Sunday, April 3, 2022

A war is a war whether hot, cold or lukewarm

 America needs to get away from the idea that it is the policeman of the world.


This is necessary because whereas America thinks of itself as the enforcer of what’s right, and punisher of what’s wrong, the world thinks of America as the bully that’s terrorizing neighborhoods where the locals want him out of there for good and forever.


Right now, you’ll find many around the globe who believe that the American military is doing to the world what the American police are doing to the colored communities in America. They believe that the situation is made even worse by the fact that when it comes to foreign policy, America has ceased to think for itself. It gave the power to command both its State and Defense Departments to the lobbies that execute the instructions they receive from abroad.


The worrisome part is that the lobbyists have been at it for decades, with each generation passing on the philosophy and methods of operation to the next. What is transferred from the retiring to the rookies are issues that pertain to the interests of such foreign entities as Taiwan, Israel and Cuba as well as a number of other South American and African countries. Because the countries in question can be friendly or unfriendly to America, the policies that result from lobbying vary from case to case.


Despite the heavy foreign elements behind these lobbies, the individuals in charge of them have blended in the American society so well that they manage to make the foreign desires in them, look and sound like authentic American desires. In many instances, those desires translate into pushing America to intervene militarily abroad to score a victory for someone or defeat another for no apparent reason. And this is what draws the warmongers into the effort, be they authentic American “nativists” or American-born foreigners whose hearts belong somewhere else. The only people forgotten in this sorry mess are the Americans who toil to produce the wealth that is squandered by the politicians; those that agitate to send American boys and girls to die in foreign lands for the benefit of other foreigners they never knew and never met.


Reading an article that was written by Tom Ridge, who was at one time America’s Homeland Security Secretary, you’ll get an idea as to how intensely the emotions of these people are pumped up by their handlers when it comes to advocating hatred and punishment for a country like Iran. Tom Ridge’s article came under the title: “Biden risks emboldening terrorism by removing Iran’s Paramilitary from terror list,” published on April 1, 2022 in The Washington Times.


What prompted Tom Ridge to write his article is that he heard rumors to the effect that the Biden administration is thinking of removing Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from the terrorist list that the Jewish and anti-Iran organizations, such as the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), had lobbied to put on the list. In fact, there was no good reason to do this except that at the time, America was presided over by a madman with a mentality that did not exceed working as floor sweeper for his Jewish masters. His tenure had been this low, this disgusting and this disruptive.


What the lobbyists seem to forget is that when America acts in a hostile manner against a country in response to the demands of lobbyists, America effectively declares war on that country. Whether bullets fly or they don’t, the same rules apply without distinction as to whether this is a hot war, a cold war or one that is lukewarm. As to the main rule of war from which all other rules are derived, it is that “all is fair in love and war.” Anyone that is as savage as the other, yet complains about the unfair practices of the other party, should be told that war was never meant to be practiced by children. Go to your room and play with your toys.


Expressed in condensed form, the following is what the anti-Iran lobbyists are complaining about, having completely disregarded that wars are two-way streets where each side prepares as best they can to counter the opponent with whatever weapons are available to them, used in whichever way promises to yield a better result. Here is the childish complaint of the lobbyists:


“The NCRI revealing that the IRGC’s foreign special operations division, the Quds Force, had established a dedicated naval unit with the goal of providing regional proxies the training, equipment, and logistics to expand maritime operations against [enemy] military vessels”.


Speaking for the foreign lobbyists who complain about the progress achieved by Iran in science and technology, Tom Ridge bitterly points out that Iran has a space program for which it produces satellites that can survey the planet from space. As well, Iran produces the rockets that can put those satellites into orbit around the Earth. Instead of congratulating a “Third World” nation for achieving this much this fast, Tom Ridge is allowing himself to be used by a bunch of riffraff characters that hope America would destroy Iran, and hand the ruins to them to do as they wish.


Tom Ridge still cannot make the connection in his head that when America contemplates taking such actions against someone, that someone will want to reciprocate. It may also happen that the foreign entity in America’s crosshairs will beat America to the punch and be first at bloodying America’s nose.


That’s what wars are all about. If you don’t like their outcome, don’t agitate for one, and don’t listen to those who agitate without thinking of the consequences.