Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Is this what America has been reduced to?

Guess who went from being liberator of peoples and builder of shattered lives the world over, to being spectator sitting on the sidelines, and a cheerleader of lost causes. You guessed it; it's the United States of America.

Bear in mind it is generally accepted that no publication in America reflects the country's thinking like the Washington Post. What its editors express is taken to be the expression of the nation itself. And so, the students who watch and study the American scene, do themselves a great deal of good by spending time going over the work produced by the Washington Post's editors; something they add to their pile of research.

What students have been seeing over the last few decades was the gradual diminution of America. They witnessed a nation that used to be a dignified storehouse of everything that human beings desired to have, gradually shrivel to become a moral pauper. It stands now at such a low level of pettiness, it gets excited and jumps for joy in celebration upon learning that someone next door or far away got hit with misfortune.

You see an example of this kind of performance in the editorial that was published in the Washington Post under the title: “The West should support the protesters in Iran,” printed on January 1, 2018. Also published on that same day was a column written by Benny Avni. It came under the title: “With the new protests in Iran, this is no time for the West to stay quiet,” published in the New York Post.

Benny Avni is a member of what came to be known as the mob of Jewish pundits. This is a group that has managed to turn itself into the wellspring of mediocre and evil ideas from which America has been drinking for half a century. The effect has been that America grew smaller and meeker while the group and its protégé – Israel – grew larger and hungrier. Thus, the more fingers America gave the Jews, the more arms they demanded to have, and the more America gave to them.

This is why, when reading the Avni column in the New York Post, and then reading the editorial in the Washington Post, you get the feeling that you've entered an echo chamber. And that's where you hear every utterance produced by a member of the mob hit you twice, usually in two slightly different versions.

For example, whereas Avni in New York says: “The Iranians need our help,” the editors in Washington echo: “The European leaders should speak up.” As can be seen, these sayings are also offshoots of the two titles which are almost identical. In fact, one title blares: “no time for the West to stay quiet;” and the other blares: “the West should support the protesters”.

Here is another echo expressed in two variants. There is the New York Avni version that goes like this: “the protesters want to scrap the whole system.” And there is the editors' Washington version that goes like this: “the odds that the protesters will trigger a revolution are long”.

And here is one more example of two variants produced by the same noise. There is the Avni version that goes: “The destruction of posters of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.” And there is the editors' version that goes: “a nationwide uprising directed squarely at the rule of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei”.

That pattern is carried throughout the two pieces of work. They show how much America has been reduced, and how much it has absorbed the mob culture of the Jewish pundits. In fact, the rabbis who were put in charge of taking over America more than five decades ago said openly at the time that their mission was to “educate” the American public on the ways of the Jews. It is now obvious that they succeeded beyond anything that anyone had envisaged when those words were spoken.

Hidden from the public at the time, was also the purpose of the Jewish education that the rabbis talked about. In fact when they said education, people thought they meant something noble and uplifting. As it turned out, however, Jewish education meant brainwashing the public to pave the way for the Jewish leaders to monopolize the institutions of America and for putting those institutions to work in the service of Israel and only Israel.

Even that was not their ultimate goal. What they had in mind then and have it now is the use of American power to destroy every progress that a neighbor of Israel manages to score.

But because it became increasingly clear that they will never achieve that goal, the Jews resigned themselves to the idea of sitting like spectators and watching the show – at least for now. They dragged America to the seat adjacent to theirs and “educated” its elites on how to root for the self-destructive moves that a neighbor may inflict on the self once in a while.

This stance may be in line with the great Jewish tradition trumpeted in the Old Testament; it is hardly a noble stance for a has-been superpower. Wake up, America and build-up some self-respect.