Monday, January 2, 2023

He tries to revive an old attempt that faded

Look at the following quote, and give it a long moment of thought as to what it means to you at this point in time, and what it might mean to society in he long run: “Biblically, I believe the reason for this deep animus is because the Jews are God’s chosen people and behind Jew hatred is often a hatred of God”.


This kind of blasphemous talk is not new. It has been and continues to be the way that morally bankrupt Christian pastors suck up to the Jews that have the dirt on them. The Jews blackmail the pastors, ordering that they deliver their flocks to the “love the Jews and Israel movement” or face scandalous revelations that will put an end to their pastoral careers.


To this day, the pastors continue to comply with such orders fearing that doing otherwise will mean goodbye to the highlife they have become accustomed to, and the start of drudgery and misery they could not begin to imagine. Then as now, the pastors preached the new gospel to young Americans, telling them they must worship the Jews because every Jew is a Jesus onto himself/herself.


In fact, this is how the Jews began their conquest of America half a century ago. They lived their heyday in the decades of the sixties and seventies, but their grip on society began a gradual decline when several of the pastors were disgraced, thus rendered unavailable to preach the new gospel. More importantly, the machinations of that episode engendered serious consequences. They caused society to look seriously at the relationship that had developed between politics and religion.


While nobody gained from that examination, there were two losers. Generally speaking, religion lost its standing in America. Specifically, the Jewish causes lost in a big way. This was mostly due to the brazen attempts pushed by the Jewish leaders to take control and monopolize the levers of political power. What this did was contribute mightily to the antisemitism that’s prevalent in the country today.


This is what drew the new Jewish leaders to the scene, determined to salvage the situation. They concentrate their effort on restarting the cycle that allowed their elders to conquer America long ago. Thus, as it happened in the old days, the new Jewish leaders began by working on the new Christian leaders, telling them how to indoctrinate the new generation of young Americans so that they grow up worshiping the Jews as they would Jesus.


You can see how far the Jews have come in this direction by reading the article that came under the title: “Young Americans must oppose antisemitism and support Israel,” written by Donald Sweeting who is chancellor of a Christian University. The article was published on December 26, 2022 in The Washington Times.


Sweeting starts the discussion by observing that antisemitism is on the rise in America and Europe, and blames the Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement for creating the anti-Israel animus on the campus of universities before bleeding to become the expression of antisemitism.


BY making that observation, without explaining why it is okay for humanity to apply BDS against all kinds of jurisdictions but Israel — indeed why the Jews can apply BDS against American citizens in their own country but not Israel — Evangelical Donald Sweeting has demonstrated how morally, intellectually and spiritually bankrupt he is.


And there is worse. You’ll see it as being downright ignorance by the same Evangelical when you encounter quotes such as the montage that follows:


“Why should young evangelical Christians be largely supportive of the state of Israel? Let me provide some answers. I define antisemitism as a hatred of Jews that stretches across centuries and continents. It has been called ‘the hatred that won’t go away.’ It seems that in almost every generation, there are forces that keep trying to eliminate the Jews. In ancient Egypt, Pharaoh tried to destroy them”.


It is clear that this Christian University chancellor is so screwed up mentally, not only is he ignorant about the history and legends that his university is supposedly teaching, he is also challenged when it comes to doing logical reasoning. Here is the evidence: “In ancient Egypt, Pharaoh tried to destroy the Jews.” There is no scripture to this effect. On the contrary, the scripture indicates that Pharaoh loved the Jews so much, he wanted them to stay in Egypt despite the Moses incessant pleading: Let my people go.


Having screwed up his presentation carrying on with a secular argument, Donald Sweeting fell back on his religious argument, repeating what he said earlier, but saying it using different words this time. Here is the new version:


“The reason for the [Jewish] survival is that God still has a plan for them. Consequently, when we join in the antisemitism, we put ourselves on the wrong side of the God of history. So, stand with them and bless them”.


The problem with people who rely on the religious argument to fashion their thinking for them, is that religion has the power to screw up their logic badly. In America, this will cause people such as Donald Sweeting to continue committing the blunders that prevent them from persuading young Americans it is the will of God they should worship the Jews.


What will happen instead is that the youngsters will rely on their own logic to sort out what’s what with the Jews and with Israel. And they’ll go from there to determine how they must interact with the various and diverse actors on the politico-religious stage, be that on campus or off campus.