Wednesday, September 29, 2021

They want all for themselves, nothing for others

Clifford D. May came upon a book with a title that reads: “People love dead Jews”. What a great idea, he exclaimed to himself. And he thought that if the writer of the book can blame all of humanity for the calamities that Jewish leaders like himself, bring on their people, he surely can blame it all on the Squad.


And so, Clifford May has decided to write a column under the title: “The Squad loves dead Jews,” and the subtitle: “Support for Hamas implies nothing less.” And he had the article published on September 28, 2021 in The Washington Times.


The reason why Clifford May is picking on the Squad, is that it is composed of four courageous women that happen to be American legislators. They looked at the setup that Jewish leaders have been constructing over the decades, and became so horrified of what they were seeing, they decided to do something about it. The Squad voted against funding a criminal enterprise designed to send a steady stream of huge sums of taxpayer money to Israel … done under false pretenses.


The current pretense is that Israel has developed a system of defense named Iron Dome. Israel needs money, they say, to produce the missiles that will replace what Israel used up to defend against the Hamas rockets that were launched against Israel in the last Gaza War.


Aside from the Iron Dome being a hoax that’s keeping the criminal enterprise going, the idea that Israel needs a system of defense funded by an America that’s already giving Israel, free of charge, the most destructive bombs and most advanced warplanes to deliver them on the women and children of Palestine, is a moral degradation that’s no less pornographic than calling on Jesus to come down and be crucified a second time, to please those who are never satisfied no matter what you give them or how much of it you give them.


To understand why even good-meaning elite Americans can be conned by the Jews into giving Israel the store, the farm and even the kitchen sink, we need to know something about modern warfare. Given the kind of weaponry that exists today, peace is maintained only when you have parity between the two antagonists. This reality was given the name: Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD.) Because in the game of war, like any game, there is both the attack and the defense, parity means that the two antagonists must feel defended to the same degree; also have equal offensive capabilities to deter the opponent.


What has been happening over the decades, however, was that the Jews have used America’s enormous capabilities in finance, diplomacy, military and other fields to deprive Israel’s enemies from obtaining both offensive and defensive capabilities while giving Israel the best that America has in both offensive and defensive capabilities.


Despite all of that, however, Hezbollah has been able to deter Israel from attacking the women and children of Lebanon by stocking up on offensive missiles that can cripple Israel’s command and control network, airfields and fuel depots, thus ground its vaunted air force. As to Gaza’s Hamas, while still relying on kites and weather balloons to do battle against the F-16s and F-35s of Israel, and while still relying on the throwing of stones to do battle against its tanks and armored vehicles, the defenders of Gaza were coming close to duplicating the success achieved by Hezbollah.


Thus, deterred from committing mischief at will despite all that America is doing for them, the Jews of Israel and those of the crime syndicate, came up with something new. It happens that there is a passage in the Clifford May article which shows what it is. Here, in condensed form, is how the passage reads:


“The Iron Dome saves the lives of Gazans, too, because, without this missile defense system, Israelis would not sit quietly as Hamas, which rules Gaza, rained death on them. They’d counterattack hard and fast, which would make it difficult to minimize civilian casualties to the extraordinary extent Israelis have managed in past conflicts. And since Hamas routinely employs Palestinians as human shields Gaza would soon resemble Syria, Yemen, and Libya”.


This is a brazen blackmail that has become a weapon frequently used by Israel to warn America that if it doesn’t comply with Jewish demands, Israel will use the weapons it received from America to commit the kind of war crimes that will reflect badly on America, or will force the superpower to enter the conflict to save Israel from what it started and has turned against it.


Israel used this trick several times before, threatening to start a suicidal war against Iran to force America to come rescue it, or be accused of letting the Jews suffer a modern holocaust that the superpower could have prevented but did not.


What Clifford May is saying in the name of the crime syndicate, is that if Israel does not get the money to work on the fictitious Iron Dome, it will launch a ground attack against Gaza, and cause more casualties than it could with air power alone.


But the reality is that even though Israel would go into Gaza with tanks and armored vehicles to be met by Molotov cocktail and a stone-throwing population, the war will be fought more on an even keel than Hamas having to fight F-16s and F-35s with kites and weather balloons.


In fact, Israel has launched a ground war against Hamas once before, and it is unlikely it will want to try it again.