Friday, April 29, 2022

Spun in broad daylight, and the crime persists

Nobody screws a nation more wickedly than those who claim to be of it, yet work to exploit it for the benefit of someone else.


That is the ongoing case between America the victim, and the worldwide Jewish syndicate that is the predator whose American citizens exploit both their citizenship and their position in the system to serve the interests of Israel while pretending to serve those of America.


Despite being the eternal losers who spent the last 4,000 years trying to produce a normal country for themselves but ending each attempt with the spectacle of being burned alive, pogromed, gassed or incinerated dead and alive, the Jews have managed to convince the practitioners of America’s political sausage-making that they, as Jews, have the divine knack to transform America from the excellent that the world thinks of America, into something even more brilliant than that. All that America had to do was listen to the Jews, and hand them the power to play as they wish with America’s destiny.


And believe it or not, that is precisely what the American politicians did, and this is why America ended up in the Jewish sewer. But where are the treasonous Jews to be found? And how do they manage to pull off their treacherous acts? What the Jews did was convince the gullible Americans that far from being the eternal losers as attested to by their miserable history, they are big winners and they can prove it.


To do that, the Jews told the Americans that contrary to the stories peddled in some ancient manuscripts about Palestine being the Land of Milk and Honey, and despite being recognized as being part of the Fertile Crescent, Palestine was nothing more than a yellow desert till the Jewish Jewelers and garment workers came to it from Eastern Europe, planted their golden fingers into the yellow sand, and out came the green shoots that transformed Palestine into the Land of Milk and Honey it never was but is now, said the Jewish liars to the gullible Americans who believed them. The lying Jews also added that Palestine became part of the Fertile Crescent it always aspired to be, but never was till the Jews came to it and made it so.


Seeing how easily they were able to con the Americans, and deceive them into rewarding the Jews of Israel with deadly weapons and buckets of cash, the Jews of the criminal Syndicate kept upgrading their lies to keep up with the times, and siphon off money and weapons from what became the American Congress of treason and moral prostitution. In effect, the Jews have now reached the point of convincing the braindead zombies of the Congress that contrary to popular beliefs, it is Israel which supports America financially, and defends it militarily.


One of the ways that the Jews managed to achieve that goal was by writing a book that advanced a narrative whose purpose was to create a fictitious paradigm they could feed to the Americans as being the real world they live in. And the Jews found among them someone to lend his name as being the author of the book. That’s what the Jews did when Nathan Sharansky’s name was used to claim authorship of a book about democracy written by a committee created for the purpose of getting President George W. Bush to invade Iraq, now recognized as America’s biggest mistake ever.


As bad as this coup has been, a bigger coup is what continues to drag America into the Jewish sewer of irrelevance from which America is now trying in vain to escape but cannot because the ability to bring about America’s salvation has been transferred from the hands of the American legislators to those of foreign powers via the game-playing that the Jews have been practicing without anyone asking questions as to what was going on.


That reality will reveal itself to you when you read the article that came under the title: “Not All Semiconductors Are Created Equal,” and the subtitle: “Washington policymakers must recognize that not all semiconductors are created equal; some are more critical than others.” It was written by Shubham Dwivedi and Gregory D. Wischer, and was published in National Interest on April 27, 2022.


This is a long article, whose 2,000 words are packed with valuable details that cannot be summed up without diminishing the force of what they express. For this reason, it is better for the readers of this article to spend some time reading the full Shubham Dwivedi and Gregory D. Wischer article.


The takeaway from that article is that America was conned into falling behind the Asian powers in the industries that will determine who will lead the world economically and technologically in the future. And so, the question we ask is this: How did it happen?


It happened because the now fully-developed Jewish propaganda machine had managed to convince the American legislators that the jewelers and garment workers who turned Palestine into the Land of Milk and Honey as well as the Fertile Crescent, have mastered the technology of the future so well, they are ahead of everyone, and will bail America when the time will come. Well, the time has come, and as the Dwivedi and Wischer article shows, the Asians are proverbially on their way to the far reaches of the cosmos while America is struggling to get out of the proverbial if not actual Jewish sewer.


The morally pornographic part of this story is that it all happened when a committee was formed to write a book about an Israel that does not exist. The Jews called the book “Start-up Nation,” and found a pair of propagandists who claimed its authorship. They went around North America entertaining the public with stories about Israeli engineers that were so hip, they wore sandals, and in their hurly-burly fashion of inventing the technologies of the future, snapped their fingers and hi-tech came to be.


Apparently, all of that was happening while the media on the aforementioned continent were so amused by the method of the Israeli engineers, they forgot to ask the right questions, and never bothered to check the Jewish claims that sandals and a hurly-burly attitude were better than discipline when it came to developing new technologies.


Perhaps all of that was due to the fact that the continent’s journalists had grown tired of a time when journalism was distinguished by what comes out the following paragraph — reprinted here from the Washington Times editorial that came under the title: “Rebalancing Journalism,” published on April 26, 2022:


“From Day One of publication in 1982, newsmen were expected to arrive at work in a tie — no exceptions. A woman making the mistake of showing up in a provocative dress was sent home to change. No whistling was tolerated in the newsroom — a tune on the lips was gauged as indicative of an unfocused mind. And flip-flops were a no-no because their signature slap conjures up the feeling of a day at the beach, not the office. Strict workplace etiquette may seem anachronistic in 2022, but it has served as a cornerstone for journalistic integrity”.


Maybe it is time to go back to that level of discipline.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The inevitable has happened, time to cool it

 When a military as small as that of Ukraine stands up to and does well against the conventional part of Russia’s military — thought to have been equal, if not superior to all of the NATO forces in Europe — something profound is revealed.


It is that during all that time, NATO represented the overwhelming strength that people such as Clifford D. May and other warmongers have been advocating. And yet, this condition did not represent the “deterrent force” that should have caused Russia to chicken out and refrain from attacking Ukraine … which was the point that the warmongers were erroneously making all along.


And now that Russia has attacked Ukraine anyway, Clifford May and those around him are disregarding the fact that their theory proved false, and are saying the things which qualify them as being insane by definition. What these guys are saying, in fact, is that they want America and NATO to do, not just more of the same, but increasingly more of the same so as to obtain a different result.


You can see Clifford May’s argument as he formulated it in a “note” to President Joe Biden, written under the title: “Biden’s National Security Strategy still unavailable,” and the subtitle: “If he understands the threats, it won’t be what he planned.” It was published on April 26, 2022 in The Washington Times.


So, we ask: What is it that, speaking in the name of all the warmongers, Clifford May wants President Biden to do? Well, Clifford May first reminded the President that he did not have an adequate National Security Strategy (NSS) and that he should have one. He told him flatly that the new NSS should be “significantly different from the Interim” paper that the White House produced at an earlier date.


Then, Clifford May did something that is the essence of the Jewish strategy, the very stratagem that has been the secret of their early triumphs, as well as the cause of their terminal losses. I pause here for a moment to explain this point before proceeding with my discussion:


When you study the recommendations that were made by the Jews to America in what concerned domestic or foreign policy, they all aimed at serving the Jewish causes directly or indirectly … which goes without saying. But in addition to that, the Jews took credit for the few that succeeded, and blamed the many that failed on America. Their excuse has always been that they gave America the right advice but that America failed to properly implement their instructions. This is how the invasion of Iraq became an American failure, not a Jewish or at least a joint failure.


