Saturday, September 25, 2021

America to redeem itself before it’s too late

They say they need a billion dollars to produce 20,000 Iron Dome missiles with which to replenish what they used-up during the last war with Gaza. True or false, there is much that can be said about this contention, and will be a little later on.


For now, the image that needs to be changed is that of America being an open-door house of prostitution where the Jewish John can walk in, enjoy the orgy of his wildest fantasy, and get paid on his way out for venerating this whorehouse by his presence.


Americans who are in government, and those outside of it, must now ask the Executive (and go to Court if necessary) to put a freeze on transferring those billion dollars to Israel until the following has been done. Assemble a committee that’s composed of legislators and aviation experts. Have them travel to Israel to inspect the facilities where it is said the missiles are produced. Members of the committee will ask the following questions and insist on getting comprehensive and satisfactory answers. Any hesitation on the part of the Jews will cause the money transfer to be blocked permanently:


1.     Given that a war with Gaza erupts every 3 or 4 years, can these facilities produce parts for 6,000 missiles a year, and assemble them in that time frame? Open the books and prove your answers.


2.     How many workers, working how many hours a year are able to produce this many parts and assemble them in that time frame? Show the workplace where they work, and demonstrate their ability to deliver what is said they can.


3.     Are there at least 2,000 blue collar employees trained to do this kind of work? Is there enough space for them to work in, and enough installations, jigs, tools and what have you to do the work they say they do? Show all of that during normal working hours.


If and when this is done to the satisfaction of the American delegation, the members will all go to the field where tests are conducted to see for themselves that what’s produced actually works. Here is what the Jews need to demonstrate:


a.     Assume the Iron Dome battery to be situated in the south of Israel near the border with Gaza. It detects the launch of a rocket that’s coming from behind. When the rocket is above the Iron Dome, the intercepting missile is fired off. Being faster than the rocket, it catches up with it and explodes, taking the rocket down with it. Anything less than that is deemed a failure.


b.     Assume the Iron Dome battery to be situated in the north of Israel. It detects the launch of a rocket from Gaza, coming towards the middle of Israel. The Iron Dome missile is fired off and successfully maneuvers itself to intercept the rocket from Gaza. When close enough, it explodes and takes the rocket down with it. Anything less than that is deemed a failure.


Representative Thomas Massie who is a graduate of MIT in both mechanical and electrical engineering, would be an excellent choice to go on the committee that will determine if the Iron Dome is a true story or a criminal enterprise designed to defraud the American taxpayers of much needed funds at home. The need is dire to clean up an America where people have been reduced to defecating in the streets of cities, in closets of department stores and in coolers of food stores. Never before and nowhere on Earth have so many people suffered this much from mental disorder, and left without care due to lack of funds — wealth that is given out to Jews on a regular basis to kill the innocent and steal a nation.


Unless the committee is satisfied one hundred percent that the money will be used to accomplish the purpose for which it was allocated by Congress, it must be rescinded and never restored. In fact, every request made by Israel for American money, must be subjected to a rigorous study given that money is fungible, and what they say will go to accomplish one thing, can instead be used to free other moneys with which they’ll conduct the criminal activity of ethnic cleansing Palestine of its Palestinian people. The Jews have been doing this for a time now, so as to populate the land with losers they beckon and bribe to come from around the globe and settle in occupied Palestine.


As things stand now, the relationship in which the Jews have maneuvered themselves and America, looks to the world like a disgustingly pornographic setup in which America is poisoning itself one screw up at a time by preventing the Arabs in Lebanon and Gaza from arming themselves either defensively or offensively while at the same time arming Israel to the teeth both defensively and offensively — and then claiming that America is an honest broker trying to implement peace in the region. It looks more like America is the ghoulish savage that’s trying to force the peace of the grave on the Arabs in the region.


Nothing can be more repulsive than a spectacle at this level of self-deception and moral degradation. You can fool the people today by telling them everything is hunky dory and they need not worry, but you won’t fool them tomorrow by trying to hide the paper trail that’s produced today, and that future students of history will look at, only to be shocked by the amount of prostitution that went into oiling the so-called machine of liberal democracy.


There is still time for America to redeem itself by repairing enough of the damage it has caused when it gave the Jewish lobby free rein to do what it wants to America as long as it appeared on the surface that it hurt only the Palestinians and not the Americans.


Well, the preceding should convince any well-adjusted dude that the price America is not paying today, will be paid by what is predicted will be the badly strapped children of America, tomorrow and everyday beyond.