Thursday, September 30, 2021

They were made in such a way never to reform

Finally, Dan Perry has decided to write a piece to tell it like it is, and amazingly, found a publication that would carry his piece.


You can see for yourself. Dan Perry’s piece is an article that came under the title: “America’s huge Iran miscalculation,” published on September 29, 2021 in the New York Daily News. Here, in condensed form, is what the piece contains:


“Identifying the greatest mistake committed by Trump is a mammoth undertaking. It’s the withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran. It was a brazen campaign by Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu that compelled Trump to withdraw from the deal. Iran is consequently much closer to a bomb today, not less. Did the West get everything from the mullahs? There is no evidence that Iran did not honor the deal until Trump walked away. The boneheaded gambit carried at least two additional costs. Trump rattled US credibility and discarded the principle of continuity, which will dog America’s relations with the world for some time. As for Israel, by showing up in Congress to speechify against a sitting president regarding the deal, Netanyahu began the process of poisoning the Jewish state’s relations with the Democratic Party. Biden is now seeking a renegotiated deal. Meanwhile, new Prime Minister Naftali Bennett hints darkly that Israel may have new tricks up its sleeve. A major Israeli attack on Iran would risk a devastating counterstrike that would cost innumerable lives and quite possibly spark a wider war”.


The essential point here is that America acted at the behest of Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. It was a boneheaded gambit, says Perry, that brought serious consequences. One is that Iran is now closer to the bomb than it has ever been. Another is that Donald Trump’s reneging on a deal that was negotiated by the major powers, has rattled America’s credibility in the world. A third consequence is that John Boehner’s Republican invitation for Netanyahu to speak to the Congress about the subject, poisoned the good relations that used to exist between the Democratic Party and Israel, says Dan Perry.


Perry goes on to explain that whereas President Joe Biden seeks to negotiate a new deal with Iran, the new Prime Minister of Israel is hinting darkly that Israel may have new tricks up its sleeve. In reality, however, this is an old trick delivered in a new package. It used to be that Israel would blackmail America by warning that if it did not get what it wanted, it will do something stupid and draw America in the aftermath of its stupid act. What the new Prime Minister of Israel did that’s different, is that he delivered a similar kind of blackmail to the world while speaking at the United Nations.


In the past, America was not moved by Israel’s blackmails because it learned after a number of bitter experiences what happens when you call a Jew your friend. He’ll drag you into the Jewish sewer and won’t let you escape till you smell so bad you lose every friend you had. And this, in fact, is what happened to America that keeps asking the question: Why do they hate us? only to get hit in the face with this answer: Because you stink like raw sewage.


Well, my friend, in case you wonder if the Jews have learned their lesson too, and have decided to stop pushing America to do boneheaded acts, consider what happened 9 days before Dan Perry’s article appeared in print. Whereas Perry’s article was published on September 29, 2021, an article that came under the title: “Now is the time to end Iran’s nuclear dream,” was published on September 20, 2021 also in the New York Daily News. It was written by Israel Nitzan that happens to be the acting consul general of the Consul General of Israel in New York. The following is what the Israeli Consul has been advising America, presented here in condensed form:


“One of the biggest threats facing the world remains Iran’s nuclear intentions. Iran’s march towards a nuclear weapon is not only an Israeli problem, it’s a problem for the entire world. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), presented a report describing Iran’s refusal to provide answers to a probe into its nuclear activities. The data shows Iran is now producing enriched uranium, close to weapons-grade. At this pace, Iran is just one month away from acquiring the materials to make a nuclear weapon. The regime in Tehran is rushing to achieve nuclear capabilities to shield and promote its destructive ideology and harmful intent. Iran’s destructive influence isnt just a problem for Israel. This is the time for all nations to unite in the most responsible way to put an end to Iran’s continued, and increasingly lethal, defiance”.


Despite the fact that it was Israel and its Jewish and non-Jewish cohorts in America that pushed Donald Trump to renege on the nuclear deal, causing Iran to drop its own adherence to it, you see the consul general who speaks for Israel, complain about Iran’s response, and calling that country undeserved names. The consul did so with a straight face without thinking of criticizing the actions of Benjamin Netanyahu or John Boehner or Donald Trump who caused the chain reaction that culminated in the outcome that was predictable.


It is true what they say: This is a faction composed of assorted individuals, pretending to be a cohesive ethnic group, pretending to be a religion, and pretending to descend from the Hebrews. But in reality, this is nothing more than a worldwide syndicate whose leaders are engaged in crimes of the deadliest kind. And they operate in the name of a rank and file that knows not what the leaders are doing.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

They want all for themselves, nothing for others

Clifford D. May came upon a book with a title that reads: “People love dead Jews”. What a great idea, he exclaimed to himself. And he thought that if the writer of the book can blame all of humanity for the calamities that Jewish leaders like himself, bring on their people, he surely can blame it all on the Squad.


And so, Clifford May has decided to write a column under the title: “The Squad loves dead Jews,” and the subtitle: “Support for Hamas implies nothing less.” And he had the article published on September 28, 2021 in The Washington Times.


The reason why Clifford May is picking on the Squad, is that it is composed of four courageous women that happen to be American legislators. They looked at the setup that Jewish leaders have been constructing over the decades, and became so horrified of what they were seeing, they decided to do something about it. The Squad voted against funding a criminal enterprise designed to send a steady stream of huge sums of taxpayer money to Israel … done under false pretenses.


The current pretense is that Israel has developed a system of defense named Iron Dome. Israel needs money, they say, to produce the missiles that will replace what Israel used up to defend against the Hamas rockets that were launched against Israel in the last Gaza War.


Aside from the Iron Dome being a hoax that’s keeping the criminal enterprise going, the idea that Israel needs a system of defense funded by an America that’s already giving Israel, free of charge, the most destructive bombs and most advanced warplanes to deliver them on the women and children of Palestine, is a moral degradation that’s no less pornographic than calling on Jesus to come down and be crucified a second time, to please those who are never satisfied no matter what you give them or how much of it you give them.


To understand why even good-meaning elite Americans can be conned by the Jews into giving Israel the store, the farm and even the kitchen sink, we need to know something about modern warfare. Given the kind of weaponry that exists today, peace is maintained only when you have parity between the two antagonists. This reality was given the name: Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD.) Because in the game of war, like any game, there is both the attack and the defense, parity means that the two antagonists must feel defended to the same degree; also have equal offensive capabilities to deter the opponent.