Back to our discussion. How did Clifford May propose to take over America’s new thrust in the foreign policy moves that are yet to be formulated in view of what has transpired since Russia’s attack on Ukraine? The following is how May proposed to do that:


“Given these developments, can we agree that you have some serious work to do on your NSS, and that the final product should be different from what your interim guidance suggests? And may I lend a hand? Your NSS should be predicated on ‘peace through strength.’ That’s not just a Reagan-esque concept. It traces back to an ancient Roman general who wrote: ‘If you want peace, prepare for war’”.


Let’s assume that being the soft-hearted man that Joe Biden is, he decides to give the Jews one more chance at redeeming themselves by devising a plan that will heal America of all the wounds that the Jews have inflicted on it over the decades. What will Clifford May and his gang come up with?


The following are excepts, presented in condensed form, of the advice that Clifford May has given President Joe Biden, in his note:


“To achieve peace through strength requires deterrence. That comes in two flavors. The more effective is deterrence by denial. Your policy instead was to refrain from provoking Vladimir the Terrible. However, you did attempt to establish deterrence by punishment. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has been talking about integrated deterrence. If he’s implying a whole of government approach, that’s fine but hardly new. But count me among those who fear he really means talking softly and carrying a smaller stick. You’ve also been talking about a pivot toward Asia. How about dropping the pivot and reinforcing deterrence everywhere? It’s your job to lead the effort to revitalize NATO, possibly with Finland and Sweden coming onboard. A growing number of analysts believe that a new Cold War is already underway. A Sino-Russian alliance is driving the conflict. You must adjust your priorities — not least your spending priorities. If you want to chat about any of this, you know where to find me. Not a joke!”


As can be seen, Clifford May mentioned the newly formed Sino-Russian alliance but neglected to mention that nuclear saber-rattling has made its way in the discourse for the first time since Hiroshima.


Either Clifford May does not recognize that these are escalatory trends with the potential to wipe life on Earth, or he does recognize such a reality but does not care because he believes in the false prophesy that when Armageddon will be unleashed on humanity, the messiah will come, will save the Jews and will give them a renewed planet to remake as they wish.


And that’s a good reason why President Joe Biden should tell Clifford May and his gang to stay away from Planet Earth, and go take a hike on another planet far way from here.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

A philosophy of survival that cheapens America

 Apparently Winston Churchill would partner with the crocodile to eat the snake, thus eliminate the threat of being eaten by the latter. But Churchill would not feed the crocodile either lest he be eaten by him. Neither Winston Churchill nor Clifford D. May who made those revelations, bothered to explain how things would work in real life.


Nevertheless, this is the philosophy of survival that Clifford May seems to have learned from watching and analyzing what has come out the Russian attempt to emulate what the Jews are doing in Palestine. The trouble is that in trying to stitch together a narrative that would lend credence to his point of view, Clifford May cited examples whose occurrence was factual but whose interpretation was false.


Clifford May did as much in an article he wrote under the title: “Diplomatic end to Putin’s Ukraine war unlikely,” published on April 19, 2022 in The Washington Times. He began by saying that Russia’s ruler launched a war intended to extinguish Ukraine as an independent nation, much as Saddam Hussein did when he invaded and occupied Kuwait some four decades earlier.


This was historically accurate, but the explanation that Clifford May gave for the way that the events unfolded was false. It is that he made it sound like the decision to oppose Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait was that of the American President George H.W. Bush. But the truth was that following the advice of Canadian born American ambassador to Iraq, April Catherine Glaspie, President Bush said at first that this was an inter-Arab affair, and that America will have nothing to do with it.


Contrary to Clifford May’s assertion that what followed was a response to “Mr. Bush’s vision — a quintessentially American vision — of a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations,” it was actually the Arab nations that called on the Americans to send their military, and free Kuwait from Saddam’s grip. To convince the Americans to do just that, the Arabs (mostly Saudi Arabia) paid the American mercenary force a cool 30 billion dollars for its service.


And so, far from being the quintessentially American vision of a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations, it was the quintessentially Arab vision of an Arab world where the rule of non-aggression, governs the relationship among the Arab brothers that did it. This was the philosophy behind the expulsion of Saddam Hussein from Kuwait, a philosophy that remains in force among the Arabs at a time when America, together with Israel, are making a mockery of the rule of law.


Having used his imagination to grotesquely mutilate history, so much as to have described not the universe in which we all live, but an alternate universe, Clifford May used that same imagination to diligently avoid drawing the stark parallels that exist between the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Israeli invasion of Palestine.


Clifford May did so while also neglecting to mention that instead of financing and arming the Palestinian underdogs similar to what happens in the Ukrainian theatre of war, America and its European allies are arming and financing the Israeli top dogs in the Middle Eastern theatre of war, and have been for decades. Thus, instead of giving the Palestinians the means to defend their land, their families and their freedom, America and it allies are giving the Jews the means to kill Palestinians, ethnically cleanse the land of its indigenous population and deny the reality of a Palestine that has been in existence since the beginning of time.


As if to add insult to injury, the American media and the Jewish propaganda machine have for decades taken advantage of the reality that the Palestinians were forced to fight Israel’s warplanes, naval vessels, tanks an armored vehicles with home-made kites, weather balloons, slings and rocks — and called the Palestinian method of doing war, one of terrorism while calling the Israeli method of doing war that of a modern and sophisticated war machine.


The result of this horrific injustice is that the American legislators who make the laws and distribute the money, have been considering the Palestinian effort to be an illegitimate exercise by a people that deserve no help, while considering the Jewish effort as being a legitimate effort by people who are not usurping what belongs to the Palestinians, but people who are engaged in self-defense. This has led to the slew of Jewish and Israeli-specific laws that impose the Jews on the American people while opening the door of the American treasury to the unlimited flight of military hardware and taxpayer cash to Israel.


Knowing that action speaks louder than words, the Jews of Israel rightly deduced that while the image of Palestinians throwing rocks at Israelis is stuck in the minds of American legislators as being acts of terror, the Israeli use of American-made hi-tech weaponry employed by Israel to inflict mass murder on the Palestinians, is stuck in the minds of American legislators as being the expression of advanced sophistication.


For these reasons, the Jews of Israel know that the more they murder Palestinians in cold blood, the more cold cash will be sent to them from America.


And this is the narrative that will go down in history as the true unfolding of the events that destroyed America morally before destroying it physically.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

He typically shot himself in the foot yet again

 Why is it that Jews insist on having what they call “moral clarity” from others, while at the same time pride themselves on being masters of ambiguity?


The Jews insist because it is the one easy way for them to have it both ways. That is, they live by the adage of Karl Marx the Jew which goes as follows: What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is subject to haggling till I find a way to make it mine.


David Harsanyi who is himself a Jew, shows how this method works. He did so in the article he wrote under the title: “Palestinians Are Going to End Up Starting a Third Intifada,” published on April 19, 2022 in National Review Online.


Harsanyi says that “Back in 1929” — before Abu Mazen was even born, he somehow managed “to coordinate efforts to spark another Intifada.” Why is that? Because Harsanyi asserts that every time there is a disturbance in Occupied Palestine, it is not America that shovels dollars and weapons to the Jews, it is the International Community that shovels dollars and weapons to the Palestinians.


