Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Here is an Evil more contagious than Virus

What does it take to turn a normal human being into a useful idiot for the parasitic sponges of the world, and simultaneously a useless idiot for his countrymen?

To answer that question, we look for an individual of the kind we normally associate with sobriety, mental stability and rationality, but one that has succumbed to a force beyond his ability to resist –– and study him.

We identify one such character who goes by the name L. Scott Lingamfelter (LSL) who is a retired US Army colonel, and look at his latest work for clues as to his current mental and emotional states. In fact, his latest work is an article he wrote under the title: “Trump must strengthen sanctions against Iran and warn allies about arms sales,” published on May 10, 2020 in The Washington Times.

LSL begins the discussion by juxtaposing two assertions: (1) The US opposes the sale of weapons to Iran by any nation. (2) Sanctioned by the major producers of weapons (that heeded America's warning) Iran is developing its own arms industries, including ballistic missiles tipped with nuclear warheads.

There must be a between-the-lines message in these assertions. But what could the message be? Is LSL saying it is better to dissuade the Iranians from developing their own weapons by selling them ours? Or is he saying that the Iranians should heed America's warning, and stop developing their own weapons, even if they are getting none from abroad?

That line of thinking leads to an even larger concern: What happens if Iran rejects America's warning and goes ahead with the program to develop its own weapons? Will America do what the critics who opposed America's withdrawal from the Nuclear Deal, have warned will happen … namely that the ill-considered move by Donald Trump will lead to war? Consequently, will America bomb Iran, seeking to destroy it?

It is unclear where LSL stands on this issue, but he made this remark: “In foreign policy and matters of national security, it is vitally important to see things as they are, not as you wish them to be.” And he went on to say the following:

“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is correct when he says that the United States will use every tool we have to stop a renewal of arms sales to Iran by the international community … Iran's failing economy, coupled with its huge loss of life due to the COVID-10 pandemic, has revealed Mr. Rouhani and his government for the disaster they are”.

This suggests that LSL sees the problem that is Iran, being on the path to resolution (1) by the Pompeo threat to the international community that he'll use every tool he has to stop the sale of weapons to Iran, and (2) by the pandemic's devastation of the Iranian economy, which reveals to the Iranian public that the country's economic failure is due to the incompetence of its leaders.

But then LSL does something strange. He goes on to tell Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump what they must do. He does that by asking: “What should America do in the days ahead?” And he goes on to give Pompeo and Trump, three pieces of advice that go as follows:

“First, we should redouble our efforts to contain and reform Iranian behavior in the Mideast and around the globe. This requires a strengthening of economic sanctions and a resolve to respond with military power”.

“Second, we must make clear to our allies and friends that a resumption of arms sales to Iran will be a breach of trust and will have economic consequences for those who would”.

“Third, we must make clear to Russia and China that they risk further international isolation and stringent economic sanctions if they act to rearm Iran”.

In effect then, LSL is saying that while tightening the screws on Iran, America should pursue that country around the world to prevent it from committing undesirable acts –– and be ready to bomb it to kingdom come should that become necessary. And while America is doing this, it must threaten its friend and allies with consequences should they resume selling arms to Iran.

In addition to all this, says LSL, America must warn the two military superpowers, Russia and China they will be hit with economic sanctions placed on them by America's tattered economy, itself victim of a pandemic that hit it harder than anyone else in the world.

And here is the laughable part: LSL wants America to inform Russia and China that they –– and not America –– will be isolated internationally as a result of all these machinations.

Well, my friend, now we can answer the question as to what it takes to turn a normal human being into a useful idiot for the parasitic sponges of the world, and simultaneously a useless idiot for his countrymen.

The answer is this: It takes a previously well-adjusted US Army colonel getting himself elected to a state legislature or the federal Senate where he'll be indoctrinated by the parasitic Zionist movement, and made to work for Israel at the expense of America and the American people.

It was the time he served as a member of the Virginia state legislature that turned L. Scott Lingamfelter into a useful idiot for Israel, and a useless idiot for America.