Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The mutilated logic of a diseased ideology

What happens when a self-appointed and self-organized police force discovers that it had been infiltrated by an alien ideology that turned it into the center of corruption, and that it is now metastasizing like a contagious disease throughout the community it swore to defend?


This is what happened to America which saw itself go from hero to zero in two generations. It was loved and admired around the world for counseling the nations, and enforcing the principles of fairness and justice, but then became hated for being the transmitter of unfairness and injustice.


That cycle unfolded when America first saw itself emerge triumphant from the two World Wars of the twentieth century, and legitimately claimed the mantle of policeman of the world from whence it organized itself to defend the high moral precepts by which it lived since inception, and gave it the strength to triumph in the two great wars.


But it was that openness and generosity of the spirit that has allowed the Judeo-Yiddish rot to infect the American culture, turning it from the ointment that was used to soothe the pain suffered by others, into the poison that turned every small wound plaguing the others into a fatal gangrene. It happened that America, which reconstructed the demolished European Continent of the post war, suddenly became the wholesale destroyer of several nations in the Muslim and Arab worlds, at the behest of the Jews.


But then, America woke up to the reality that it had become the disease it was supposed to prevent from developing and metastasizing. After a period of hesitation, America began the painful process of generating the antibodies that would fight the Judeo-Yiddish infection. In fact, America is now at the start of a process that other cultures have followed throughout history. It is cleansing itself the way that others have done. But the course it will follow from this point onward, and the end result it will reach, cannot be predicted at this time. They will be what they will be, and no one will know in advance. The only thing that can be said, is that the end result will not be pretty to watch when it comes.


What’s happening while America is waking up, is that the agents who brought the diseased culture to it, are themselves waking up to the reality that the disease known as the Jewish claim to cultural supremacy, is being challenged by a cure that promises to inflict on them the kind of punishment they received throughout the centuries everywhere they went looking for someone to dominate and exploit.


As you might expect, the Jews responded to that challenge, and you can see one such response when you study the article that came under the title: “The Biden administration kicks Israel in the gut,” written by Abraham H. Miller, and published on December 6, 2021 in the American Thinker.


Think of the situation as the inmate of a mental institution who thinks of himself as sane, and that the whole world, including the staff of the institution where he is committed, as crazy. This would be the right sort of analogy that explains what Abraham Miller is exhibiting in his article. In fact, he started his rant by attacking the United Nations (UN), which represents all of humanity, calling it vulgar.


Miller did that because the UN designated the Al Aqsa Mosque as a Muslim site instead of a Jewish site. The thing is that the Jews believe there might have been a Jewish Temple on that site several centuries ago; one that was destroyed apparently by the Romans or maybe someone else. And so, they called the site Temple Mount instead of Al Aqsa, and considered it to be a Jewish site, notwithstanding the Muslim Mosque. The UN did not buy this story or the Jewish interpretation of history, and designated the Mosque that’s there for all to see by its Muslim name, and considered it a Muslim site. This was enough to enrage people like Abraham Miller who think of humanity as vulgar.


To see how the mind of a crazy inmate operates, we look at a passage in his article that reads as follows:


“What is history compared to a vote in an international body dominated by tyrants and kleptomaniacal dictators? Their perfidy is not surprising. There are more Muslims in the world than Jews. Tyrants and dictators might not understand history, but they do know how to count”.


Whatever he believes the UN is made of, he neglected to mention that the delegates voted according to what they were seeing in Jerusalem, and not according the whimsical story he is telling. In fact, this is a story that even if true, has been rejected by precedents hundreds of thousands of times on Planet Earth.


The reality is that his contention to the effect that Al Aqsa Mosque should be called Temple Mount because it is situated in Jerusalem, a city where Jews have lived thousands of years ago, does not hold water for a number of reasons.


Think about it. Long before the Jews lived in Jerusalem, they lived in Egypt and in Persia (now Iran) and Assyria (now Syria) and Babylon (now Iraq.) Do they own these places too?


And if Abraham Miller believes that Al Aqsa Mosque should be named Temple Mount, is he suggesting that Canada should be renamed by its early aboriginal name, whatever that was?


How about the United States of America? Would it sound better to his ears as the United States of the Mohawks?


No, my friends no! The Western World, especially the United States of America should accelerate the process of waking up, and stop the Jews from provoking another Holocaust before it is too late.