But why would the International Community do that? Well, Harsanyi wants you to believe that unlike the deprived Jews of America, it is Abu Mazen’s Palestinians that have fabulous amounts of money and influence in the world. They munch on politicians when they find them succulent, and spit them out when the latter turn stale or bitter. In addition, it is the Palestinians, and not the Jews who take journalists on junkets to the concentration camps of Europe and the Holocaust Memorials of wherever, thus impress upon the soft-hearts of Christians, that a pair of Christian lips not glued to a Palestinian rather than a Jewish ass, will send that ass to the gas chamber and the incinerator rather than let it have a decent burial six feet underground.


For all these reasons, says the ambiguous-to-the-core, David Harsanyi, it is not the Israeli Presidents and Prime Ministers of Israel who regularly end up in jail for stealing even the money that’s sent to Holocaust survivors by foreign governments, it is Abu Mazen who, by Jewish-Marxist logic, must be thought of as the kleptocrat of the Middle East. Go figure.


Well, that’s how a Jew who wants to be taken seriously begins his presentation, thus impresses the readers in the Jewish rank-and-file with the high credentials he holds in Jewish logic. Having done exactly that, David Harsanyi went on to tell the story of how Abu Mazen is preparing to unleash an Intifada, not by doing what Ariel Sharon did when he began the trend — desecrating as he did a Muslim holy site with the dirty boots of the Israeli soldiers he took with him to Al Aqsa Mosque — but by doing something civilized.


What Abu Mazen did was to appeal to the International Community to bear witness to the Judeo-Israeli effort at splitting the American Democratic Party and destroying it now that David Harsanyi and those like him are convinced America’s winds of change are blowing bad omens for the Jewish method of having it both ways at the expense of America’s credibility, and the respect that the world used to have for the superpower that was, and may never again be thanks to the Jews.


Having shown his bona fides as a Pretzel-variety Jewish logician, David Harsanyi tried to tell of the reasons why what’s happening in Occupied Palestine are happening now. Unfortunately for him, in so doing, he fell into the trap that swallows Jews of his kind time after time after time. What Harsanyi did in fact, was shoot himself in the foot by showing persuasively that Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, also known as Abu Mazen, is an admirable and honest human being endowed with a character that’s in league with the likes of Nelson Mandela, whereas the scoundrels reside in Occupied Jerusalem and the Washington Beltway.


The following is a condensed version of what David Harsanyi did as he tried to tarnish the good name of Mahmoud Abbas, but missed and shot himself in the foot instead:


“Palestinian pawns shouted this week as they again threw stones and defended a compound that no one wants to take from them. Jews are forbidden from worshipping at the Temple Mount. They can only pray nearby. But that won’t do either. Nearly every year, stones are launched at those worshipping below, forcing Israeli police to raid the site or temporarily limit access — usually for very brief periods. Though all will suffer, the violence — that could spiral out of control — never brings the Palestinians any closer to their own state. It only hardens Israeli resolve”.


As can be seen, David Harsanyi admits that for more than half a century, normal and low level skirmishes have taken place at the site known to one side of the dispute as Al Aqsa Mosque, and to the other side as Temple Mount. And every year things are resolved in as peaceful a manner as can be. Except this year, says Harsanyi, and the question is why?


Well, my friend, the simple answer to this question is that David Harsanyi and those like him are now convinced that America’s winds of change are blowing bad omens for the Jewish method of having it both ways at the expense of America’s credibility, and the respect that the world used to have for the superpower that was, and may never again be thanks to the Jews.


The following are some of the souls who brought the fresh air of change into the American Congress. They are members of the Squad who were elected to have their names shine to eternity along that of the Shiny City they are restoring to its old glory. These are: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib who labor honestly along their other silent but diligent sisters and brothers.

Monday, April 18, 2022

How the US perpetuates Israeli aggression

 Writing a column in The Jewish News Syndicate, Ruthie Blum attacked the United States of America for what she says is that country’s perpetuation of Palestinian violence.


In fact, the title of Ruthie Blum’s article reads as follows: “How the US perpetuates Palestinian violence.” And she gives a quick summary of the article’s content in a subtitle that reads as follows: “Instead of directing its denunciations where they belong, the Biden administration is buying and selling the anti-Semitic deception that Israel is spurring Muslim rage by attempting to change the status quo on the Temple Mount.” The article was published on April 17, 2022.

Wearing the hat of a disinterested observer, we first ask if there really is violence in the patch of real estate recognized as Occupied Palestine the world over. And the answer is yes because an occupation is defined as the most virulent form of violence inflicted on a people whatever their judicial status. In fact, what we have here is a war that has been ongoing for more than half a century between the invading Jewish occupiers and the Palestinian victims.


In a war of this kind where the occupiers prevent the occupied from possessing traditional weapons, the victims have the right to use any improvised weapon they can produce themselves to fight the invaders. You can see how acceptable this is when you recall that the entire human race cheered the Ukrainian people when they were advised to make and use Molotov Cocktails to fight the Russian invaders.


And whereas the occupied victims have the right to use any method they see fit to fight the unwelcomed occupiers, the measures taken by the latter — that go beyond pure self-defense — are considered rubbing salt in the wounds inflicted on the victims by the invaders in the first place.


That explanation answers the question as to whether or not there really is violence in Occupied Palestine. We now ask if — like Ruthie Blum says — America is perpetuating this violence, and if so, is it doing it by encouraging the Palestinians to attack the Jews with Molotov cocktail, or by financing the Jews and arming them to do more than engage in the genocide of the Palestinian people … to attack the neighboring states, snatch lands from them and annex them to Israel?


No one that knows anything about the Middle East, will dispute the assertion that America is arming Israel while doing all it can to deprive the Palestinians from getting weapons from anywhere. So, the question to ask is this: What do the Jews believe they can do with the weapons they receive free of charge? To get inside the head of the Jews, we comb through Ruthie Blum’s article, and see what she says motivates her, and by extension motivates the decision makers in Occupied Jerusalem.


The following is a condensed version of the passages that tell the tale:


“The US State Department admonished against violence, saying the following, ‘We are closely monitoring events in Jerusalem during this sacred holiday period for Jews, Muslims and Christians. We urge everyone to refrain from actions that further escalate tensions. We encourage all parties to work together to ensure calm and the quiet enjoyment of all religious holidays’”.


Looking at that statement with the eyes of a disinterested observer, we conclude that beyond giving Israel cash and weapons free of charge, America does not seem to care that it has the duty to warn the Jews that being the occupiers, they are responsible for the violence that erupts in the territory they occupy. And given that Israel could not do what it does were it not for America’s money and weapons it receives in a never-ending stream of American generosity that’s beginning to hurt, America will have no choice but to reassess its relationship with Israel.


Because America is not doing what it is obligated to do, weird ideas are formed inside the heads of Jews, which we learn about when combing through Ruthie Blum’s article to see what motivates her, and motivates the decision makers in Occupied Jerusalem.


Speaking of the statement issued by the State Department admonishing both parties against violence, the following is the verbatim reproduction of what Blum went on to say, thus told another tale altogether:


“The message summed up nicely the false equation between Palestinian terrorism and Israel’s war against it that the administration in Washington has been spreading since President Joe Biden assumed office 15 months ago. To make matters worse, the powers-that-be in DC are not only ignoring reality, but reinforcing the sense on the part of the jihadists inside Israel and those governed by Hamas and the Palestinian Authority that it pays, literally and figuratively, to kill Jews”.


