Friday, February 14, 2020

These Clueless Freelance Liars messed up again

Developments over the last few years provide ample reasons to paraphrase Israel's late foreign minister Abba Eban, and say that the Jews never miss an opportunity to do themselves in. Also worth highlighting is the observation that each time the Jews did themselves in, they ignited the flames of antisemitism which then turned on the fires of the incinerators.

Two recently published articles give credence to that historical reality. One article came under the title: “Clueless Europeans Muddle the Middle East Again,” written by Ken Cohen, and published on February 12, 2020 in the Jewish publication Algemeiner. The other article came under the title: “Palestinian movement has become obsolete,” and the subtitle: “Palestinians were overtaken by political events and thwarted by their own mistakes.” It was written by Jed Babbin, and published in the Washington Times on February 12, 2020.

As if to put on display an example of how the Jews are taught to conduct a debate –– if and when they are compelled to engage in one –– Ken Cohen began his lecture as follows: “The Europeans [should] focus on the problems on their own continent … The institutions of Europe insert themselves into distant problems of which they have little understanding and zero political standing”.

If you're not familiar with the way that the Jews debate, you would think that Ken Cohen will follow the normal procedure and justify asking the Europeans to focus on their problems. You reckon he'll do so by showing that they are plagued by more problems more severely than anyone else. Alas, he does none of that.

As to Cohen suggesting that anyone as distant from the Middle East as Europe should stay out of the region, gives the impression that he'll want to keep the even more distant America at bay. But reading the full article, shows that his desire for foreign intrusion into the region involves America and only America. And so, you conclude that the Jewish way to debate, is to make assertions that the author will not justify. Meanwhile, you must accept what he says without question, or he'll refuse to debate you under the false pretext that you're a denier of the Holocaust and a virulent antisemite.

Of the numerous other assertions made by Ken Cohen, the one that hits you in the face like a baseball bat in the hand of a madman, is the new bogus currency that the Jews are peddling these days. It goes like this: “The alleged Palestinian right of return.” Do you know what this means, my friend? I'll tell you what it means with the use of an example. It means the following:

If someone that doesn't know the difference between a geographic map and his asshole, is hungry for a promotion and a raise at CNN where he works, what he can do is convert to Judaism. He’ll get what he wants from CNN, and instantly become the proud owner of a piece of Palestine. This means, he can go to the Jewish occupied land of the Palestinian people, push a family out of the home it has owned since the beginning of time, and make it his own. This will happen with the bill being paid for by Americans, and innocent people being killed if necessary, by America’s military.

If you tell that character, this is not how estates are inherited, and you explain that ownership goes from parents to offspring because what counts is the bloodline of the claimant and not his religious affiliation, the character will ask for time so that he may consult with a rabbi or something. When he has done so, he'll come back and accuse you of being a Holocaust denier and a virulent antisemite. For this reason, he'll say he'll never debate you, and that's final. What’s not final, however, is that for the foreseeable future, every Jewish pundit and his sidekick will be rattling off the moronic phrase: alleged Palestinian right of return.

As to Jed Babbin, he did not waste time laying the foundation for the case he is about to make, by rattling off the myth which goes like this: “Because of the threat Iran poses to the Arab states, and the Palestinians' rejection of one reasonable peace deal after another, the Palestinian movement has become obsolete”.

Babbin did not elaborate on that theory, because every time that such attempt was made, the argument was brought down in flames. That's because the explanation rests on the stupid principle that the Arabs are relying on Israel to defend them against Iran, when the truth is that Israel had its ass kicked many times over by the children of Gaza who were armed with nothing more than homemade weapons. The truth is that the Arabs care about Israel as much as they care about an alley cat prowling the neighborhood.

Despite all this, Jed Babbin has relied on the imbecilic pattern of accusing the Palestinians of rejecting previously offered peace deals instead of explaining why they should accept the current deal. In fact, you can bet the farm that if there is going to be a next time, Babbin or someone like him, will in the future, accuse the Palestinians of rejecting the deal offered in the year 2020. He’ll do so instead of explaining why the one that will be offered then, will have been a good deal.

The Jews and their sidekicks rely on this trick because talking about the current offer will pull them into a debate, they know they can only lose. And so, they talk about previous offers that no one will want to waste time re-litigating. This is Jewish style democracy that’s dragging America deep into the Jewish sewer.