What has been happening over the decades, however, was that the Jews have used America’s enormous capabilities in finance, diplomacy, military and other fields to deprive Israel’s enemies from obtaining both offensive and defensive capabilities while giving Israel the best that America has in both offensive and defensive capabilities.


Despite all of that, however, Hezbollah has been able to deter Israel from attacking the women and children of Lebanon by stocking up on offensive missiles that can cripple Israel’s command and control network, airfields and fuel depots, thus ground its vaunted air force. As to Gaza’s Hamas, while still relying on kites and weather balloons to do battle against the F-16s and F-35s of Israel, and while still relying on the throwing of stones to do battle against its tanks and armored vehicles, the defenders of Gaza were coming close to duplicating the success achieved by Hezbollah.


Thus, deterred from committing mischief at will despite all that America is doing for them, the Jews of Israel and those of the crime syndicate, came up with something new. It happens that there is a passage in the Clifford May article which shows what it is. Here, in condensed form, is how the passage reads:


“The Iron Dome saves the lives of Gazans, too, because, without this missile defense system, Israelis would not sit quietly as Hamas, which rules Gaza, rained death on them. They’d counterattack hard and fast, which would make it difficult to minimize civilian casualties to the extraordinary extent Israelis have managed in past conflicts. And since Hamas routinely employs Palestinians as human shields Gaza would soon resemble Syria, Yemen, and Libya”.


This is a brazen blackmail that has become a weapon frequently used by Israel to warn America that if it doesn’t comply with Jewish demands, Israel will use the weapons it received from America to commit the kind of war crimes that will reflect badly on America, or will force the superpower to enter the conflict to save Israel from what it started and has turned against it.


Israel used this trick several times before, threatening to start a suicidal war against Iran to force America to come rescue it, or be accused of letting the Jews suffer a modern holocaust that the superpower could have prevented but did not.


What Clifford May is saying in the name of the crime syndicate, is that if Israel does not get the money to work on the fictitious Iron Dome, it will launch a ground attack against Gaza, and cause more casualties than it could with air power alone.


But the reality is that even though Israel would go into Gaza with tanks and armored vehicles to be met by Molotov cocktail and a stone-throwing population, the war will be fought more on an even keel than Hamas having to fight F-16s and F-35s with kites and weather balloons.


In fact, Israel has launched a ground war against Hamas once before, and it is unlikely it will want to try it again.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Making political sausage with Palestinian blood

Trading in blood sausage is officially illegal in America, but those who make it know how to get around the law, and they sell the product like any other food item.


On the other hand, what is not illegal in America is making political sausage with Palestinian blood. In fact, for a while now, it has been a habit of the American political hopefuls to trade Palestinian blood, which they can easily have access to, for Jewish Benjamins, which they hear about but never see.


Whereas the Americans deliver Palestinian blood whenever they are asked doing it by stabbing occupied Palestine in the back the Jews never paid the Americans what they owed them for the service they did to serve Israel. What the Jews did instead was give a promissory note that said: “I’ll vote for you next time, and so will my family and everyone I know.” But since there was no way for the American suckers to verify who voted for them and who didn’t, the Americans walked away with Palestinian blood on their hands, and no Benjamins to squawk about in their wallets.


This may have been a silly piece of theatrics to unfold up to now, but there is someone who wants you and wants everyone to know that it has a deeper meaning. He is Jonathan S. Tobin who wrote an article about the subject under the title: “The complicated politics of hating Israel,” and had the article published on September 27, 2021 in the Jewish online publication Jewish News Syndicate.


As can be seen by the title of the article, the theatrics involved in this game, has to do with complicated politics that relate to the business of hating Israel, like says Tobin. In fact, the subtitle of the article gives a hint as to what this is about. Here is that subtitle: “AOC’s [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s] tears and subsequent apology for not opposing the Iron Dome illustrated the frustrations of the left and the fears of other Democrats about being bulldozed by radicals”.


By expressing his jubilation concerning the apparent victory for Israel that took place on September 23, 2021, Jonathan Tobin has revealed that Israel’s gain will always depend on the disarray in America’s political life. Evidently, he considers the gain of that day to have been so spectacular, it caused AOC to weep on the floor of the US House of Representatives for losing this bout. But being the pessimist that he is, Jonathan Tobin wondered if many more such victories will ever again be scored for Israel. His fears stem from the fact that the old guard has one foot in the grave whereas the rising young Turks are determined to bury the past and start a chapter to be written anew for America’s political life.


The following is a condensed version of how Jonathan Tobin has expressed the fear of losing the aid that has been gushing from America to Israel all these years. He expects it to be affected negatively as time goes by, if not dry up completely and be no more. Here is Tobin’s account:


“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had included the Iron Dome in a massive piece of legislation as a ploy to embarrass Republicans. But faced with the certainty that enough left-wingers would defect to sink the legislation, she backed down. It was an embarrassment for pro-Israel Democrats and a personal humiliation for the octogenarian pair, Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. Rather than wait to push through Iron Dome funding, Hoyer rushed the legislation to the floor and made it clear to his members that they opposed this measure at their peril. The result was that many who oppose Israel got the message, flipped and voted for the Iron Dome funding with even AOC voting present. The final result in which the measure passed was a personal triumph for the octogenarian Hoyer and Pelosi”.


As to the story of the Iron Dome, it is the latest criminal enterprise invented by the Tel-Aviv/New-York crime syndicate, meant to establish yet another stream of cold cash gush from the pockets of America’s taxpayers and (1) go to fatten the wallets of the killer-settlers who operate in occupied Palestine, and (2) go to their sponsors in America who flaunt that money. They flaunt it to make America’s treasonous politicos believe they’ll have some of it by betraying their country and serving Israel. This is how the Iron Dome features in the political sausage-making that uses Palestinian blood like a tradable commodity.


And this is the way that Jonathan Tobin summed it all up:


“AOC’s vulnerability to pressure was curious. Some initially saw her switch in voting from ‘no’ to ‘present’ as an indication that she was worried about losing Jewish votes in the future. But that theory was exploded when she issued an apology for not voting against Iron Dome. Apparently, she thinks being labeled insufficiently anti-Israel is a greater threat to her political future than being seen as a moderate on the issue. For now, the aged leaders are still in charge, and that has to be frustrating for AOC. But we’re entitled to wonder whether the victory for pro-Israel Democrats is a last hurrah for a faction that may be on its way out”.