This is how the Jewish occupiers view the situation. They explain that there is no equation between the Palestinian victims and the Jewish invaders, a reality that is not in dispute. But where the Jews go weird, is when they say that the Palestinians who throw — not Ukrainian style Molotov Cocktails — but rocks at the Israeli armored vehicles, terrorize the poor soldiers inside those vehicles.


By contrast, say the weirdo Jews, when American made precision bombs rain down on Palestinian mothers nursing their babies, the victims can only feel elation as they ascend to Heaven, and not feel terrorized like do the soldiers in the armored vehicles.


As to you and me and the rest of humanity, my dear reader, because we cannot make those fatheads understand what a two-year-old monkey would grasp in a minute, the only thing we can do to bring peace to the Middle East, is implore the Americans to stop financing and arming the proverbial cannibals who feed on the flesh of those that have no means to defend themselves.

Friday, April 15, 2022

They see the glaring similarities, and fear the obligatory consequences

 Imagine the possibility of a madman getting elected President of the United States of America.


The first thing the madman does in his capacity as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, is order the immediate cessation of the American and NATO assistance extended to the Ukrainian side in the ongoing war that the country is having with Russia.


This done, the mad American President starts a campaign aimed at effectuating a complete reversal of the policy thus far pursued by America towards the Russo-Ukrainian War. To that end, he pressures the NATO allies and the rest of the world to stop aiding Ukraine and start aiding Russia morally, financially, diplomatically and when possible, militarily.


Seeing that America has closed every door that could be used to resolve the nightmarish conflict through which its people are living, Ukraine decides to turn to the International Criminal Court to look into the case and adjudicate it one way or the other. A panicked Russia responds by asking the mad American President to intervene, and he orders the State Department to issue a statement to the effect that Ukraine’s move to seek justice the most peaceful of ways and most respectful of the rule of law, is counter-productive because it will damage the atmosphere with Russia. In other words, America’s position is this: Screw peace and screw the rule of law.


If you, my dear reader, believe that American madness has reached its limit with that kind of attitude, I urge you to think again because this supposed hypothetical situation is actually playing out in real life, and showing even more horrendous applications. The thing is that the names of the protagonists have been changed. You will come to see the real situation as it is currently unfolding on the ground by replacing the name Russia with Israel, and replacing the name Ukraine with Palestine.


When you have done this, you will immediately realize that not only is America aiding and abetting the Israeli genocide of Palestinians, America is participating in, financing and encouraging the genocide.


You consider Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians under occupation, such as jailing the children, blowing up the homes of Palestinians, allowing them to leave the country but not returning to it, contracting mentally retarded prominent American politicians to declare in the name of America that the Palestinians are not a people — and you realize that America is complicit in violating at least three articles (2,8 and 9) of the United Nations’ Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The following is an abbreviated reproduction of the three articles:


Article 2: Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical or racial group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. Article 8: Any Contracting Party may call upon the competent organs of the United Nations to take such action under the Charter of the United Nations as they consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of genocide. Article 9: Disputes between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation, application or fulfilment of the present Convention, shall be submitted to the International Court of Justice at the request of any of the parties to the dispute.


Fully realizing the enormity of the crimes that America has been inflicting for decades on the people of Palestine, the editors of the New York Daily News were so shaken by a pronouncement that the American President Joe Biden made recently with regard to Russia’s activities in occupied Ukraine — those editors came up with an editorial which they hope will diminish the seriousness of what Russia is committing in Ukraine, thus also diminish the seriousness of its analog in the Israeli-Palestinian situation.


What those editors did was write a piece under the title: “A most serious charge,” and the subtitle: “Genocide is a horror that must not be invoked lightly.” And they published the piece as an editorial on April 14, 2022 in their newspaper.


The following is a condensed version of what the New York Daily News editors are saying:


“President Biden described Russian actions in Ukraine, telling reporters that he called them genocide because it’s become clearer and clearer that Putin is trying to wipe out even the idea of being Ukrainian. Biden is right that what he’s describing would qualify as genocide under the definition in the UN Convention on the subject. The trouble is, it’s far from clear at this point that Putin’s invasion and war crimes, rise to this bar. Russia’s moves have some nexus to long-standing impulses to wipe out a separate and defined Ukrainian identity, but this being the reality on the ground is a leap that has not yet been proven. This has very consequential implications. Genocide is the most hideous of all crimes and carries with it a moral and legal obligation to act”.


The American Department of State violated the rule of human decency by saying in effect: Screw peace and screw the rule of law.


The editors of the New York Daily News violated the rule of logic and common sense by saying in effect that: Israel’s acts of genocide are not acts of genocide because they are currently and constantly committed by Israel which is above the laws of man.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

An upturned narrative to perpetuate the big lie

 Two opinion pieces printed on the same day in the same publication, tell why throughout space and time, Jews always ended up in a bad place.


One opinion piece came under the title: “Russia is not the only nation threatening its neighbors,” written by Clifford D. May and published on April 12, 2022 in The Washington Times.


The other piece came under the title: “Consequences of Biden’s Iran Deal will be dangerously worse for the world,” and the subtitle: “Administration should use the lull in negotiations to reconsider the flawed pact.” It was written by Jay Carafano and Adam Milstein, and was also published on April 12, 2022 in The Washington Times.


Simply put, the Jews always ended in a bad place because they turned the truth upside down, which is the way to fabricate the most venomous of lies, believed in their lies so profoundly, they could not reject them even when faced with the prospect of severe punishment.


When in the old days the Jews invented the lies by turning the truth upside down, they were instantly judged by the populations that once greeted them as guests, and made them feel at home. But then, realizing that they were stabbed in the back by the Jews they trusted, populations throughout the world, turned against the Jews, and sought to punish them for their immeasurable treacheries.  


Things have changed from the old days in the sense that Jews can now behave as they always did, and do what they always chose to do without having to interact so closely with the public as to be unmasked and punished in a short period of time. In fact, what the Jews do now is interact with the morally perverted politicians who use their powers to impose the Jews on the public instead of serving the people who elect them. For this reason, it now takes a longer period of time to unmask the Jews, but they do get unmasked eventually, because they cannot keep the truth in the upturned position for ever.


Finally, after half a century, the Jews ran out of time and of tricks to play with, and the mask of deception fell off their faces. Ordinary people throughout the planet, but more significantly in North America and Europe, broke through the moral depravity of their politicians, and looked at the Judeo-Israeli realities the way they are: upright and undressed by the quilt of Jewish lies, deceptions and disinformation that used to hide the naked truth.


Instead of accepting the reality that they have been unmasked, thus change their ways, the Jews continue to defend their position by repeating their lies, deceptions and disinformation. Their most outrageous stand is to deny that the Israeli system of governance over the entire land of Palestine, constitutes an apartheid system that resembles the now defunct apartheid of South Africa.


What happened here is that the Human Rights organizations have finally caught up with the billions of human beings who looked at the Judeo-Israeli apartheid, recognized it for what it was, and called it by its proper name: Apartheid. This being the real situation, you can see what Clifford May has done in his article to try hiding its reality.


