Wednesday, April 20, 2022

He typically shot himself in the foot yet again

 Why is it that Jews insist on having what they call “moral clarity” from others, while at the same time pride themselves on being masters of ambiguity?


The Jews insist because it is the one easy way for them to have it both ways. That is, they live by the adage of Karl Marx the Jew which goes as follows: What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is subject to haggling till I find a way to make it mine.


David Harsanyi who is himself a Jew, shows how this method works. He did so in the article he wrote under the title: “Palestinians Are Going to End Up Starting a Third Intifada,” published on April 19, 2022 in National Review Online.


Harsanyi says that “Back in 1929” — before Abu Mazen was even born, he somehow managed “to coordinate efforts to spark another Intifada.” Why is that? Because Harsanyi asserts that every time there is a disturbance in Occupied Palestine, it is not America that shovels dollars and weapons to the Jews, it is the International Community that shovels dollars and weapons to the Palestinians.


But why would the International Community do that? Well, Harsanyi wants you to believe that unlike the deprived Jews of America, it is Abu Mazen’s Palestinians that have fabulous amounts of money and influence in the world. They munch on politicians when they find them succulent, and spit them out when the latter turn stale or bitter. In addition, it is the Palestinians, and not the Jews who take journalists on junkets to the concentration camps of Europe and the Holocaust Memorials of wherever, thus impress upon the soft-hearts of Christians, that a pair of Christian lips not glued to a Palestinian rather than a Jewish ass, will send that ass to the gas chamber and the incinerator rather than let it have a decent burial six feet underground.


For all these reasons, says the ambiguous-to-the-core, David Harsanyi, it is not the Israeli Presidents and Prime Ministers of Israel who regularly end up in jail for stealing even the money that’s sent to Holocaust survivors by foreign governments, it is Abu Mazen who, by Jewish-Marxist logic, must be thought of as the kleptocrat of the Middle East. Go figure.


Well, that’s how a Jew who wants to be taken seriously begins his presentation, thus impresses the readers in the Jewish rank-and-file with the high credentials he holds in Jewish logic. Having done exactly that, David Harsanyi went on to tell the story of how Abu Mazen is preparing to unleash an Intifada, not by doing what Ariel Sharon did when he began the trend — desecrating as he did a Muslim holy site with the dirty boots of the Israeli soldiers he took with him to Al Aqsa Mosque — but by doing something civilized.


What Abu Mazen did was to appeal to the International Community to bear witness to the Judeo-Israeli effort at splitting the American Democratic Party and destroying it now that David Harsanyi and those like him are convinced America’s winds of change are blowing bad omens for the Jewish method of having it both ways at the expense of America’s credibility, and the respect that the world used to have for the superpower that was, and may never again be thanks to the Jews.


Having shown his bona fides as a Pretzel-variety Jewish logician, David Harsanyi tried to tell of the reasons why what’s happening in Occupied Palestine are happening now. Unfortunately for him, in so doing, he fell into the trap that swallows Jews of his kind time after time after time. What Harsanyi did in fact, was shoot himself in the foot by showing persuasively that Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, also known as Abu Mazen, is an admirable and honest human being endowed with a character that’s in league with the likes of Nelson Mandela, whereas the scoundrels reside in Occupied Jerusalem and the Washington Beltway.


The following is a condensed version of what David Harsanyi did as he tried to tarnish the good name of Mahmoud Abbas, but missed and shot himself in the foot instead:


“Palestinian pawns shouted this week as they again threw stones and defended a compound that no one wants to take from them. Jews are forbidden from worshipping at the Temple Mount. They can only pray nearby. But that won’t do either. Nearly every year, stones are launched at those worshipping below, forcing Israeli police to raid the site or temporarily limit access — usually for very brief periods. Though all will suffer, the violence — that could spiral out of control — never brings the Palestinians any closer to their own state. It only hardens Israeli resolve”.


As can be seen, David Harsanyi admits that for more than half a century, normal and low level skirmishes have taken place at the site known to one side of the dispute as Al Aqsa Mosque, and to the other side as Temple Mount. And every year things are resolved in as peaceful a manner as can be. Except this year, says Harsanyi, and the question is why?


Well, my friend, the simple answer to this question is that David Harsanyi and those like him are now convinced that America’s winds of change are blowing bad omens for the Jewish method of having it both ways at the expense of America’s credibility, and the respect that the world used to have for the superpower that was, and may never again be thanks to the Jews.


The following are some of the souls who brought the fresh air of change into the American Congress. They are members of the Squad who were elected to have their names shine to eternity along that of the Shiny City they are restoring to its old glory. These are: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib who labor honestly along their other silent but diligent sisters and brothers.