And that’s all you get from the self-appointed Jewish leaders. They wonder what will happen when they want their foot soldiers to be anxious. But they whip them into a frenzy when they want them to fire off hails of emails and phone calls, telling the politicos to hurry up and send more money to Israel.


What you never get from the Jewish leaders, is a suggestion of self-criticism however small it may be, or an idea as to what the Jews can do to change the pariah state they have been living with for centuries.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Stop painting the landscape and start mending

The Titanic of Judeo-American punditry is sinking, and there is nothing that anyone can do to save the ship of self-deception, wishful thinking and false predictions.


We must now think of an entirely new approach to discussing foreign relations so that the world will be spared another Afghanistan, another Iraq, another Libya or another Vietnam. Honestly speaking, the world cannot sustain another blunder of this magnitude.


The first thing we need to do is recognize that a new crew is needed to sail the new American ship of state lest it meet the fate of the sinking Titanic whose crew was none other than the mob of Jewish pundits telling their elected and appointed Congressional and Executive deputies — themselves former pundits of the mob — what to think, what to do and how to represent to the world what they did.


For several decades now, America has been under the spell—hypnotic or otherwise—of fanatic Jews who view the world through the pessimistic prism of the pariah faction that could never get things right even after 4,000 years of trial and error. It is that the Jews see in others, and they paint a landscape that has nothing to do with the real world, but has everything to do with the horrors they see in themselves. They have been making decisions based on falsehoods they believe are real, and have been feeding erroneous decisions to the executors of America’s foreign policy. The result has been blunders the likes of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and others.


What America needs to do now is assemble a new crew that will end the practice of painting the landscape of a nonexistent world, and concentrate on mending relations with everyone out there, regardless as to how their landscape appears like.


First, we need to go over and study an example of what used to be, continues to be, and must never again be. It is an article that came under the title: “Iran Cements Its Advantage While Biden Sleeps,” and the subtitle: “Iran’s leaders recognize the pain that results from sanctions do not pose an existential threat to a regime willing to rule through hard power.” It was written by Jason Killmeyer and published on September 24, 2021 in The Federalist.


Here, in condensed form, is how Jason Killmeyer started his discussion:


“One thing was clear in Iran’s city of Ahvaz: after weeks of irregular access to water and periods with no water, a protest emerged. The growing service shortages plaguing Iran reached a breaking point. Citizens blamed the government, and corruption, for water and power shortages. Some reports indicate the regime was taken aback. Conventional wisdom has for years suggested that relief from sanctions is needed for the regime. But a more careful read of their actions suggests relief as maybe the third or fourth priority of the government”.


Basically, what Killmeyer is saying at the outset is that he and those like him have been getting it wrong for years because they misinterpreted what they thought they were seeing. But he assures the readers that he is correctly interpreting what he is seeing now because he embarked on a careful read of the mullah’s actions, which is this: sanctions relief is the mullah’s third or fourth priority.


So, where does a pundit go after admitting he was wrong in the past, making guesses that turned out to be false, but is correct today, interpreting that a water shortage in Iran has led to a protest, which the mullahs have classified as a low priority? Well, what a quack pundit does, is go deeper in duplicating his past mistakes by assuring his readers that he knows what the mullahs are thinking deep down their souls. He says this: They do not believe that a small protest poses an existential threat to the regime.


But does Jason Killmeyer know why the mullahs think so? Of course, he believes he does. Yes, it is true he used to make mistakes in making wrong guesses, but he is infallible now. For this reason, he can assure you that the mullahs are counting on the fact that Iran’s “protesters and would-be revolutionaries lack much international support”. And that should answer all your questions.


Jason Killmeyer goes on in that fashion, producing a long chain of guesses, with each guess begetting the next one, till he gets to the point where he is compelled to make guesses about America. This happened because Killmeyer reached the conclusion that, “By using subversive proxy support in places like Lebanon and Iraq, the Iranians could override democratic institutions, and shape the outcomes. Also, armed militias have a veto over outcomes they don’t like”.


Killmeyer goes on to complain that despite the fact the region cannot make progress with a hegemon such as Iran acting badly, America is unwilling to intervene. And so, he proposes that two possible developments will decide the future of the region and the world.


The first development might come as an open war between two or more states that could affect the stability of other nations, thus turn half the populations of the Middle East into refugees.


The second development might come in the form of an escalation in the low-level conflict that exists right now between Iran and Israel. The conflict might reach a point where it can only be called a regional war.


Jason Killmeyer seems to suggest that all of this can be avoided if only America got involved deeply in the affairs of the Middle Eastern nations.


Here we go again because: Everything old is new again.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Their Family Heirloom has lost its Value

Their family heirloom used to be the gun that fired the silver bullet that cancelled someone’s life and career instantly. The silver bullet is the accusation that someone is antisemitic.


Look at the Jews now as they throw the accusation left and right, and fail to scare or even impress someone that might have begged forgiveness in the past for making a mistake, and promising that the mistake will never again be made. None of that is happening now because the accusation that someone is antisemitic, has lost its bite.


In fact, the accusation of being antisemitic is gradually going the way that other accusations have gone. Among these were the accusation of being a Holocaust denier, a terrorist, a Nazi sympathizer, of belonging to a hate group, and a few more that escape my memory at this time.


However, as if to gush their act of last hurrah, a number of Jewish pundits have once again resorted to the use of the silver bullet in a desperate attempt to slow down the American awakening to the reality that the old subservience to the will of Jews, is disappearing as surely as have the dinosaurs.


Among the dinosaurs of punditry, you’ll meet three who did their last gushing but failed to cause the massive splash they were hoping would result. Even though they spewed their useless arguments on the same day, September 24, 2021, on the pages of the same publication, The Washington Examiner, the combined shriek of the troika’s wailing about the antisemitism of Americans, did nothing to scare anyone.


One dinosaur goes by the name Zachary Faria. His article came under the title: “The Democratic Party’s antisemitism problem isn’t going away. It’s getting worse.” Another dinosaur goes by the name Jackson Richman. His article came under the title: “Progressives show their anti-Israel card.” And a third dinosaur goes by the name Kaylee McGhee. Her article came under the title: “Did AOC just accuse her fellow lawmakers of endangering her safety?”