Look, says Clifford May: In what is called Israel proper — which is populated by a Jewish-Arab majority — there is a handful of token Arabs in a leading position, whose names appear in the news once in a blue moon while Israel is governed entirely by a minority of European Jews, and has been for three quarters of a century. Well, that’s not even half as good as the token “colored people” who used to make the news in apartheid South Africa, not as tokens but as people with real power entrusted to make consequential decisions for the country.


But what goes on in so-called Israel proper is not even what the Human Rights organizations have finally discovered and called apartheid. It is what happens in the West Bank of occupied Palestine, which the Jews have renamed Judea and Samaria. That’s where the Jews want the land to become part of Israel proper, but not the Palestinian population. This is a classic apartheid situation, the discussion of which is deflected by Jews of the Clifford May kind who will create confusion by talking about the tokenism in so-called Israel proper whenever you try to engage them in a discussion about what Israel is doing in the West Bank.


This is like accusing the Jew of raping your wife and he denies it. You remind him that he is holding her in his basement, and have his way with her whenever he gets horny. He protest your description of reality by saying he is a happily married man, has been for decades, and has the marriage certificate to prove it. You scream that your wife who is held against her will in the basement is one thing, and his wife of many decades is another thing. But he ignores you and keeps talking about his wife.


How dangerous is a mentality such as that, especially when the Jews manage to extend their influence into the upper echelons of a superpower such as America? Well, you can see what can happen when you study the Carafano and Milstein article. A short passage in that article reflects what it’s all about.


Recall that several times in the past the Jews blackmailed America with the treat that Israel will engaged in a suicidal mission by attacking Iran, thus force America to enter the fray. Look carefully at the following condensed passage, and you’ll see in it that same kind of blackmail:


“The most likely outcome of these developments would be a devastating regional war between Israel and Iran, as Tel Aviv [newly invented euphemism to mean occupied Jerusalem] tries to prevent Tehran from achieving its stated goal of wiping Israel from the earth. This war would inevitably expand, with Iran attacking Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Even if there is no immediate war, it is logical that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Egypt would acquire nuclear arsenals — a dangerous situation that could also lead to a nuclear war”.


In the name of Israel, the Jews are making the same kind of blackmail, but one that involves the whole world in a nuclear holocaust this time.


Now you know why these people end up in a bad place every time.

Friday, April 8, 2022

They seek in vain to establish their supremacy

 There was a time when Jews were excluded from enlisting in American universities.


Citing the need to uphold the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion, the Jews beat their chests, blew their entrails out of the bellies howling antisemitism, sued everyone left and right, protested loudly and did all that was necessary to have America treat them like everyone else … and they won the day.


Now that the Jews have marched into the system of higher education with their head high, they are doing things in opposition to the principles that got them into the system when they were out looking in. It is now clear that their intent is to exclude others from the places they once were themselves excluded.


Aron Ravin who is both a student at Yale University and a contributor to National Review Online, wholeheartedly embraces that Jewish “philosophical” reversal. To do his part at realizing it, he wrote an article which adds to the weight of evidence that he is promoting Jewish supremacy. To that end, he says that ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)’ which was the battle-cry of the Jewish warriors in an earlier era, must now be considered toxic because the principle seeks to deliver justice to all other groups. He gives an example of what he sees as being the disgrace that’s plaguing the current woke era. He does that by citing what happened to a professor. Reproduced verbatim, here is that passage:


“Just this past November, at Coastal Carolina University, Steven Earnest was, at the behest of the school’s DEI committee, temporarily removed from teaching duties for uttering the following heresy (***Content Warning***): “I’m just sad people get their feelings hurt so easily”.


We ask: What was the professor referring to when he said, it saddens him that people feel hurt? Well, take your pick, my friend. It could have been use of the N word, or making a degrading reference about the Asians, or about the Native Americans or what have you. That’s of little consequence, says Aron Ravin. Little consequence? Wait a minute, what’s this guy talking about? What would he be saying now had the professor uttered words to this effect: Holocaust? What Holocaust? I don’t give a shit what happened to someone almost a century ago far away from here. I have my hands full as it is, having to cope with people suffering here in my community. They regularly get bullets lodged in their backs for doing nothing worse than drive a car with a malfunctioning tail light. So, here is the question that applies to the analog situation: Would Ravin have mocked that incident, and called it a heresy that people should be warned about?


Of course not. Instead, he and people like him would have resumed beating their chests, blowing their entrails out of their bellies, howling antisemitism, suing people left and right, protesting and doing all that’s necessary to see to it that Jews are treated with dignity.


But things are what they are, and they mean something. Granted, they mean something, but what is it? Well, given the information that we have, it is easy to see what they mean. Jews see themselves as entitled to privileges that no one else can have. The absolutely most important privilege bestowed equally on everyone in a democratic society, is the right to petition the authority in power. This is the privilege that the Jews fought hard to gain in America, but it is also what they are fighting hard to monopolize by excluding others.


Why do they do this? They do it because they feel that they alone are worthy of being endowed with that privilege. In fact, they are raised in the belief that they have attained a level that is so advanced, no one can be compared to them. When they complain about something, everybody should freeze and listen. But when someone else complains about something, these people should be told to stop annoying the public, take it on the chin like an adult, and move on with their lives.


The bottom line, according to the Jews, is that they can complain all they want, even if someone only looked at them askance, but no one else has the right to whisper a complaint even if they get shot in the back for driving with a malfunctioning tail light.


But is this sufficient proof that the Jews seek to establish their supremacy over everyone else? Well, it might not have been sufficient were it an isolated case. But the reality is that the Jewish quest to have what is denied to others, is a widespread phenomenon that’s played out at all levels of life; and it has serious consequences.


Consider the case of the Jewish so-called specialists whose job is to take every newly elected member of Congress behind closed doors and woke-educate them on Jewish sensitivities. They do this so that the new members learn to behave woke-like and avoid committing the gaffs that make the Jews feel discomfort. And while the Jews grant this privilege to themselves, look what Aaron Ravin says about a similar situation:


“Unfortunately, this minority is not confined to academia. Its aims have spread elsewhere, including to the legal sector, helped in part by its proximity to academia in the form of law school. As Aaron Sibarium has written, the American Bar Association has recently acquiesced to the woke aims of a petition from 176 law-school deans, including the likes of UChicago and Yale. Now, the ABA requires students to receive ‘education on bias, cross-cultural competency, and racism’ for accreditation purposes”.


This is the newest of the Jewish battle cries. They insist they are supreme, and demand being so recognized by the human race. Needless to say what it is that they get instead.


Postscript: I’ll be curtailing my publishing output for the foreseeable future because I am undergoing a medical treatment several times a week. At some point I may have to spend a few days in hospital. I’ll write and publish when I have the time, and look forward to getting back to normal as soon as possible.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

America has been liberated at long last

 Study the recent history of any country and you’ll see two possible trends. You’ll find that at times, the country was governed by a small group of people gathered in the office of the President or the Prime Minister, whichever system they happen to follow. You’ll also find that the country was at other times governed by a large group of people positioned throughout the various ministries and departments.


Whatever the management style of the country, it reflected to a large extent the disposition of the man (or woman) who was elected to sit at the helm of the ship of state. Some people, such as Jimmy Carter, were hands-on, meticulous managers who liked to be on top of things however minute the details may have been. Other people such as George W. Bush liked to delegate their powers to underlings, and watch them run the ship of state in their name.


