Monday, December 27, 2021

As if a foreign foe, they seek regime change in Academe

Every time that fanatic Jewish pundits of the mob tackle a serious issue, they add to the evidence that they see the world, not as divided into nations, but divided into a couple of columns. One column comes under the rubric: “Those With Us;” the other comes under the rubric: “Those Against Us”.


Those whom the Jews consider to be their friends as well as friends of Israel, are the individuals, institutions and political jurisdictions that lie for them and for Israel to help them get out of trouble. For example, when people see the apartheid wall, they call it what it is, an observation that causes the fanatics to blow their entrails out of their bellies howling: antisemitism, antisemitism.


To defend their position, the fanatic Jews argue that the wall has nothing to do with keeping apart the inhabitants who reside on the west side of the wall from those who reside on the east side. They further explain that the wall was built to prevent combatants from the east to cross into the west and continue their struggle by committing violent acts when they deem it necessary. But little do the fanatic Jews realize that they just proved the point made by the observers who see the wall as that of apartheid.


It is that the movement of people has now become a one-way traffic. The flow is permitted from west to east, and banned from east to west. And so, whereas Palestinian combatants can no longer fight their Jewish counterparts in the West, the armed-to-the-teeth Jewish settlers cross into the East where they kill Palestinians, blow up their homes, ravage their fields, and steal the lands on which they build new settlements to house new Jewish marauders imported from everywhere around the globe. That’s not simple apartheid; it is apartheid on steroids.


Still the two columns that make up the Jewish map of the world, remain unchanged in the sense that the observers who describe what they see the way they see it, remain in the column under the rubric, “Those Against US.” Also, those who disregard what they see or worse, lie about it to protect Israel and the Jews, remain in the column under the rubric, “Those With Us”.


There was a time when the American system of education in general, but more so the colleges and universities, used to be listed in the column that says, “Those With Us”. But as Israel began to show its demonic side, the professors who are a highly educated bunch, refused to be hypnotized by the Jewish propaganda machine, thus began to describe what they see as they see it. And so, the fanatic Jews moved them to the column that says, “Those Against US”.


Events of this kind marked the start of the Jewish war on America’s system of higher education. This made it so that the Jewish appetite to go after the entire system, grew steadily and now encompasses the kindergartens, the graduate schools and everything in-between. But while the Jewish hunger to control that system keeps growing, the system keeps asserting its independence. The result has been that the Jews constantly shift the strategy of the wars they keep launching against the system.


The Jews began by attacking the untenured professors. Then, they went after the tenured professors. Then, they went after the head of faculties in charges of courses that used to treat the Arab and Muslim countries with fairness and without prejudice. Then, the Jews went after the counselors who look after the needs of students. Then they went after the student organizations that would not toe the Jewish line. And now, they are going after the staff in charge of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).


Their latest war cry came in the form of an article under a title that reads: “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Result in Anti-Semitism,” written by Eileen F. Toplansky, and published on December 26, 2021 in The American Thinker.


The following is a condensed version of what Toplansky wrote:


“In a recent Heritage Foundation Report titled ‘Inclusion Delusion: The Anti-Semitism of Diversity, Equity, and inclusion Staff at Universities,’ the reader learns that university DEI staff are better understood as political activists with a narrow and often radical political agenda. Rather than promoting diversity and inclusion, universities may be contributing to an increase in anti-Jewish hatred by expanding DEI staff and power. Unsurprising,  DEI staff engage in standard anti-Israel sentiment with the use of the word ‘apartheid.’ How comfortable DEI organizations are with Critical Race Theory sheds enormous light on the trajectory of their biases. And they are not confining themselves to colleges. A public school system in Michigan spent 21 days teaching adults to be good allies, with a call for them to join a Black Lives Matter political protest. At a recent Rutgers webinar, lies about Israel and Jews abounded as Middle East studies professors engaged in unbridled hatred. In actuality, campus anti-Semitism… stems from woke black activism”.


Clearly then, the Jews have academia in the column that says, “Those Against US” alongside the countries they consider to be so hostile to them and to Israel, they must attack them, destroy them and force them to undergo the kind of regime change that will vanish the naughty professors, the wicked heads of faculties, the student organizations and those in charge of DEI.


It so happened that while in Montreal some quarter of a century ago, I wrote things that displeased the Jews enormously in a local Arabic newspaper. The Jews called my publisher and asked that I be made available for a radio interview. I accepted the invitation, they called me at home, and we did the interview by telephone.


At some point, I found it necessary to draw attention to the fact that every day in that period of time, the Jews would be seen or heard throughout the media outlets, blaming someone new for the misery they were inflicting on themselves. It came down to me saying something like: Day after day they blame the Protocol of the Elders of Zion, the Christians, the Arabs, the Chinese, the Africans, the Muslims, the Russians … and that’s when the interviewer screamed to cut me off. Too bad he did because I was going to warn that the Jews will end up making enemies out of the whole world.


And you know what, my friend? That’s exactly what happened; the Jews made enemies out of the whole world.


But now that there is no one to cut me off, let me warn that if the Jews continue on their current trajectory, they will make enemies out of every institution in America, including the Federal and State legislatures.


Where will they be when this happens? Where will Israel be?