First, here in condensed form, is what Zachary Faria wrote:


“It remains undeniable that the party coddles its antisemitic members. The vote happened after House leaders removed the funding from a bill at the behest of its Hamas-sympathizing members. The members who opposed the funding are, among others, two brazen antisemites who have received only slaps on the wrist for their repeated antisemitic comments. Democratic leadership humors those members who represent the activist base. There are no repercussions when members spew antisemitic bile”.


To understand what Zachary Faria is moaning about, we recall how things used to be. It’s only a short time ago that when a Jew spotted someone exercise their right to speak freely, the Jew went to someone higher up and demanded that the free spirit be silenced and cancelled on the grounds that no Jew had the brains to engage that someone in a debate, and win the argument. For this reason, the higher-up was obligated to show pity toward the Jew, and punish the free spirit for not being so understanding as to recognize the Jewish handicap, and make it so that what the Jew said, did not expose him or her for being well behind the human race.


Second, here in condensed form, is what Jackson Richman wrote:


“It was an antisemitic act of warped virtue signaling. The progressives have demonstrated their ideological determination and growing clout. There is a distinct unpleasantness in play here. After all, it's not as if they're hesitant about spending trillions of dollars on the Democratic Party's other pet projects! Absent countermanding GOP votes. The progressive albatross over the House should alarm everyone. The progressives cannot be trusted to do the right thing — however obvious it might be”.


Jackson Richman expressed the fear that the free-spirited progressives have developed an ideology that was so appealing to the public, its clout continues to grow. But this wasn’t the Jewish view, he explained. To the Jews, the situation was vexing to the utmost because it equated stealing money from America’s taxpayers and sending it to Israel—a good thing in itself—with spending money on projects like feeding America’s school children, housing the homeless, boosting the mental healthcare programs, and so on—which are bad things in themselves. Jackson Richman went on to say that this situation should alarm everyone, and the progressives must be declared untrustworthy for adopting antisemitic stances.


Third, here in condensed form, is what Kaylee McGhee wrote:


“Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seemed to accuse her colleagues of physically threatening her. ‘What we saw is a willingness to rip our communities apart and put member safety at risk,’ she said when asked about the vote. To be honest, it’s a bit difficult to make out what this sentence even means. Perhaps she thinks this is the way to excuse her own vote. Or maybe she is trying to pin the blame on her fellow lawmakers. What did happen is that she was rightly called out for peddling antisemitic rhetoric. If she can’t handle some well-placed criticism, she ought to consider whether she’s in the right profession”.


Kaylee McGhee says she is being honest in saying she finds it difficult to make out what Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [AOC] has said. And so, McGhee guessed what AOC must have been saying. To double her chances at guessing correctly, McGhee came up with two possibilities: (a) It was a way for AOC to excuse her vote. (b) It was a way to blame her vote on her fellow lawmakers. Whatever it was, says McGhee, the reality is that AOC was called out for peddling antisemitic rhetoric. What? Where is the connection between the two? Now, it’s up to Kaylee McGhee to explain how what she says has happened, leads her to conclude that AOC was called out for peddling antisemitic rhetoric. Where and how has the antisemitic rhetoric figured?


Still, Kaylee McGhee went on to build on that absurdity by advising AOC to consider if she’s in the right profession. By the same token, will Kaylee McGhee take her own advice, and look for another job?

Saturday, September 25, 2021

America to redeem itself before it’s too late

They say they need a billion dollars to produce 20,000 Iron Dome missiles with which to replenish what they used-up during the last war with Gaza. True or false, there is much that can be said about this contention, and will be a little later on.


For now, the image that needs to be changed is that of America being an open-door house of prostitution where the Jewish John can walk in, enjoy the orgy of his wildest fantasy, and get paid on his way out for venerating this whorehouse by his presence.


Americans who are in government, and those outside of it, must now ask the Executive (and go to Court if necessary) to put a freeze on transferring those billion dollars to Israel until the following has been done. Assemble a committee that’s composed of legislators and aviation experts. Have them travel to Israel to inspect the facilities where it is said the missiles are produced. Members of the committee will ask the following questions and insist on getting comprehensive and satisfactory answers. Any hesitation on the part of the Jews will cause the money transfer to be blocked permanently:


1.     Given that a war with Gaza erupts every 3 or 4 years, can these facilities produce parts for 6,000 missiles a year, and assemble them in that time frame? Open the books and prove your answers.


2.     How many workers, working how many hours a year are able to produce this many parts and assemble them in that time frame? Show the workplace where they work, and demonstrate their ability to deliver what is said they can.


3.     Are there at least 2,000 blue collar employees trained to do this kind of work? Is there enough space for them to work in, and enough installations, jigs, tools and what have you to do the work they say they do? Show all of that during normal working hours.


If and when this is done to the satisfaction of the American delegation, the members will all go to the field where tests are conducted to see for themselves that what’s produced actually works. Here is what the Jews need to demonstrate:


a.     Assume the Iron Dome battery to be situated in the south of Israel near the border with Gaza. It detects the launch of a rocket that’s coming from behind. When the rocket is above the Iron Dome, the intercepting missile is fired off. Being faster than the rocket, it catches up with it and explodes, taking the rocket down with it. Anything less than that is deemed a failure.


b.     Assume the Iron Dome battery to be situated in the north of Israel. It detects the launch of a rocket from Gaza, coming towards the middle of Israel. The Iron Dome missile is fired off and successfully maneuvers itself to intercept the rocket from Gaza. When close enough, it explodes and takes the rocket down with it. Anything less than that is deemed a failure.


Representative Thomas Massie who is a graduate of MIT in both mechanical and electrical engineering, would be an excellent choice to go on the committee that will determine if the Iron Dome is a true story or a criminal enterprise designed to defraud the American taxpayers of much needed funds at home. The need is dire to clean up an America where people have been reduced to defecating in the streets of cities, in closets of department stores and in coolers of food stores. Never before and nowhere on Earth have so many people suffered this much from mental disorder, and left without care due to lack of funds — wealth that is given out to Jews on a regular basis to kill the innocent and steal a nation.


