Thursday, April 21, 2022

A philosophy of survival that cheapens America

 Apparently Winston Churchill would partner with the crocodile to eat the snake, thus eliminate the threat of being eaten by the latter. But Churchill would not feed the crocodile either lest he be eaten by him. Neither Winston Churchill nor Clifford D. May who made those revelations, bothered to explain how things would work in real life.


Nevertheless, this is the philosophy of survival that Clifford May seems to have learned from watching and analyzing what has come out the Russian attempt to emulate what the Jews are doing in Palestine. The trouble is that in trying to stitch together a narrative that would lend credence to his point of view, Clifford May cited examples whose occurrence was factual but whose interpretation was false.


Clifford May did as much in an article he wrote under the title: “Diplomatic end to Putin’s Ukraine war unlikely,” published on April 19, 2022 in The Washington Times. He began by saying that Russia’s ruler launched a war intended to extinguish Ukraine as an independent nation, much as Saddam Hussein did when he invaded and occupied Kuwait some four decades earlier.


This was historically accurate, but the explanation that Clifford May gave for the way that the events unfolded was false. It is that he made it sound like the decision to oppose Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait was that of the American President George H.W. Bush. But the truth was that following the advice of Canadian born American ambassador to Iraq, April Catherine Glaspie, President Bush said at first that this was an inter-Arab affair, and that America will have nothing to do with it.


Contrary to Clifford May’s assertion that what followed was a response to “Mr. Bush’s vision — a quintessentially American vision — of a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations,” it was actually the Arab nations that called on the Americans to send their military, and free Kuwait from Saddam’s grip. To convince the Americans to do just that, the Arabs (mostly Saudi Arabia) paid the American mercenary force a cool 30 billion dollars for its service.


And so, far from being the quintessentially American vision of a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations, it was the quintessentially Arab vision of an Arab world where the rule of non-aggression, governs the relationship among the Arab brothers that did it. This was the philosophy behind the expulsion of Saddam Hussein from Kuwait, a philosophy that remains in force among the Arabs at a time when America, together with Israel, are making a mockery of the rule of law.


Having used his imagination to grotesquely mutilate history, so much as to have described not the universe in which we all live, but an alternate universe, Clifford May used that same imagination to diligently avoid drawing the stark parallels that exist between the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Israeli invasion of Palestine.


Clifford May did so while also neglecting to mention that instead of financing and arming the Palestinian underdogs similar to what happens in the Ukrainian theatre of war, America and its European allies are arming and financing the Israeli top dogs in the Middle Eastern theatre of war, and have been for decades. Thus, instead of giving the Palestinians the means to defend their land, their families and their freedom, America and it allies are giving the Jews the means to kill Palestinians, ethnically cleanse the land of its indigenous population and deny the reality of a Palestine that has been in existence since the beginning of time.


As if to add insult to injury, the American media and the Jewish propaganda machine have for decades taken advantage of the reality that the Palestinians were forced to fight Israel’s warplanes, naval vessels, tanks an armored vehicles with home-made kites, weather balloons, slings and rocks — and called the Palestinian method of doing war, one of terrorism while calling the Israeli method of doing war that of a modern and sophisticated war machine.


The result of this horrific injustice is that the American legislators who make the laws and distribute the money, have been considering the Palestinian effort to be an illegitimate exercise by a people that deserve no help, while considering the Jewish effort as being a legitimate effort by people who are not usurping what belongs to the Palestinians, but people who are engaged in self-defense. This has led to the slew of Jewish and Israeli-specific laws that impose the Jews on the American people while opening the door of the American treasury to the unlimited flight of military hardware and taxpayer cash to Israel.


Knowing that action speaks louder than words, the Jews of Israel rightly deduced that while the image of Palestinians throwing rocks at Israelis is stuck in the minds of American legislators as being acts of terror, the Israeli use of American-made hi-tech weaponry employed by Israel to inflict mass murder on the Palestinians, is stuck in the minds of American legislators as being the expression of advanced sophistication.


For these reasons, the Jews of Israel know that the more they murder Palestinians in cold blood, the more cold cash will be sent to them from America.


And this is the narrative that will go down in history as the true unfolding of the events that destroyed America morally before destroying it physically.