind of annoyance happens not only in schools and workplaces; they also happen on the diplomatic stage where Jews are allowed to act as the all-knowing wizards without someone telling them to buzz off. America is where the Jewish annoyance reaches stratospheric heights, which is why you find advisers galore nest in that place where they repeat the same advice on the same subjects at the same time as if they were all hatched from the same echo chamber.

Two of those characters coauthored an article that came under the title: “The U.N. Agency That Keeps Palestinians From Prospering” and the subtitle: “The administration's freeze on funds for Unwra is a first step in breaking the Mideast stalemate.” It was written by Alex Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky, and published on January 11, 2018 in the Wall Street Journal.

Having succeeded in making themselves hated by the human race, and having transformed superpower America into super joker America in half a century, the two Jewish authors – like their predecessors – are still trying to give advice to America on how to treat the Palestinians. Their logic is easy to decipher when you know what powers it. They refuse to accept that the ethno-religious concoction they cobbled together over the centuries has been a dismal failure. Unable to function like a normal country, they act like the paraplegic that pretends to lift all other countries. And that’s how they describe their activity in America.

What is painful about their stance is that the Jewish treatment of the Palestinians accounts for ninety percent of humanity's hatred for them and for Israel. So it makes sense to ask if these characters are setting America up to be hated as much as they are. Given the accumulated evidence, the answer can only be: most probably yes. Study the following montage of excerpts, and you'll find that every sentence is a lie invented to suit the moment or it is a distortion of reality or it is pure nonsense:

“The U.S. supported Unwra during the Cold War to contain communism, maintain the flow of oil from Arab states and prevent nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, especially Iran. So how can the administration move forward? The first step is clear; the Palestinians are entitled to citizenship in the countries where they live. Shift funds from Unwra to the Palestinian Authority to make Palestinians self-sufficient. Implementing such plans will require political will. A program to bring American officials on board is thus required. The administration has the opportunity to disrupt fantastically expensive patterns. If the Palestinian Authority wishes to be regarded as a state, then it must act like a state”.

This is a reiteration of the Judeo-Israeli plan they once called the “Situation.” It consists of doing away with the Palestinian identity in several steps. The first is for all the Palestinians outside of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza to take up the citizenship of the country in which they reside. The next step is to remove UNRWA from the scene by channeling the money that goes to the Palestinians in a different way. The pretense will be that the money is going to the Palestinian Authority (PA) but in reality, the money will be “administered” by Israel.

With this, Israel will have the money to spend on its Jewish settlers while starving the Palestinians and forcing them to seek a better life elsewhere. It is a form of slow-motion genocide, and the prank that will make it work is none other than the old Catch 22 trick.

You can see how that will work in the sayings of Joffe and Romirowsky. They say that to be free of the occupation the PA must act like a state; but the PA cannot act like a state until it is free of the occupation. Until the Palestinians can resolve this paradox, the Jews will continue to implement the genocide known as the Situation in full view of the world, under the protection of a Congress of zombies.

And while this fantasy is unfolding in the heads and hearts of eternal losers, the rest of humanity will continue to enforce the BDS movement, an activity that’s the most important project ever undertaken by humanity for the cause of human freedom.