Unless the committee is satisfied one hundred percent that the money will be used to accomplish the purpose for which it was allocated by Congress, it must be rescinded and never restored. In fact, every request made by Israel for American money, must be subjected to a rigorous study given that money is fungible, and what they say will go to accomplish one thing, can instead be used to free other moneys with which they’ll conduct the criminal activity of ethnic cleansing Palestine of its Palestinian people. The Jews have been doing this for a time now, so as to populate the land with losers they beckon and bribe to come from around the globe and settle in occupied Palestine.


As things stand now, the relationship in which the Jews have maneuvered themselves and America, looks to the world like a disgustingly pornographic setup in which America is poisoning itself one screw up at a time by preventing the Arabs in Lebanon and Gaza from arming themselves either defensively or offensively while at the same time arming Israel to the teeth both defensively and offensively — and then claiming that America is an honest broker trying to implement peace in the region. It looks more like America is the ghoulish savage that’s trying to force the peace of the grave on the Arabs in the region.


Nothing can be more repulsive than a spectacle at this level of self-deception and moral degradation. You can fool the people today by telling them everything is hunky dory and they need not worry, but you won’t fool them tomorrow by trying to hide the paper trail that’s produced today, and that future students of history will look at, only to be shocked by the amount of prostitution that went into oiling the so-called machine of liberal democracy.


There is still time for America to redeem itself by repairing enough of the damage it has caused when it gave the Jewish lobby free rein to do what it wants to America as long as it appeared on the surface that it hurt only the Palestinians and not the Americans.


Well, the preceding should convince any well-adjusted dude that the price America is not paying today, will be paid by what is predicted will be the badly strapped children of America, tomorrow and everyday beyond.

Friday, September 24, 2021

An Army of good-for-nothing Ignoramuses, failing

 For nearly 20 years, the comical outfit that goes by the name, Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) has been receiving oodles of tax-free money from gullible American corporations who thought they were getting good advice in return.


Mind you, the corporations were not the direct recipients of the advice. Rather, the advice went to the government of the United States, supposedly to tell it how to think and act on matters that relate to the Arab and Muslim worlds.


Clifford D. May was the founder of FDD. He managed to assemble around himself an impressive army of ignoramuses whose advice has caused America to create a horror show after horror show stretching from Libya in North Africa to Afghanistan in Central Asia. Much of the advice that went to the US government was articulated publicly by Clifford May himself, and much of that was critiqued on the pages of this blog.


Clifford May’s latest addition to his compilation of horrifically destructive advice, came in the form of a column written under the title: “Time for US to unfriend Pakistan,” and the subtitle: “A reconsideration of the relationship is long overdue.” It was printed on September 22, 2021 in The Washington Times.


As implied in the title, Clifford May is now imploring the American government to cut its ties with yet another Muslim country. If you want to know his excuse for advising such a consequential step, you’ll not be surprised to learn that, true to Jewish tradition, Clifford May is blaming all that went wrong in Afghanistan, on those who just walked into the scene, instead of blaming himself, his sham outfit, its staff of ignoramuses, and the stream of bad advice that came out of his place for two long decades.


The following is how Clifford May has started his discussion, presented here in condensed form. It is the question that he posed, and to which he offered an answer. But as you’ll see, the answer is one that can only be characterized as a shameless lie of cosmic dimensions. Here it is:


“Who’s to blame for America’s humiliating surrender in Afghanistan? The buck stops on the desk behind which Joe Biden sits. But we would be remiss to ignore the contributions of others to this historic fiasco. Prominent among them: Pakistan’s leaders”.


Instead of taking the blame himself, apologizing to the American taxpayers for paying him and paying all the Jews like him who lived the high life advising America to kill and get killed while flushing 6 trillion dollars in the Jewish sewer — Clifford May has blamed Joe Biden who just walked into a scene that had been long-running without him being anywhere near it. Clifford May also blamed the leaders of Pakistan whose contribution to the Afghan struggle for independence, goes back to the Reagan administration when they teamed with the former American President to help expel the Soviets out of Afghanistan.


Clifford May went on to describe a situation in Pakistan that was extremely chaotic. The chaos was deliberately caused by the interference in the affairs of the country by actors that had come from several places around the globe, armed by America and instructed to disregard the welfare of Pakistan. Their singe-minded objective was to maintain the jihadis of Afghanistan in a perpetual state of war against the Soviet invaders, enemies of America.


Given that complexity and those difficulties, you wonder how Clifford May could have concluded that Pakistan’s leaders were to blame for what went on in Afghanistan when, in addition, so much was crumbling around them and yet, they managed to keep their country of Pakistan together. The following is a montage of how Clifford May went about describing Pakistan before and after the Reagan intervention in the Pakistan-Afghanistan theater of war, and the unmistakable state of chaos that existed at the time and has persisted till recently:


“President Muhamad Zia-ul-Haq was providing a haven for refugees from Afghanistan where Soviet forces were supporting a communist government at war with Muslim guerrillas. Washington and Islamabad favored the guerrillas. Over the five years that followed, President Zia would establish Sharia laws and courts, and appoint Islamists to senior posts. In 2009 terrorist attacks were carried out inside the country. One, attributed to the Pakistani Taliban, targeted the equivalent of the Pentagon. Armed with automatic weapons, grenades, and rocket launchers, the terrorists took hostages, killed a brigadier and a colonel. Powerful elements within Pakistan’s military and intelligence helped create the Afghan Taliban in the early 1990s and continued to fund and train its fighters even after the US intervention in 2001”.


Given that Clifford May is aware of all that, we can only conclude that his attempt to blame America’s defeat on President Joe Biden and the leaders of Pakistan, is nothing more than an elaborate stunt designed to confuse the public, and maintain the discord that exists between America and the rest of the world, especially between America and the Arabs and Muslims.


Clifford May’s motive is to make himself and those like him indispensable, and in constant demand. He wants to remain on his cushy job for as long as he lives, giving bad and confused advice while getting paid handsomely for the rubbish that he and his kinfolks produce.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Control the money; you control the country

 What is the difference between characters such as the trio of Hitler, Mussolini and Pol Pot on one side, and Jewish Central on the other side? The difference is that each of the trio did what he did to control his country whereas Jewish Central is doing what it does to continue controlling America, a host country.


