Saturday, March 13, 2021

They got your Money and Honor, now they want your Kids

 We saw it coming half a century ago and warned about it, but no one listened. The Jews pretended to want peace while scheming to steal all of Palestine.


To succeed in that game, they needed the blind support of zombies who thought of themselves as American legislators. The Jews got the support they wanted in the form of praise, encouragement and money. All the while, they abused their power in the commanding positions where they operated, and used that power to identify every one of us who were of Arab descent (Christian and Muslim alike) that had the talent to rise in his or her profession and become influential.


The Jews then called on the army of moral prostitutes they had cultivated over the decades, and instructed them to do whatever was necessary to destroy and cancel that person before they got to a high enough ranking, they would be close to developing the clout to stand up to and push back against the horrifically absurd logic the Jews were spewing in the ear of zombies running the country.


We had predicted all of that and warned against it decades ago, even predicted one more thing that would surpass anything you can imagine in terms of sheer horror. We did not predict it because we had supernatural abilities, we predicted it because we saw the Jews do it to the Palestinians with the connivance of the North American zombies. It was our long experience in observing the Jews that had us deduce they will eventually do it to the zombies themselves.


So then, what was it we observed the Jews do, and predicted they will turn around and do to their American supporters? We observed the Jews systematically take everything tangible they could from the Palestinians by force of arms, and when there was nothing left to take by force, they asked their victims to willingly give what they could not take. They asked the Palestinians to give away their honor.


Honor being the one thing the Jews now want from the North American zombies; honor is what they work to extract from those leaders. The Jews want the children of the Continent to raise as slavish moral concubines of both genders, and put them in the service of the Jewish generation they are grooming to become the future masters of North America.


One of those they are grooming is Aliya Rosenthal. The paragraph that follows is a condensed version of what she wrote. Read it slowly to get inside the writer's head and develop a sense of what she was thinking while writing those words. You'll know what's in her mind; also feel what’s more than a fire in her belly. You'll be shaken to discover a volcano that’s in a permanent state of eruption. This will cause you to think: Would anyone sane leave their children in the hands of someone that's driven by this kind of extreme fanaticism? See for yourself for, here is the paragraph that tells the bone-chilling story:


“Currently, 16 out of 50 US states are required to teach about the Holocaust. This is grossly inadequate. It should be mandatory that all public schools in the US have a detailed curriculum that includes Holocaust education. How can we expect others to know about what the Jewish people endured if we aren't teaching it to them? Minnesota was set to review and revise its social studies curriculum for 2021. The Minnesota social studies review committee eliminated all mentions of the Holocaust in its first draft of revisions. With the elimination of Holocaust education, future students in Minnesota will not learn about the most horrific genocide in history. Holocaust education should be required in all public school curricula across the United States, and around the world”.


Like all those who display that kind of unrestrained fanaticism, the intensity of her emotion concerning the need to indoctrinate the children, betrays her real desire. The reality is that she does not want to talk to the children about the Holocaust to prevent another one from happening; she wants to talk the Holocaust into becoming a massive monument that'll sit in the middle of the public square. The goal is for it to sit there and intimidate anyone who might think they have something compelling to discuss without first paying homage to the victims of the Holocaust. And they, being Jews of old or recent conversion, will have the exclusive right to milk the mass like a cash cow that never gets depleted.


That level of desire is what the older generation of Jews is pumping into the heads, hearts and souls of the new generation. It is the one to which Aliya Rosenthal belongs. But the pertinent question is this: Is the older generation aware of the reality that it is sending the younger ones on a path that will force the normally silent society onto the streets to chant, “Jews will not replace us,” and such other notions as, “Hitler was right but did not finish the job”?


If they are not aware, they are too dangerous to remain on the loose, and must be put to pasture, a place that would be called: Home of the useless and senile old rabbis.