Friday, May 1, 2020

How Winston Churchill tricked Nikki Haley

In the contest for the first prize as to which non-Jew is more Jewish-like or more so than the most fanatic of Jews, two contestants seem to have become the clear front-runners at this time. They are Donald J. Trump and Nikki Haley.

Donald Trump's strategy consists of giving the Jews what's not his, which comes down to what belongs to the Arabs and the Muslims, 90% of which being what belongs to the already dispossessed Palestinians. It also consists of beating up on the Arabs and the Muslims who cannot defend themselves, here too, 90% of which being the helpless Palestinians.

Donald Trump also gives the Jews what belongs to the American people, something he finds easy to do because the federal and state legislatures of the so-called democratic superpower, have turned the country into a free-for-all, open-door bordello with no guard at the door and no landlord to ask questions. Sitting at the highest point on the roof, Donald Trump watches the Jews freeload everything precious and everything cheap, and asks himself: When are they going to stop for a moment and adulate me?

As to Nikki Haley, she was caught in the dragnet that was devised by the Jewish leaders; the one that was meant to catch the various ethnic groups in America, one group at a time ... and tell them specifically concocted stories that would appeal to them. Haley being of Sikh descent but plagued with a skull as void as an Ethiopian corcorro, they found her as malleable as putty in the hands of a playful child. They taught her that the world was divided into good people, all lovers of Israel––and bad people, all haters of Israel. And she fanatically came to believe this description of the world.

From that moment on, Nikki Haley has been doing nothing but absorb the Jewish talking points and spewing them wherever she finds herself. And so, it happens that a day or two ago, she found herself in front of a computer monitor and keyboard, ready to compose an article, telling the world it is divided into good people and bad ones –– with Winston Churchill being good and the Chinese being bad. To make sure that the readers will react the way they are supposed to, she included the ingredient that the Jews told her was indispensable in such conversation: fear. She made her readers fear China.

And Nikki Haley found no better way to accomplish that task but to quote Winston Churchill at the start of the article she wrote under the title: “China's coronavirus actions are just one of many threats it poses,” published on April 29, 2020 in The Washington Post. Here is what she quoted Churchill as saying: “I tell you it is no use arguing with a Communist. It's no good trying to convert a Communist or persuade him … The only thing to do is to convince them that you have superior force … and that is the greatest chance of peace, he surest road to peace”.

Being no smarter than Winston Churchill, Nikki Haley failed to see the absurdity of that statement. The fact that Churchill said you cannot convert the Communists, and in the next breath said, you convince them that you have superior force, did not ring the bell of contradiction inside her corcorro head. So now that the contradiction was brought to your attention, what is it Nikki Haley? Can you convert/convince the Communists or can you not? As to you, my friend, sit back and watch her try to tiptoe, not through the tulips, but through the Judeo-Churchillian load of absurdities.

Here she is. Look how she starts the long paragraph, which comes near the end of the article: “Why was China different? Go back to Churchill's explanation.” Hailey goes on to list all the lies, the half-truths and the alternative truths that were leveled against China by anyone at any time. So, you get your literary magnifying glass and go through her rant to see how it relates to what Churchill has said, and find not a hint of relation.

So then, what is it that she's talking about? From where did she get those ideas? Look at a sample of them, and you'll know: “Everything its leaders do is aimed at expanding the party's power. It is why they cannot tolerate freedom in Hong Kong. Why they insist on taking over Taiwan. Why they seek to dominate countries and international organizations. Why they expand their arsenal”.

If that makes no sense to you my friend, apply what she said to the Middle East, and it will suddenly make sense. Here it is: “Everything the Likud leaders do is aimed at expanding the party's power. It is why they cannot tolerate freedom in the West Bank. Why they insist on taking over all of Palestine. Why they seek to dominate America and international organizations. Why they expand their arsenal.” That's what it was. Nikki Haley was thinking Israel and accusing China instead.

Look now how Nikki Haley ends that same paragraph: “China is a dangerously different power because it is steadfastly committed to an ideology that views its system as superior and seeks its advancement in every way.” Does it not remind you of the Jewish “Tikkum Olam?”

Maybe it is true what Churchill has said after all, except that he applied it in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe he should have said the following about our time:

I tell you it is no use arguing with specimen who were brainwashed to love the Jews. It's no good trying to convert them or persuade them … The only thing to do is to convince them that you have a superior argument ... and that is the greatest chance of quiet, the surest road to end their rant”.

Get it Nikki?