The effective way to control a country does not necessarily depend on taking control of all its institutions. Depending on the structural organization of the country, and the circumstances in which it is going through at any time, one institution would stand out as key to the control of the other institutions and ultimately the entire country.


In the case of Hitler and Mussolini, for example, controlling the military was key to controlling the nation. As to Pol Pot, controlling the internal security apparatus was key to controlling the nation. When it comes to America at this point in its history, the internal security apparatus is not important. The military is important but is not key. What is key to controlling America, is to become the ultimate decider on how the public money is spent. When you have that, you have control over foreign policy, domestic policy, the military, higher education and just about everything else.


Controlling America’s finances and maintaining that control has always been the highest priority of Jewish Central. At the domestic level, you can see them use finance to dictate to the universities what they must do to acknowledge the supremacy of Jewish students. You also see them dictate to the States how to turn their schools into factories for producing Philo-Semites. And you see them dictate to American companies how to deal with the BDS movement … and so on and so forth.


At the foreign policy level, Jewish Central has instituted program after program to transfer money to Israel. Not one of the programs was ever curtailed or ended. On the contrary, they were all increased time after time. And while this is happening, the programs by which America transfers money to other nations, are constantly looked into by Jewish Central. Whenever a foreign nation fell out of favor with Israel, Jewish Central instructed American treasury to reduce or eliminate the transfer to it. This is how Egypt and the Palestinians saw their financial relationships with America refashioned by Jewish Central.


Lest you believe that Jewish Central comes up with sophisticated arguments that convince Treasury to take action, two recent articles will convince you of the opposite. One article came under the title: “House anti-Semites block funds for Israel’s Iron Dome,” written by Quin Hillyer, and published in The Washington Examiner on September 22, 2021. The other article came under the title: “The Squad convinces Democrats to weaken Israel’s defenses,” written by Andrea Widburg, and published in The American Thinker, also on September 22, 2021.


The following is a condensed version of how Quin Hillyer expressed his sentiment when America’s elected representatives said they’ll do what’s good for America, and not what’s good for Israel:


“Democrats proved themselves not just anti-Zionist, but murderously antisemitic. They did this by forcing House leaders to strip a measure that would have provided $1 billion to Israel to support its Iron Dome system. There is no good reason, not a single one, to oppose a small American funding stream. The arguments certainly aren’t fiscal: The same Squad who forced the $1 billion to be stripped are simultaneously playing hardball in favor of $3.5 trillion in new wasteful social spending. That’s 3,500 times as much money as would be saved if the Iron Dome never gets funded. The caucus of Democratic House members who forced the Iron Dome funding to be stripped must be named and shamed. Now, this group of eight might as well make things formal by founding an anti-Semitic caucus”.


This is not the language of a supplicant who is pleading with his donor to be more generous. It is the language of a master that’s dressing down his slave for failing to produce up to his quota of bananas from the plantation that’s under his care. The master’s bitterest reprimand came because the American slave dared to prioritize social spending on his own society rather than show preference for the foreign entity of Israel that craves the money to ethnic cleanse the country it stole at gunpoint from its owners.


So much for Quin Hillyer. As to Andrea Widburg, here is what she said:


“If Jewish brains were computers, they'd have fast processors (smart), but they'd mostly be running defective programs (making them act stupid). That's the only way I can fathom my fellow Jews' devotion to the Democrat party. Pro-Israel Democrats who rely on Jewish votes, insisted they'd make sure that some other bill funded Iron Dome. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said he plans to call for a vote later in the week on a bill to fully fund the Iron Dome. What's frustrating is that it's likely that this won't do a thing to change the fact that Jews vote Democrat and that their devotion to the party is unswerving. As I said, my fellow American Jews have great processors (brains) but lousy programs (political values and common sense)”.


Actually, Andrea Widburg spoke too soon. Had she waited 24 hours, she would have seen what Jewish programming has brought for Israel. What happened was that Jewish Central got the billion dollars it sought.


This was made possible because, working in a “bipartisan” way, Jewish Central conned an earlier Congress into passing a law that compels today’s congress to give Israel the billions it wants, regardless as to how the contemporary legislators assess the contemporary circumstances. This is how you subjugate a country that’s not yours.


If there is anything that Andrea Widburg can learn from this experience, it is that the dumbos are not the schemers at Jewish Central. They are the male bimbos of the Steny Hoyer caliber who would give their mothers to a bordello, for the privilege of having a Jewish ass to kiss day and night.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Is the Iron Dome for real, or is it a Hoax?

Is the Iron Dome for real? Or is it an elaborate hoax designed to suck American blood to exhaustion to shed Palestinian blood to depletion, and worse? Let’s look at the evidence.


Imagine an onion and how it is made: layer upon layer of skin that has not dried, the way that the outer protective skin has?


Can you now imagine a false proposition making up the core of a hoax that’s protected by an onion-like layer upon layer of lies? It would be a combination that’s intended to make the mentally retarded believe that the hoax is true, thus give away the store to the leech-like hustlers who come with a limitless appetite for the blood of suckers.


That’s the Judeo-Israeli invention they call the Iron Dome which is supposed to protect lives but in reality, protects nothing and no one. It is designed to line-up the pockets of the blood-sucking liars in New York and Israel who make up the crime syndicate that has thus far sucked a quarter of a trillion dollars; money that America borrowed from the Chinese and gave to Israel.


The hoax is there for all to see and debunk. It is that the crime syndicate has shown picture after picture and footage after footage of missiles that failed to intercept the home-made incoming rockets produced by the children of Gaza whose kites and incendiary balloons have bedeviled an Israeli military equipped with F-16s, F-35s, smart bombs, cluster bombs and what have you.


The most telling picture that’s circulated by those criminals, shows a dozen or so rockets that came from Gaza, supposedly being intercepted by half a dozen Iron Dome missiles. But before the missiles reach the path of the incoming rockets, they make a U-turn in unison, and go back in the direction from which they came. The fact that all the missiles appear to have suffered the same malfunction at the same time, says they don’t have an independent guidance system allowing them to lock on an incoming rocket and pursue to destroy it. Therefore, you must conclude that these missiles are made for show … all of them commanded from the ground by a single remote-control operator.


