Friday, January 26, 2018

Not lost but mutilated in Translation

Benny Avni's latest column came under the title: “Asia is wondering if Trump will defend Taiwan,” published on January 23, 2018 in the New York Post. The first thing that came to mind upon reading that title was the question: How does he know that?

The second thing that came to mind was the thought that he, and the rest of the people in the loop of elites that live in the same culture and speak the same language, don't even understand each other. And this guy wants us to believe he had a meaningful conversation with Asians? In what language did they communicate?

The third thing that came to mind was a very telling scene. It happened a long time ago ... most probably on PBS around the end of the twentieth century or the start of the twenty first. There was a moderator, there was Richard Perle and there was a female French journalist who spoke perfect English. They were discussing Iraq when the subject of nuclear proliferation came up. For several minutes Perle and the journalist wrangled sharply about proliferation. They did so not because they disagreed that proliferation was bad – they did not – but because each had a different definition of the word proliferation. And so, neither understood what the other was saying.  

Inside the head of the French woman, proliferation meant possessing something lethal and distributing it to others. And so she was adamant there was no proof that Saddam Hussein was proliferating nuclear technology. As to what was going on inside the head of Richard Perle, the fact that Saddam possessed nuclear technology at all (which she did not deny because she didn't know) was in itself the definition of proliferation. And so he believed she was contradicting herself in the same breath; whereas she thought he was stubborn like an ass.

Now, my friend, imagine a scene similar to that with Benny Avni sitting across the table from Asians (that may be a hundred percent fluent in English but) with principles of coexistence bouncing inside their heads in ways different from how they bounce in Avni's head. The Asians are thinking: How can we explain to this hyphenated American that we have so much to look forward to, our interest is to calm the situation in our region? And you have Benny Avni thinking: How many American lives would Netanyahu be willing to sacrifice if he were prime minister of Asia with two or three billion people under his governance?

If you don't know the answer to that question, look for clues in the Benny Avni article, and you'll be able to paint an accurate picture of what the Judeo-Israeli syndicate has in mind. Here is a summary of the article:

China is supplanting America as the top global power. It flexes muscles in its neighborhood. It launched new routes near the line separating its air space from Taiwan's. Things are heating up around that island. America has vowed to confront Chinese annexation attempt –– militarily if needed. Beijing limited trade and tourism. Is a military confrontation next? Will America rush to the rescue? The Asians have noticed that the U.S. increasingly retrenches from military engagements. Replenishing the military will take time; America has got to start immediately. China is backing Kim Jong-un's regime. China is the power that can challenge America's economic primacy and outgrow our military. Trump must state that America's military is a tool in our national-security kit. And that we're ready to use it”.

It is clear that the writer is preoccupied with the power of the United States and the readiness of its military at the exclusion of everything else. He wants America to use Taiwan as an excuse to go after China right now because he sees that, if not stopped, China will soon replace America as the predominant power in the world. And since the Jews have no influence on the Chinese, Avni and the syndicate to which he belongs, fear they will have their wings clipped.

Now, my friend, put yourself in the shoes of Asians sitting across the table from Benny Avni discussing America's role in their region. Do you really believe they would have told him they wonder if Trump will defend Taiwan without mentioning what the consequences of a war in their backyard will do to the populations of the region?

Of course, this can only be a fantasy on the part of Benny Avni who is motivated by the desire to rekindle America's fighting spirit. He is winding up America's drive to fight wars while disregarding their consequences as long as they serve the Judeo-Israeli agenda.

And these characters get paid for what they do.