Much has been written about every leader that was elected to govern a country, be that a democratic country, an autocratic one, or a country that sat between the two extremes. And yet, despite all the ink that was spilt telling the history of these leaders, there has never been an attempt to evaluate which management style was more effective. Was Jimmy Carter’s style superior to that of George W. Bush? Or was it the other way around? No one seems to know.


Perhaps the reason why there has never been a serious study done to determine which management style is preferable when it comes to running a country, is that the style is a small factor in the constellation of factors which ultimately determine the success or failure of an administration. This prompts the following question: What single factor, if any, plays the most important role in making that determination?


I do not believe this question can be answered until there has been a comprehensive study carried on the subject. Even then, we may find that every situation is so unique, no rule of thumb can apply that would yield a definitive answer. In fact, something happened when I was a small boy, that set me on a path from which I never deviated.


It was in the early years of the 1950s that I started thinking about these things. What I remember is that the time was a few years after the end of the Great War. In a school run by Christian Brothers, we began every morning with the catechism and other religious matters. One morning, the role of a Pope during the war came up, and something was said that I never forgot. It was that Divine Providence makes it so that the right person is chosen to be pope at the right time.


A few years later, I was old enough to react emotionally to world events. Living outside of Egypt, the events surrounding the Suez Canal, and hearing about them on the radio, occupied much of our family’s thoughts. Within a few weeks, Egypt’s President Gamal Abdel Nasser, about whom we cared little previously, suddenly became a superhero in the entire Arab world, and in our household. I thought it was true what I learned in that catechism class years ago: the right man gets installed at the helm of the nation or the church by divine providence or by another mysterious method. Ever since that time, I never saw anything that would cause me to change my mind.


This brings us to the article that came under the title: “Democrats’ support for Israel has cratered under Biden,” written by Barry Shaw, and published on April 5, 2022 in The American Thinker.


Reading the first sentence in that article tells you that Barry Shaw is no fan of President Joe Biden. He compares Biden to Reagan, Trump and “even” Clinton, and finds that he does not measure up to any of them because Biden is no originalist, says Barry Shaw. The trouble is that the writer does not give a hint as to what made either of the other three, an originalist who merits being praised. But we forgive Barry Shaw for this omission.


However, Shaw makes up for his omission by telling why he believes Joe Biden is not an originalist. He says it is that Biden does not have one unique policy of his own. He also believes that Biden is merely the front man, the mouthpiece for the background bureaucrats who set America's course and craft America's direction. He proceeds to illustrate this point by listing Biden’s failures domestically, and his animosity toward Israel internationally. Here, in condensed form, is what Shaw says about Biden:


“He said little about America's southern border, a policy set by socialists of the Democratic party. It's Biden’s problem, not there before he took office. Another is the economy. A third is the way they educate kids. As to foreign policy, Biden is the puppet of his handlers. He canceled the Keystone Pipeline. What happened to the US, once Israel’s ally? Under Biden, those days are over. How did that happen? It began before he became president. He was fond of Golda Meir. That's how far he goes back. But he wasn't fond of Begin or Netanyahu. He was rebuked by Begin when he threatened to cut off US aid to Israel. But the harshest anti-Israel cut was to bring UN Security Council Resolution 2334. Biden's animosity toward Israel also expresses itself in a new directive. He is offering a million-dollar bounty to anyone reporting Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians. This reward is not reciprocal. It's only Israel they are after. Biden is determined to revoke Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem. It is another example of his antagonism against Israel. I am certain it is not Biden inventing these provocative policies”. 


Whatever Barry Shaw believes he is telling his readers, what comes out from his discussion, is that there was a time when America was not governed like a sovereign nation. It is that for Israel to feel like a sovereign nation, America had to play the role of its subordinate. With deep regret, those days are over, says Barry Shaw. Well, thank heaven they are, and humanity has Joe Biden to salute for it.


And so, here is what we do: Thank you, President Joe Biden. Keep it up, and don’t let your guards down.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

How a defeated evildoer licks his wounds

 All that remains now is for the evildoer to go hide somewhere and lick his wounds.


It happened some half a century ago when Israel got kicked in the ass, kicked out of the Sinai and out of the Eastern Golan that the Jewish rank-and-file around the globe got so alarmed, Israel was compelled to reassure them it can still survive doing evil, being protected by an American Congress of shameless scoundrels.


Israel can still survive, said the Jewish propaganda machine, provided that the foot-soldiers fighting for “our” causes redouble their efforts and keep supporting Israel donating money to it, lobbying for it, and pushing the American Congress to continue selling out America for the glory of Israel.


But when the rank-and-file could not be reassured even then, and asked Israel to do something tangible to prove that it can protect its ass from the force of Arab boots, Israel came up with the idea of telling the world, and through it telling the Jewish rank-and-file, that it has the ambiguity it will not reveal it has, which is the nuclear bomb that may be nuclear but certainly not a bomb, yet goes boom like a mushroom that flies up into the sky. Figure out this ambiguity if you can.


This was the signal for all the mouthpieces out there to stage the theatrics that will unambiguously convince the world that Israel had a nuclear arsenal bigger than that of India or China or even the two of them combined. In addition, the propagandists groomed an acting character to play the role of nuclear technician even though he couldn’t tell the difference between an exploding bomb and his own fart — and had him play the role of a traitor who wanted to tell the world about Israel’s nuclear secret, but was kidnapped in Britain by the Mossad who spirited him out of Britain and took him to Israel before he had the time to spill the beans that never existed.


This brought other mouthpieces — such as Fareed Zacharia, currently of CNN, and Mona Charen, formerly of CNN — into the game to ambiguously propagandize Israel’s non-existent but fearsome nuclear arsenal. And then, unlike the acting traitor of Israel, it happened that Iran had real traitors who wanted to tell the world about Iran’s work in the nuclear field. They gave evidence that showed Iran was so advanced in this field, they alarmed Israel, its rank-and-file, and the Jewish Diaspora. The revelation got the Americans to start negotiating with Iran a protocol by which the latter promised not to produce the atom bomb, and submit to inspection by the IAEA that will verify the promise is kept.


That was not enough to convince the Foundation for Defense of Democracies which is the flagship of propaganda and Jewish lobbying in America that Iran will not produce the bomb or use it to vaporize Israel into a mushroom cloud that would realize Hitler’s Final Solution. And it was this floundering outfit that led the charge against Iran’s Nuclear Deal, which America negotiated, then reneged on and then resumed negotiating to revive.


It looks now that the deal is a done deal, which means that the devil fashioned in the form of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies has lost the war. He retrenched into a corner to lick his wounds and lament like the Jews have lamented for thousands of years, whenever there was a wall of lamentations or there was none.


You can see how the Foundation is doing it when you read the article which came under the title: “Saving the Ayatollahs,” and the subtitle: “Biden’s unwise Iran policy.” The article was cowritten by Reuel Marc Gerecht, who is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, and by Ray Takeyh who is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.