As well, the most telling footage that’s circulated by those criminals, shows missiles going into the sky randomly with no rockets to intercept. They explode in the air for no apparent reason, which makes you conclude that they are programmed to explode when they run out of propelling fuel, or explode by a signal that’s sent from the ground by remote control.


And that’s not all which tells you that the Iron Dome is a hoax designed for the leeches of the syndicate to suck America’s blood. At the insistence of the mentally retarded in the Congress, the American military was ordered to accept two batteries of the Iron Dome and test them with the view of equipping the American army with them. When the Americans took delivery of the things, the publication known as the Jewish News Syndicate covered the event with ballyhooed fanfare.


A few months later, the American military called the Israeli system useless junk, and refused to take it for deployment on the grounds that it will fail to protect the troops. The Jewish News Syndicate never mentioned what happened this time, but waited a few months and reprinted the early ballyhooed coverage as if nothing had yet unfolded. You must admit, this is a grotesque deception of the kind that only Jews would commit, and only American legislators would swallow.


So then, if the Iron Dome is not for real, what’s the purpose of perpetuating the hoax? It is to get money from America to bribe Jews outside of Israel, and have them come to settle in occupied Palestine to maintain a Jewish majority till the ethnic cleansing is completed, and what used to be multi-ethnic Palestine becomes strictly Jewish Israel.


And the reason why you see the American legislators and media types fall head over heels with a criminal act as transparent as this, is that the money which goes to Israel falls into the hands of the American Jewish moguls who promote the settlers program. They keep most of the money for that purpose, and distribute some Benjamins among the treasonous legislators and media types in America. They are the ones who promote the hoax by arguing that the Iron Dome saves lives.


However, even if we assume that the Iron Dome is for real, its use would be counterproductive.


The reason for that, is known to those old enough to remember the debate that led to the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. It was recognized this far back that you cannot distinguish the effectiveness of offensive from defensive weapons. That’s because when the Soviets had an ABM around Moscow and the Americans did not have one in DC, the argument was made that the Soviets could move against Europe, and America would not respond because it was vulnerable to a Soviet attack while Moscow was defended against an America attack. That’s what has led to the 1972 treaty whose intent was to limit the use of ABMs by both sides, thus maintain the Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) posture.


Seen in modern times, we have peace today on the Lebanon-Israel border because there is a kind of balance, both in terms of offence and defense measures between Hezbollah and Israel. As well, the last Gaza war has demonstrated that a kind of balance has been established on that front too. It is why the Gaza war ended abruptly with the Israelis doing the most cowardly act you can imagine: They expressed their frustration by bombing the international media building in Gaza on their way out.


Now that you’ve been familiarized with that historical background, you may read the article that came under the title: “AOC, ‘Squad’ force House Dems to spike $1B for Israel’s Iron Dome from spending bill,” written by Juliegrace Brufke and Samuel Chamberlain. It was published on September 21, 2021 in the New York Post.


Instead of the American legislators and media types clamoring for America to give Gaza and Lebanon Patriot missiles to defend themselves, because more people are killed there than in Israel, those legislators and media types want Israel to get the “weapons” that will accelerate the arms race in the Middle East — assuming, of course that the Iron Dome is for real, which it isn’t.


In short, if the Iron Dome is for real, it will serve to accelerate the arms race … and that’s bad. If it is fake, it was designed to draw America’s politico-journalistic crowd into promoting the criminal enterprise of ethnic cleansing Palestine of its indigenous population … and that’s worse.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Telling half the story is telling a false story

There was a time before 1967 when most Jewish retail enterprises that dealt directly with the public, displayed a box marked with a plea asking the visitor to donate money that will go to help needy Israel. This was the extent to which the Jews went to identify with Israel.


Then came the Israeli surprise attack on its neighbors in 1967. It was considered a brilliant success, and thought of as a 6-day war, not the first battle that started the 6-year war of attrition, which culminated in Israel’s defeat in 1973 and its expulsion out of the Sinai.


But it was during those 6 years that the relationship between the Jews of North America and Israel went through confused changes. At first, there were the events that took place in the Sinai, and there were the Jews, each of whom reacted differently to every event. With time, however, most Jews had organized themselves to singing from the same song sheet.


The events that stirred non-Jews, and that caused the Jews to react, can be classified in two categories. There was the deliberate propaganda that was put out by the Jewish propaganda machine to try and cash in on what was billed as a Jewish-Israeli military success. And there were the actions that Israel took right after the initial attack, when it still had the upper hand and could do as it wished without meeting much opposition from Egypt.


As always, the Israeli propaganda consisted of complaining about others exercising their freedom of speech while at the same time beating their breasts like a gorilla celebrating a banana triumph. To wit, the Jews showed a picture of the iconic Egyptian television building, and bragged that they could bomb it to kingdom come if they wanted to. They also showed a doctored picture of Ben Gurion sitting on a life ring in the sea, and saying to himself: Today the Sinai, tomorrow Florida. This behavior elated some Jews and disgusted others.


As to the actions that Israel took, there was the shooting down of a Libyan airliner that had Salwa Hegazi aboard. She was a lovely television personality with whom I had the honor of doing some work for a children program. The Israelis also bombed a factory producing building material, situated across the Suez Canal from where they were stationed. But the worst of their crimes was committed when they managed to send their warplanes deep into Egyptian space and bomb a school for girls near Cairo. This too, was the kind of behavior that elated some Jews and disgusted others.


It was during such moments that Jewish Central was able to bring most Jews to closely identify with Israel, and express opinions that were in line with what it was saying and doing. The argument that worked for Jewish Central, was that Israel was a home away from home for every Jew, a “nation” that must be defended no matter what it does, and what others may think of it.


But then it happened that the once docile Palestinians went through a transformation of their own. The toddlers were now teenagers who didn’t like their parents telling them to obey what the Jewish settlers and Israeli soldiers will tell them to do, lest they be shot dead at a checkpoint in the West Bank. Instead of obeying their parents or the Jews, however, the Palestinian kids began to throw stones at the Israeli tanks, prompting Israel to respond by blowing up the Palestinian homes. The world noticed this savagery, and responded in such a way that the Jews of North America protested they had nothing to do with Israel. They added that it was antisemitic to associate them with Israel or its activities.


