Sunday, September 5, 2021

Identifying the symptoms but not the disease

There was a time in the District of Columbia, during the presidency of a madman, when the machinery of the American government was set in motion to work on making things appear like America’s woes were inflicted on it by its Muslim population. But these people proved to be as loyal to America as the Founding Fathers who proclaimed the ideals compiled in the Federalist Papers.


Still, the signal was given to the mob of Jewish pundits and their disciples to launch an intense hate-the-Muslims campaign in the media and the entertainment outlets that would indulge them. And so they did, led by Fox News. But instead of scoring the success they sought, their scorecard displayed a big fat zero.


Why was there such a humongous gap between the expectation of the mischievous liars, and the reality that stood only inches away from their noses—and they could not see it? There was a gap because the pollsters that were showing an accurate picture of America’s state of mind for a century, had their integrity breached when invaded by the Jewish Fifth Columnists who published figures that reflected their wishful thinking rather than the reality gathered by their polling.


Even as the FBI statistics were indicating that America was coming out massively to tell of its hatred for what the Jews are doing and what they stand for regarding Palestine, the now corrupted pollsters were saying that America loved the Jews for what they did and what they stood for. In other words, the Jews had created the sea of lies and hate in which they drowned as shown by their recent history.


Despite the reality that Judaism stood on a foundation that is nothing less than deception itself, the Jews could have turned things around, and could have saved the day for themselves by defeating their own tendency to lie. This done, they would have projected a better image of themselves and would have maintained the affection of the American people, which they used to enjoy in the not so distant past. But the Jews failed to do the right thing. Why?


The answer to that question is that the American political system is based on the preference that’s accorded to the concept of plurality. In fact, it always happens that the issue which garners the majority of voices, gets the nod from the politicians because when election time arrives, the one who receives the most votes, gets elected whereas the others become forgotten. And so, the Jewish leaders made it their religion to lie, cheat and do whatever it takes to make it look like they have plurality on their side.


Fifty years of this kind of stealthy assault on the principles of integrity, truth-telling and honor upon which America was founded—as substantiated by the content of the Federalist Papers—was enough to erode the foundation upon which the superpower stood solidly for two centuries. But despite the impossible odds, the Jewish assault succeeded in turning the superpower into a joke. The ramifications of this reality are discussed by Maureen Callahan who wrote an article under the title: “American dominance and values sorely tested,” published on September 2, 2021 in the New York Post.


The following is a compilation of the excerpts in the Callahan article, that serves as a preamble to her point of view. It goes like this:


“From Twitter to the Taliban, we are witnessing the death of American supremacy. You don’t need to be a foreign policy expert to see it. After all, here at home we’re no longer governed by the American DNA — fortitude, confidence, independence of thought — but by Twitter. And rather than rebel, America lives in fear of it. Get on the wrong side of any issue, utter the wrong word, say or do something offensive and you will be vaporized, canceled, your exile co-signed by cowardly publications and Hollywood studios. No longer are we the home of the brave”.


It is remarkable that Maureen Callahan lumped together the Twitter and the Taliban, given that one is a medium of expression used by the citizens of America to communicate with each other, and the other is a foreign military formation against which America fought a long war and lost. But that’s what Callahan sees as being the symptoms that led to the death of American supremacy.

But how exactly did the Twitter kill what she calls the American DNA — fortitude, confidence, independence of thought? She answered the question by saying that rather than rebel, the American people feared being vaporized, canceled, and let down by cowardly publications and Hollywood studios, should they utter the wrong word or say something offensive.


Having expressed her opinion concerning this subject, Maureen Callahan quoted two other people whom she said she agrees with. One is Andrew Sullivan who said: The problem is the point of the people running the liberal institutions, universities, magazines and newspapers who do not say, we believe in the plurality of views, we are going to defend unpopular writers … or free speech means nothing.


The other person that Maureen Callahan agrees with, is Bari Weiss who said: Seasoned professionals no longer edit the New York Times. Twitter does. The paper has become a kind of performance space. Stories are chosen and told to satisfy narrow audiences rather than allow the public to read about the world and draw their own conclusions. 


To end her presentation, Maureen Callahan added this final thought: The threat is real, and it imperils our survival. If we cannot abide dissent and debate, who are we? What is our purpose? What is the point of America? We have always been as much an idea as a place. America is atrophying, and our prognosis isn’t good.


Honestly, I don’t know if I should welcome Maureen Callahan and the other two in the club of the tireless who are determined to save America from its own apathy. It is that everything said by these people, was said by yours truly, and those like myself half a century ago.


We were vaporized, canceled, and let down by cowardly publications and Hollywood studios, because we uttered the wrong words and said the things, they considered offensive. We warned that the threat was real and that it imperiled America’s survival. But the good people thought that the Jews will not do to them what they were doing to us. And they slumped into a deep state of apathy.


Now, the Jews are proving how wrong these people have been. But we’re not having the last laugh because the situation is too critical to celebrate our vindication.