True to form, Gerecht and Takeyh began their discussion by falsely describing Iran as being near collapse. In fact, they, and the other Jewish pundits who wrote about the subject, always took that approach to fool America into believing that Iran was “reeeeling” and on the verge of collapse. The message then and now was meant to urge America to continue pressuring and blackmailing Iran, because, they argue, that a little bit more of that will cause Iran to crack up. Reuel Gerecht and Ray Takeyh promise that when this happens, America and its allies will score the victory the sweet victory they have been dreaming about during all these years.


The following is a condensed version of how the two authors are trying to shame America for concluding a new version of the Iran Nuclear Deal despite the fact that Iran was on the verge of collapsing as they have been promising it will for an eternity:


“The Islamic Republic is in trouble. Its economy needs high-priced oil to stay afloat. Its politics are broken: Since the end of the 1990s, the regime has been rapidly losing ideological appeal and a solid base of support. Its elite find common ground on fewer issues. The clerical regime remains permanently at odds with most of its neighbors. In other words, the mullahs need a nuclear deal to give them relief. By yielding little to and getting much from the Biden administration in the ongoing negotiations in Vienna, the regime is trying to have both guns and butter. The defining truth: Economic malpractice has left the Islamic Republic routinely subject to unrest. American sanctions have aggravated all the forces and the regime’s basic incompetence. But economic incompetence rarely crashes a dictatorship; authoritarian states become wobbly when they lose their capacity to intimidate their subjects. Every social class has registered its opposition to the regime by taking to the streets. Teachers, farmers, laborers, university students, and even retirees have voiced their grievances”.


As can be seen, the easiest way to hang a Jew and his sidekick, is to give them the rope and they’ll hang themselves. Who, aside from the Congress, do they think is stupid enough to believe that Iran suffers from all those ills and still be in a position to challenge its enemies, including superpower America, and in addition have both a nuclear program and a thriving space program to occupy their time?

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Liberalism in the imagination of its dreamers

 Francis Fukuyama is writing a book to say that liberalism is in trouble throughout the world. Excerpts from the book were compiled into an article that came under the title: “A Country of Their own,” and the subtitle: “Liberalism Needs the Nation.” It was published in the May/June 2022 edition of Foreign Affairs.


Fukuyama defines liberalism by its fundamentals, which he says are tolerance of difference, respect for individual rights, and the rule of law. Obviously, he means to say that these three principles apply in the relationship between the state and the individual citizens. In the case of the law, we might add that respect for the international laws applies as much as the national laws.


It must be said that when it comes to national laws, no country is without them. They could be lax or they could be harsh, but the one thing that must not escape attention, is that the so-called illiberal autocratic societies respect their own laws as well as the international ones more strictly than the societies which call themselves liberal. Just look how America and Israel treat international laws.


As to the reason why a liberal state would violate its own national law while pretending otherwise — it is to stealthily violate the individual rights of its citizens. But how does the state do such a thing, and why would it do it? The most likely reason is to conduct surveillance on its citizens, fearing that they may be influenced by a foreign power whose system of beliefs is considered intolerable. This makes it so that in one fell swoop, that state has violated the three fundamentals of liberalism. Thus, it can be said with confidence that the so-called liberal societies differ from the autocratic ones only in the sense that they are hypocritical about what they say and what they do.


How do these realities affect the political movements that rise and fall at the national level, and in some cases spill over to affect even the international scene?


Well, what happens in the self-designated one-party autocratic states, is that the laws are made as simple and as clear as possible for all to understand. They are to the effect that political ideas which are meant to compete against the ruling party will be considered the product of foreign influence, and designed to destroy the country. The individuals or groups who engage in this kind of activities, will be considered traitors and dealt with accordingly. No debate on this subject is allowed. Case closed.


As to what happens in the self-designated democratic states, the parties seldom define themselves by the relationships they may or may not have with foreign powers. What they do instead is exaggerate the differences that exist between them and the other parties with regard to the positions they take pertaining to local issues. Each party stresses that they alone can save the country, which happens to be in deep trouble at this crucial moment in time. They go on to warn that if the other party is elected, they will ruin the country and make everyone worse off than they are already.


Even if no party manages to bring the entire society to its point of view, the fear that is generated by the rhetoric of everyone running for office, scares the people so much, they become selfish and live in the hope that someone will come and save the country. This is what leads to the rise of the populist leader who promises to save the country, thus wins enough of the independent voters to get elected to the highest office in the land. From that position, he makes the one-sided laws that satisfy his base, but also puts the nation on a path to an eventual conversion to the autocratic system of governance.


Whereas this pattern is followed in the old democratic states, something different took place in the former Eastern European Communist states that adopted the democratic system of governance. If the saying: ‘Being mugged by reality’ applies to anyone, it applies to these countries more so than anywhere else. It is that while under Communism, the people were so impressed by the propaganda of the Capitalist-Democratic states, they visualized — not the realities of those states — but the fantasy they fabricated in their own imagination about the idyllic life that must exist on the other side of the divide.


And so, when Communism crumbled, those states converted to the democratic/capitalist system but found it wanting, and nothing like they had imagined. It is that the people who didn’t have to compete as in a dog-eat-dog society to feel secure financially, suddenly discovered that dog meat in the cutthroat democratic system, tastes awfully close to dog breakfast. Some of these nations rejected the system of Capitalist Democracy and started to walk back to the system they thought they had left behind. Other nations started to experiment with new systems they believe suits their local conditions better than any existing system. And the jury is still out on these experiments.


At a time like this, when everything seems to be in flux, people anchor themselves to what they know best. This would be their culture and their ethnicity. And so, they define themselves by these traits, and this makes their behavior look like a surge in nationalism. Some in that society like what they see, and clamor to make the nationalist situation the permanent state of their nation.


The question now is this: Can liberal democracy and nationalism coexist without interfering with each other? Looking at the global scene, the answer seems to be yes, the two can coexist, but only in the monoethnic nations such as Switzerland. They cannot survive for long in diverse nations like America because the various groups will always serve as dog meat for one another.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Half a century of cannibalism and they still want America at the table

 To avoid being buried under the jumbled morality of Jewish logic, we invoke a saying of moral clarity and stick by it no matter what is thrown at us while discussing a piece that stands on its head trying to turn a Jewish fantasy into a reality meant to impress others.


The fantasy is that a Jew from Eastern Europe invading a Palestinian home, killing its occupants and stealing it, is a victim of the Palestinian family that should have welcomed him but did not. It should have ceded the house to him, according to Jewish logic, and should have gone looking for another house, expecting that the same scenario will repeat itself when another Jew, coming from America this time, will show up at the door, and demand that the house be handed to him peacefully.


The simple moral clarity that will save us from being buried under a thousand-ton of this kind of Jewish filth, goes as follow: The invasion of a home is an act of terror. The occupation of that home is the ultimate act of terror. The Jews that commit such acts, be they from Europe or America, are the most extreme kind of terrorists. As to those among this group who slander the Palestinians for not ceding the house to them peacefully — demonstrate that they are worse than terrorists; they are moral cannibals who feed on the proverbial flesh of their victims.


A self-appointed advocate protecting these cannibals is Jonathan S. Tobin. He recently produced a piece in which he outdid himself making a case that does more than protect the cannibals. He is asking the world to further punish the Palestinians who refuse to carve out pieces of their own flesh and hand them to their eaters to munch on. This is like a mentally retarded dude calling on the American Congress to order the bombing of Ukrainian cities because they refuse to thank the Russians for bombing them. This is Jewish logic for you.


