Thursday, December 16, 2021

If you want to control them, scare them first

If you ask why it is that despite the horrors that the Jews have endured through the centuries the Jewish religion has survived to this day, the answer will have to be that the rabbis of the Dark Ages mastered the formula of scaring their flocks about what will happen to them if they left the congregation. And they taught those who stayed in the fold how to adapt to their new circumstances so as to stay alive.


The result has been that whereas many abandoned the congregation anyway, enough stayed and stuck to the parts of Judaism that suited them, making the best of it by adapting as would an authentic shapeshifter. To offset for the loss of those who left the fold, the rabbis invented a concept that violates the laws of biology. They declared that those who become of the Jewish religion also become of its flesh and blood. It was this theft of identity that allowed the Jewish religion to persist despite the pogroms and holocausts that have plagued these people through the centuries.


It also meant then as it does today that no matter who you are, if you convert to become a Jew, you can falsely but legally claim – under Jewish law – that you are the inheritor of the ancient Hebrew estate no matter who owns it now, how they came to possess it, and why you have no proof of ownership despite the claim that your Jewish religion is proof of your Hebrew identity, thus “legal” owner of what you claim to be yours. Despite these difficulties, however, there was enough of an incentive to lure some non-Jews into converting to Judaism, however small their numbers.


Why is it important to be aware of all that at this time?


It is important to be aware of these things because it helps to clarify the intent behind the writing of an article that came under the title, “China, Russia and Iran: The empires strike back,” and the subtitle, “America is threatened by neo-imperialists.” The article was written by Clifford D. May, and published on December 15, 2021 in The Washington Times.


The use of the term, “strike back” in the title and the word, “threatened” in the subtitle, indicates that, like the rabbis of the Dark Ages, Clifford May is using the Jewish method of orienting his readers to where he wants them to go by first scaring them. The material he chose to work with, concerns three nations – China, Russia and Iran – he says were glorious empires in the distant past, lost that distinction a long time ago, and are trying to earn it back by fighting against the United States of America, which they see as standing in their way to the glory they are unfairly deprived of.


This being the point where you would expect the writer to argue that America had nothing to do with the decline of China or Russia or Iran, Clifford May surprises you by attacking these three nations as if to say, it was a good thing they declined to begin with, and they do not deserve to rise again because they adhere to an evil system of governance that opposes the one to which America adheres.


Seeing that strange logic, you stop wandering what the rulers of those nations intend to do, and you develop the suspicion that contrary to Clifford May’s contention that the three are coming after America, it is he that wants America to go after them. In other words, America has nothing to fear about the intent of those nations, whereas it is their rulers who should fear that the relentless Jewish nagging will cause America to attack one or more of them.


Just look at what Clifford May says in that vein. In fact, the following is the condensed form of the relevant passages attesting to what he has in mind:


“The question is: What are China, Russia and Iran? China is ruled by a Communist, Russia by a hyper-nationalist, and Iran by an Islamist. The US has led a liberal, international order. We expected that Russia and China would become stakeholders in this arrangement and acknowledge American predominance. However, Moscow and Beijing made clear they intend to replace Washington as leader of the international order. These once-great empires are striking back. Start with Beijing, China’s rulers have stripped Hong Kong of autonomy. Beijing calls Taiwan a rogue province that must be brought to heel. The Belt and Road Initiative is a neo-imperialist project. Move to Iran’s empire. It includes Lebanon and Hezbollah, the proxy of Iran’s rulers. The latter also dominate Syria, instruct Shia militias in Iraq, and support the Houthis in Yemen. Regarding Israel, Iran’s rulers harbor genocidal intentions. Turn now to Russia. Putin sees himself as a czar committed to rebuilding the Russian empire. Belarus is already a vassal state. Putin has occupied 20% of Georgia. He threatens the Baltic states and foments instability in the Balkan states. He took Crimea from Ukraine. America’s national security remains in serious jeopardy”.


Why is Clifford May saying these things? The answer is that in using the tactics employed by the rabbis of old, Clifford May is scaring America so that he and the other Jewish organizations can take control of the superpower.


He wants America to go against the would-be empires of the future and diminish them while at the same time inflating Israel to a size that will allow it to gobble up its neighbors, and go from there to conquer the world in fulfillment of some screwy ancient prophesies.