Ever since that time, the Jews have wanted to have it both ways. They wanted to be seen as separate from Israel whenever Israel committed acts that were considered hateful by the rest of humanity, but also wanted to be associated with Israel whenever it did the things, they beat their breasts about, and displayed pride for being Jews. They demonstrated this attitude by refusing to enlist in the Canadian and American militaries, and yet went to serve in the Israeli military.


You can see a hint of that in the article that came under the title: “The progressive left now sees antisemitism as ‘acceptable’ racism,” written by David Baddiel, and published on September 18, 2021 in the New York Post. The following is how the writer began the article:


“There was renewed violence between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Even though I am Jewish, this would not concern me any more than the other things going on 4,000 miles away from London where I live. This may confuse those who think that Jews and Israel are the same thing. They aren’t, and to assume so is racist”.


This is how David Baddiel put a distance between himself and Israel. He is not saying whether he served in the British or Israeli militaries, but he avoided the subject entirely. He did not say if there is anything that makes him—the Jew that he is—want to associate with Israel. He thus only told half the story. And it is for this reason that his contribution to the ongoing debate is worthless. Here is an example of that:


“There is debate these days about how to separate antisemitism from antizionism. The use of ancient tropes is antisemitic. Criticizing the actions of Israel whilst avoiding those tropes is not. Lately, there has been a weakening of the intellectual border between antisemitism and antizionism. Progressive activist Tariq Ali said: “Stop the occupation, stop the bombing and casual antisemitism will soon disappear.” This notion that antisemitism only stems from the actions of Israel is ahistorical in the extreme”.


These words mean nothing because they come out a truncated context. Until the Jews begin to see both sides of the story, they will remain the pariah they have been for thousands of years.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Yes indeed, they are two rotten peas in a pod

What happens when the pod cracks open, the peas come out, and find a thick layer of soil that’s rich in moisture and nutritious fertilizer?


To find out, we study what the legacy of the two pioneers in Middle Eastern terrorism left behind that grew to become the quintessence of a modern terrorist entity disguised as a state.


Like two legs, the Irgun and Hagenah Jewish terror groups, grew to support the one and only terrorist entity that continues to plague the human race today: the one which calls itself Israel. In addition, the two legs have had sponsors equipped with human names and human faces. One is called Menachem Begin, the other Yitzhak Shamir.


Menachem Begin was the leader of the Irgun terror group that was itself a branch of the Hagenah organization. First, Menachem Begin specialized in terrorizing and assassinating the British UN appointed managers of Palestine. When he was done with that, he concentrated on conducting the mass extermination of unarmed and helpless farmers of Palestine whose lands and properties he stole and gave to Jewish settlers imported from Eastern Europe, and later imported from the rest of the world. Menachem Begin eventually became Prime Minister of terrorist Israel.


The other leg was Yitzhak Shamir who began his terrorist career by joining the Irgun group, but then split to go with the Lehi faction that gained notoriety for its extreme savagery. Shamir invented the process of dividing a terror group into cells, which proved to be an effective way to carry on with the business of terror while risking only the possible detection of one cell, and not the group or the entire organization. Yitzhak Shamir eventually became Prime Minister of terrorist Israel.


Why is it important for us to recall these historical events at this time? It is important because two Jews, Joseph I. Lieberman and Mark D. Wallace, looked in the mirror of time, saw how the Israeli entity came into being, and attributed the horrific ugliness that was revealed — to the people and states in the Middle East, they want America to kill so that Israel may collect the spoils. Liberman and Wallace put their thoughts in an article that came under the title: “Iran and the Taliban: Rotten peas in a pod,” published on September 19, 2021 in the New York Daily News.


Instead of interpreting what they see today in light of what began to unfold a century ago, the two writers transposed the horror that was generated by Jews, and documented by them as well as by others, unto Iran and Afghanistan to tarnish their characters, and make Israel look more legitimate than it ever was or can ever be.  And because they feared that this may not be enough to cause America to move militarily against Iran or Afghanistan, Lieberman and Wallace pulled out and played the demagogic card of scaremongering in the hope that this will nudge America. To that end, they started their article this way:


The similarities between the Taliban of Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran are striking and worth assessing before the US aids either in any way or makes agreements with either that will affect our national security”.


Without explaining how a reconciliation that may be forged between America and Iran, or America and Afghanistan, will negatively affect the security of the United States, Lieberman and Wallace unleashed a ferocious diatribe against the two Muslim nations. Reading the thing, you could tell that every adjective and every adverb they used to characterize Iran and Afghanistan were formulated in their heads not because they were thinking about the Muslim nations, but because they were thinking about the horrors that the Jewish Irgun and Hagenah committed in the past, and that Israel continues to commit today. But true to form, the shameless Jewish pundits attributed such characterizations to the Muslim nations.


For example, after falsely accusing Iran and Afghanistan of being radical terrorist regimes, built around an extreme interpretation of their religion, the two authors asked the question: How can the US have any confidence in agreements that have been made or are contemplated with either of these regimes? The writers wrote these words despite the fact that even after America reneged on the deal it had worked with Iran and four other powers, Iran continued to abide by the terms of the agreement in the hope that America will be so honorable as to return to the negotiating table, apologize for the mistake it made, and give assurance, that America will never again commit such a treacherous act. But America did nothing of the sort.


As to the nation “pursuing a system of governance that is built around an extreme interpretation of their religion,” these are words that apply to Israel more than anyone else. From the start, the idea of Israel’s founders had been to build a nation that will be Jewish and so maintained by any means, including the practice of crimes against humanity known as ethnic cleansing.


And when America tried to rectify the problem — it created when it moved its embassy to West Jerusalem — now announcing that it intends to establish a consulate in East Jerusalem, the government of Israel cried out: “Please don’t America. Don’t do it because this will cause the religious zealots to topple the government and bring back the ultra-fanatic who was kicked out not long ago”.


Nothing of the sort happened in Iran or Afghanistan to suggest that they are “pursuing a system of governance that is built around an extreme interpretation of their religion,” but Lieberman and Wallace could not resist attributing this Jewish trait to the Muslims.


The article of the Jewish pair, Joseph Lieberman and Mark Wallace goes on in such manner for several more paragraphs, and you get the idea.


Now guess what the two Jewish writers have recommended after they finished spewing their obligatory quota of lies and deceptive interpretations. You guessed it, they recommended that America use physical force against the Muslims.


These people truly are the perpetual self-destruction machine that’s made to order for America.