Jonathan Tobin’s piece came under the title: “Don’t reward Palestinians for a new wave of terror,” and the subtitle: “The Biden administration tried to sabotage an Israeli-Arab summit by raising the Palestinian issue. It shouldn’t use terrorism as an excuse to resurrect the failed policies of the past.” It was published on March 30, 2022 in the online publication, Jewish News Syndicate.


What follows is a condensed version of the preamble in which Jonathan Tobin lays out the case as he sees it:


“The Israeli government needs to worry about more than whether these accounts will lead to more violence. It also has to be concerned about whether the sole superpower and other Western countries will revive the policies whose goal is to pressure Israel into making concessions to the Palestinians. Instead of taking a look at Palestinian political culture, which views violence as a legitimate expression of national identity, the West consistently treated acts of [resistance] as a cry for help from the disadvantaged. Such thinking was the product of a fundamental mistake about the nature of the conflict. Rather than Palestinian violence being caused by Israeli oppression it was instead an expression of belief in the illegitimacy of the Jewish state”.


Do you realize what Tobin is saying, my friend? He is saying that the Palestinians are not fighting to liberate their country in the way that the Ukrainians are fighting to liberate the country they love and are willing to die for. No, says Tobin on behave of the Jewish cannibals that have been dining on Palestinian flesh for three generations already. The truth, says Tobin, is that the Palestinians and their supporters in America and the rest of the West, hate the idea of there being a Jewish state more than they love seeing Palestinians live with dignity in their own Palestine. And this is how and why Tobin and those like him have convinced themselves that Jews who did not experience the first Holocaust, have the right to inflict a second Holocaust on the Palestinians thattruth be toldhad nothing to do with the first Holocaust.


But how did it happen that for such a long time, Jews of the Tobin kind were able to convince the Americans and some of the Western nations that the upside-down logic of the Jews was more legitimate than the upright logic of the Palestinians? It all happened because the Jews began by imposing on America the most dictatorial measure ever inflicted on a people since the Stone Age. With help from the religious prostitutes in the Evangelical movement, the Jews outlawed telling the truth about themselves. Without pushback against what they spewed day after day on every audiovisual and print outlet, the fabricated truth of the liar became the accepted truth of the listeners.


Now that the internet has given voice to those that hold the opposing view, the truth has been exposed. Whereas the Jewish propagandists used to get away with telling that they offered to end the occupation but that the Palestinians refused it, now look and sound like pathetic jackasses carrying on with two contradictory discourses simultaneously. It is that while still insisting they are offering to end the occupation and allow for the implementation of the two-state solution, the Jews are warning the West not to spend time on working to give the Palestinians the two-state solution they always wanted and the Jews always rejected.


You can see the sickly Jewish rhetoric that goes with that logic when you read the last paragraph of the Tobin article. It goes like this:


“The message the United States ought to send to the Palestinians now is a stern warning that those who remain fixated on a two-state solution, which the Palestinians have been ignoring these last 30 years of Palestinian refusals of peace offers, are closing their eyes. Biden and Blinken need to understand that the price for such a policy will be paid in more spilled blood inside Israel”.


So very Jewish. So very sick. So very cannibalistic.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

A war is a war whether hot, cold or lukewarm

 America needs to get away from the idea that it is the policeman of the world.


This is necessary because whereas America thinks of itself as the enforcer of what’s right, and punisher of what’s wrong, the world thinks of America as the bully that’s terrorizing neighborhoods where the locals want him out of there for good and forever.


Right now, you’ll find many around the globe who believe that the American military is doing to the world what the American police are doing to the colored communities in America. They believe that the situation is made even worse by the fact that when it comes to foreign policy, America has ceased to think for itself. It gave the power to command both its State and Defense Departments to the lobbies that execute the instructions they receive from abroad.


The worrisome part is that the lobbyists have been at it for decades, with each generation passing on the philosophy and methods of operation to the next. What is transferred from the retiring to the rookies are issues that pertain to the interests of such foreign entities as Taiwan, Israel and Cuba as well as a number of other South American and African countries. Because the countries in question can be friendly or unfriendly to America, the policies that result from lobbying vary from case to case.


Despite the heavy foreign elements behind these lobbies, the individuals in charge of them have blended in the American society so well that they manage to make the foreign desires in them, look and sound like authentic American desires. In many instances, those desires translate into pushing America to intervene militarily abroad to score a victory for someone or defeat another for no apparent reason. And this is what draws the warmongers into the effort, be they authentic American “nativists” or American-born foreigners whose hearts belong somewhere else. The only people forgotten in this sorry mess are the Americans who toil to produce the wealth that is squandered by the politicians; those that agitate to send American boys and girls to die in foreign lands for the benefit of other foreigners they never knew and never met.


Reading an article that was written by Tom Ridge, who was at one time America’s Homeland Security Secretary, you’ll get an idea as to how intensely the emotions of these people are pumped up by their handlers when it comes to advocating hatred and punishment for a country like Iran. Tom Ridge’s article came under the title: “Biden risks emboldening terrorism by removing Iran’s Paramilitary from terror list,” published on April 1, 2022 in The Washington Times.


What prompted Tom Ridge to write his article is that he heard rumors to the effect that the Biden administration is thinking of removing Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from the terrorist list that the Jewish and anti-Iran organizations, such as the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), had lobbied to put on the list. In fact, there was no good reason to do this except that at the time, America was presided over by a madman with a mentality that did not exceed working as floor sweeper for his Jewish masters. His tenure had been this low, this disgusting and this disruptive.


What the lobbyists seem to forget is that when America acts in a hostile manner against a country in response to the demands of lobbyists, America effectively declares war on that country. Whether bullets fly or they don’t, the same rules apply without distinction as to whether this is a hot war, a cold war or one that is lukewarm. As to the main rule of war from which all other rules are derived, it is that “all is fair in love and war.” Anyone that is as savage as the other, yet complains about the unfair practices of the other party, should be told that war was never meant to be practiced by children. Go to your room and play with your toys.


Expressed in condensed form, the following is what the anti-Iran lobbyists are complaining about, having completely disregarded that wars are two-way streets where each side prepares as best they can to counter the opponent with whatever weapons are available to them, used in whichever way promises to yield a better result. Here is the childish complaint of the lobbyists:


“The NCRI revealing that the IRGC’s foreign special operations division, the Quds Force, had established a dedicated naval unit with the goal of providing regional proxies the training, equipment, and logistics to expand maritime operations against [enemy] military vessels”.


Speaking for the foreign lobbyists who complain about the progress achieved by Iran in science and technology, Tom Ridge bitterly points out that Iran has a space program for which it produces satellites that can survey the planet from space. As well, Iran produces the rockets that can put those satellites into orbit around the Earth. Instead of congratulating a “Third World” nation for achieving this much this fast, Tom Ridge is allowing himself to be used by a bunch of riffraff characters that hope America would destroy Iran, and hand the ruins to them to do as they wish.


Tom Ridge still cannot make the connection in his head that when America contemplates taking such actions against someone, that someone will want to reciprocate. It may also happen that the foreign entity in America’s crosshairs will beat America to the punch and be first at bloodying America’s nose.


That’s what wars are all about. If you don’t like their outcome, don’t agitate for one, and don’t listen to those who agitate without thinking of the consequences.