Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Making political sausage with Palestinian blood

Trading in blood sausage is officially illegal in America, but those who make it know how to get around the law, and they sell the product like any other food item.


On the other hand, what is not illegal in America is making political sausage with Palestinian blood. In fact, for a while now, it has been a habit of the American political hopefuls to trade Palestinian blood, which they can easily have access to, for Jewish Benjamins, which they hear about but never see.


Whereas the Americans deliver Palestinian blood whenever they are asked doing it by stabbing occupied Palestine in the back the Jews never paid the Americans what they owed them for the service they did to serve Israel. What the Jews did instead was give a promissory note that said: “I’ll vote for you next time, and so will my family and everyone I know.” But since there was no way for the American suckers to verify who voted for them and who didn’t, the Americans walked away with Palestinian blood on their hands, and no Benjamins to squawk about in their wallets.


This may have been a silly piece of theatrics to unfold up to now, but there is someone who wants you and wants everyone to know that it has a deeper meaning. He is Jonathan S. Tobin who wrote an article about the subject under the title: “The complicated politics of hating Israel,” and had the article published on September 27, 2021 in the Jewish online publication Jewish News Syndicate.


As can be seen by the title of the article, the theatrics involved in this game, has to do with complicated politics that relate to the business of hating Israel, like says Tobin. In fact, the subtitle of the article gives a hint as to what this is about. Here is that subtitle: “AOC’s [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s] tears and subsequent apology for not opposing the Iron Dome illustrated the frustrations of the left and the fears of other Democrats about being bulldozed by radicals”.


By expressing his jubilation concerning the apparent victory for Israel that took place on September 23, 2021, Jonathan Tobin has revealed that Israel’s gain will always depend on the disarray in America’s political life. Evidently, he considers the gain of that day to have been so spectacular, it caused AOC to weep on the floor of the US House of Representatives for losing this bout. But being the pessimist that he is, Jonathan Tobin wondered if many more such victories will ever again be scored for Israel. His fears stem from the fact that the old guard has one foot in the grave whereas the rising young Turks are determined to bury the past and start a chapter to be written anew for America’s political life.


The following is a condensed version of how Jonathan Tobin has expressed the fear of losing the aid that has been gushing from America to Israel all these years. He expects it to be affected negatively as time goes by, if not dry up completely and be no more. Here is Tobin’s account:


“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had included the Iron Dome in a massive piece of legislation as a ploy to embarrass Republicans. But faced with the certainty that enough left-wingers would defect to sink the legislation, she backed down. It was an embarrassment for pro-Israel Democrats and a personal humiliation for the octogenarian pair, Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. Rather than wait to push through Iron Dome funding, Hoyer rushed the legislation to the floor and made it clear to his members that they opposed this measure at their peril. The result was that many who oppose Israel got the message, flipped and voted for the Iron Dome funding with even AOC voting present. The final result in which the measure passed was a personal triumph for the octogenarian Hoyer and Pelosi”.


As to the story of the Iron Dome, it is the latest criminal enterprise invented by the Tel-Aviv/New-York crime syndicate, meant to establish yet another stream of cold cash gush from the pockets of America’s taxpayers and (1) go to fatten the wallets of the killer-settlers who operate in occupied Palestine, and (2) go to their sponsors in America who flaunt that money. They flaunt it to make America’s treasonous politicos believe they’ll have some of it by betraying their country and serving Israel. This is how the Iron Dome features in the political sausage-making that uses Palestinian blood like a tradable commodity.


And this is the way that Jonathan Tobin summed it all up:


“AOC’s vulnerability to pressure was curious. Some initially saw her switch in voting from ‘no’ to ‘present’ as an indication that she was worried about losing Jewish votes in the future. But that theory was exploded when she issued an apology for not voting against Iron Dome. Apparently, she thinks being labeled insufficiently anti-Israel is a greater threat to her political future than being seen as a moderate on the issue. For now, the aged leaders are still in charge, and that has to be frustrating for AOC. But we’re entitled to wonder whether the victory for pro-Israel Democrats is a last hurrah for a faction that may be on its way out”.


And that’s all you get from the self-appointed Jewish leaders. They wonder what will happen when they want their foot soldiers to be anxious. But they whip them into a frenzy when they want them to fire off hails of emails and phone calls, telling the politicos to hurry up and send more money to Israel.


What you never get from the Jewish leaders, is a suggestion of self-criticism however small it may be, or an idea as to what the Jews can do to change the pariah state they have been living with for centuries.