Saturday, February 8, 2020

Is there a Witch Doctor in the House?

Audiences of a different generation were entertained by the lyrics of “tiptoeing through the Tulips,” but audiences of the current generation seem disgusted by the haggling over “tiptoeing through the Peace Plan”.

Robert Satloff is adamant about being the Tiny Tim of political punditry, deriving joy from singing the never ending refrain that goes something like this: I was correct yesterday, I am correct today and I'll be correct tomorrow when the truth of “God knows what it is I'm talking about” will have been revealed.

But the truth as defined by ordinary human beings in any language, lies in what Robert Satloff did once again when he falsely claimed that Israel is doing the right thing by skillfully maintaining the status quo while creating new “accomplished facts” on the ground, and calling them “realities.” Let it be known that the Israeli skill consists of the American equipped thieving army laboring as fast as possible to grab Palestinian land and properties, but not so fast as to trigger an uproar by the Palestinians living under the yoke of occupation, and by everyone else in the world at large.

Robert Satloff tiptoed from a previous position during which time he haggled a bag full of useless ideas about ending the occupation of Palestine –– to a new position by which he is now haggling yet another bag full of useless ideas to end the same occupation. In fact, he began discussing the new position by distorting his old position, and by making the intervening events sound like they vindicate both his positions.

Being one of those who contributed the most to the creation of the mess that came to be known as the occupation of Palestine by the American equipped and financed Jewish army of so-called Israel, Satloff's continued preoccupation with the subject, is akin to the witch doctor that keeps messing with the health of a patient while claiming that he alone can cure him.

You can get acquainted with the details of this sorry mess upon reading the article that Satloff wrote under the title: “We Need a Corrective to Old Catechisms on Peace. Trump's Plan Isn't It,” published on February 5, 2020 on the website of the Washington Institute. This is how Satloff started his current presentation: “This past May, I warned that the Middle East peace plan being devised by the White House stood little chance of success … I offered a long list of reasons”.

That was a list of haggling points that did nothing more than betray the writer's anger that the plan was giving the Palestinians too much. But the way that he explains those points now, would suggest that he means to say, he foretold that the plan was so idiotic: “Predictably enough, it took less than a week for Arab and Muslim states [later the EU as well] to reject the plan in the clearest and most vociferous terms”.

Besides making the false claim that events had vindicated him for making the predictions he once did, and besides expressing the delight that the status quo, as desired by the Likud Party of Israel, will not only be maintained but expanded to encompass the theft of more Palestinian lands and more of their properties, Robert Satloff is using the occasion to seek codifying the principle that Jews have rights no one else (such as the Palestinians) has or can ever have.

Here is how Satloff made that assertion: “A clear statement that the solution of the Palestinian refugee problem lies in return of refugees to the new state of Palestine, not in keeping alive fantasies about refugees' alleged 'right of return' to Israel”.

It is the culmination of mental retardation for an ardent Zionist who fights for the right of every convert to Judaism to “return” to a Palestine where neither he nor any ancestor of his has ever lived, yet dismisses the same right to the Palestinians whose roots in Palestine go back to the beginning of time. What makes the retardation earn the descriptive “criminal” is that the author of the declaration has discussed the subject in the most demeaning of manners by describing the Palestinian legitimate human desire to go home as being a fantasy, and by speaking about it as being the: “Alleged Palestinian right of return”.

Apparently, Robert Satloff believes that if and when he or any of his offspring gets spooked by a mysterious “connection” beckoning them to the land of the Palestinians, it can only be asserted that the galvanized dudes have the right to “return” to Palestine. In Satloff's view, it is logical that this should stand in contrast with the desire of the Palestinians to go home, which he says can only be viewed as being an allegation.

Well, let me tell you something, Robert, it is this kind of primitive and beastly thinking that has been sending the Jews to the gas chamber and the incinerator from time immemorial to modern days.

Have you people not had enough of this kind of treatment at the hands of the entire human race? How much more will you take before you stop asking for still more?